
Monday, April 23, 2018

Weekend Wrap Up!

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Happy Monday!
I hope you had a great weekend.
Here's what we were up to...

My alarm went off at 5:30 (like normal) but I turned that shit off and reset my alarm for 7:10. I never do that! But this morning, I knew my body needed sleep for two reasons...

1. I had a killer workout the day before and was very sore.
2. I walked 11 miles at work on Thursday and conducted 2 chorus concerts.

Sleeping in that late was cutting it a little close since I had a meeting at 8:00! But by 7:40 I was in my car ready to go!

It was an in-service day, so there were no students at school. After my first meeting, I went to a second meeting that was for the entire staff. An outside agency and officers from the East Pennsboro Police Department talked to us about what to do if there is an active shooter at school. It was very informative but also scary and sad. My mind was envisioning things that I didn't want to envision. (Not like I haven't thought about it before...)

At lunch, I got to leave for the day since a had a 1/2 trade day from attending the Mass Casualty Incident Drill last weekend. It was magical to leave at 11:30 on a Friday!

That afternoon, Paul and I went to see the movie Chappaquiddick. I got the movie times wrong, so we got there a half hour early. To kill time, we walked down to Big Lots and ended up leaving with new sunglasses, garden art (gart) and new patio furniture (not pictured!)

Here are my sunglasses:

These are for "real".

These are for "fun" occasions... like the beach, Knoebels, etc.

And the patio furniture:

Thanks to my mom and dad for picking it up for us! Nothing fits in my little Cobalt!

I can't wait to sit out on the back porch and play cards with Paul on our new table!

When we got home, I checked the mail and found a bunch of trail race applications...

That evening, Paul went out with friends, so I chilled at home and blogged, watched TV, and went to bed early.

It was a great Friday!

Jelly has a new nickname: Bat Boy. This is because he has been going BAT SHIT CRAZY at night! Last night, it sounded like he was purposefully running into the closet door! I have to play dead because his goal is to wake me up and I don't want him to get his way. Then in the morning, he sleeps like an angel...

That morning, I met my dad and my brother to do the Stone Tower Loop run to see The General. This was a very tough run because you had to go up a mountain twice! Here are some cool pictures, but come back tomorrow for a full recap!

On the way to meet my dad and brother, a car full of teenage boys passed me. Their bumper sticker said "Show me your titties". REALLY!?

After our run, we showered and then met my mom and the rest of Tyler's family for lunch at an all you can eat buffet. The food was okay. I mean, it didn't taste bad but it was buffet food.

 Plate #1

Plate #2

Oh, Ellie!

Are you ready for the many faces of Clark!?

After lunch, I walked over to Marshall's I am looking for a purse like this. Why didn't I get this one? Because it was $49.99.

When I got home, I cleaned and did some cooking. Ana and Roger were coming for dinner! Of course I didn't get any pictures! I could just kick myself!  Paul made his yummy chili and I made guac and margaritas. We laughed and chatted with Ana and Roger until pretty late. They are so much fun, I hope we hang out again!
On Sunday morning we decided to go to Lowes to look for a bird feeder and mulch. It was the worst decision ever. Lowes was a shit show. Every little thing was annoying me. Paul couldn't find a bird feeder he liked, so I bought the mulch and we got the hell out of there.

Me on the way home from Lowes, about to kill somebody!

But I was in such a bad mood! I was like, RAGING even though we were at home in the peace and quiet. I had to workout, that was the only thing that was going to make me feel better. I went out front and did two deck of cards workouts in the hot sunshine. That did the trick. I was all better after that.

However, I wasn't quite done with the sunshine! I did a ton of yard work, including mulching and getting out my gart. (Garden art.) Unfortunately, I bought 8 bags of mulch but they only loaded 6 into my car. I got enraged again for a few minutes.

After nearly four hours outside, I was ready to come in. I showered and realized I was quite exhausted. The rest of the night was spent relaxing and trip planning. I have my eye on another race...

Tell me something fun you did this weekend!
Any outdoor projects you are working on?
Do you like buffets?


  1. Yay for getting patio furniture. I know you were looking for just the right set last year. So wait, did you actually pay for 8 bags of mulch? Did you go back for the other 5?
    We put our patio furniture outside too. I can not wait till it is consistently warm out. Perhaps this is the start!!!!

    1. Okay I realized I had a typo. I paid for 8, they loaded 6. The mulch was $2.50 a bag so for five dollars I did not want to go back to Lowes. :(

    2. WOW that's cheap! I wish we had a Lowe's nearby. I guess Home Depot can charge higher prices because we don't have an alternative close by!

    3. They were on sale! From $3.66 down to $2.50. So I bought 8 and only got 6 loaded in to my car... Luckily 6 was enough for my flower beds out front and the weird one in the back. I don't do the mulch super deep.

  2. Megan - I love your yard sign : )
    Your niece and nephew are truly adorable. what expressive faces they have.
    I understand about getting enraged when going on an outing to a place like Lowe's. Sometimes it's not that bad, but man, sometimes it IS a complete sh*^ show!
    enjoy your day! Kristen

    1. Thanks I love the sign too! :) I like when I hear others think my nieces and nephew are cute because I know that I am very biased! Yeah, everyone at Lowes was just up my ass, but that's what we get for going at 11am on a GORGEOUS Sunday!

  3. I forgot Knoebels was an amusement park and thought it was a grocery store for a second. I was like fun sunglasses for grocery shopping, okay! I should try that! :D

    I am surprised that little bag was $50 at Marshall's. It must be made from real leather and that sucks anyway. I am sure you'll be able to find another one for much cheaper! Search "crossbody bag" on Amazon for some options.

    This one just came up for me:


    2. Ohh i like this one:

    3. Hahaha yes Knoebels is the place I wear my shortest jean shorts, brightest sunglasses, and cat tank tops because... why not!?

      Yes the bag at Marshall's was made with real leather but I really don't need to it be real leather. OMG I LOVE ALL THE LINKS YOU SENT ME! The one for $10 is real leather. How!? I'm going to buy one.

    4. I saw that about the leather, I think they are lying haha!

    5. Sometimes when you buy bags on Amazon they can be really small. I would check the dimensions before ordering one!

      I once ordered a backpack and it was soooooo tiny! I had to send it back haha!

    6. Oh don't worry, I got out my ruler and outlined it on a piece of paper before buying it. I got black and if I like it I will get brown. I got the first link you sent me.

  4. We have that same patio furniture -- only we got it at Lowes or Home Depot or something like that so I'm sure we paid a lot more for it.

    Not a fan of buffets. Of course my husband, who wants the most bang for his buck, is.

    Mulching is a real workout! Unfortunately I had no time for working in the yard this weekend.

    1. It's a nice set isn't it? Mulching is a lot of hard work!

  5. It must be springtime in the air. Allie's been having crazy time too, and she was zooming around the downstairs yesterday, so fast she miss-timed her jump and almost missed the dining room table. Then she looked at me like she meant to do that, and sprawled out on the placemats.

  6. We were too distracted drinking and laughing to remember to take pictures, and in essence that is the sign that we really enjoyed the dinner!! We didn't need evidence, we just needed the memories. Thank you for having us!

    I love Chinese/ Asian buffets! but only my dad likes them, and he is not always available to go to them.
