
Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday 5: Running is supposed to be simple!

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Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

The Friday 5 format has changed a bit. We can still list "5 Things" on a certain topic, or we can write a short blog post that takes 5 minutes or less to read.

Today, I just have a short one for ya!

Running is supposed to be simple! They say all you need to do is throw on your running shoes, step out your front door, and hit the streets.

But lately, I have been noticing it is not so simple anymore! Before I go for a run, I need to consider:

Is my Garmin charged?

Are my wireless headphones charged?

Is my phone charged?

Did I download new podcasts?

I remember the days when I would run with a no skip Discman. I remember the days when I ran without a Garmin and only had my MP3 player to worry about charging. I remember the days when there wasn't so much planning going into a run! 

Technology definitely can make running more interesting and fun, but it can also make it more complicated!
How many techno gadgets must you worry about before a run!?


  1. You are so right. Now days if I don't have all my gadgets with me on a run I wonder if that run really counted...haha

  2. When I first started running, I didn't have any kind of watch at all! I got an iPod mini a couple months in, and eventually I bought a $15 watch that had a timer on it and use that to track my runs, but I never really knew how far I was going. Running is more complicated now but I like it better!

    1. I had a timer watch for awhile too! I was very content with that at the time.

  3. I had this thought as I lined up for my race last weekend. I couldn't get a signal on my Garmin and I couldn't tell if my wireless headphones were connected. Then my Garmin kept counting off laps--it was so annoying. I just ignored it and focused on the race.

    Back in the day, I used to run witn only a watch! No headphones. Nada.

    1. I think I always ran with either music or headphones. I used to carry a no skip discman lol.

      Garmins not cooperating during a race is the worst.

  4. I completely agree! I used to run with nothing! Imagine that

    1. I bet every sport has gotten more high maintenance as technology has improved.

  5. It definitely can become complicated! I don't run with headphones during the week so its a little easier to get out the door. But before a long run if I want to listen to a podcast I feel like there is so much to think about!

    1. Why don't you listen to anything during the week? Are your runs shorter? Want to stay safe on your route?

  6. A lot to worry about indeed! Garmin, phone, sunscreen, water oh my!

    1. Oh yeah I forgot to cover the essentials... water and sunscreen lol.

  7. I run only with a $10 watch that I bought at Target (and sunscreen). I like to run by feel.

    1. Sunscreen is so important! I run by feel as far as pace but I do like that my Garmin tells me how far I went.

  8. Hey, you can still run with no headphones or watch- I've done it. I think people do over complicate it though. I think marathon training is the most over complicated thing ever with different "plans" and how people argue over the best ways to train (when really, that's different for every person... the best way to train is what gets you to the start line uninjured and the finish line smiling and happy).

    1. I would much rather run without a watch than my podcasts. These days I'm basically using my watch to tell me how far I went. I'll upload it to Garmin connect so my 3 Garmin friends know what I am up to lol. (My 3 friends are my dad, my brother, and one other blogger!) I agree on your take on the best plan being what works for you. My marathon PR happened when I was only running 4-5 days a week and never really went over 40 miles a week. For me, overdoing it just does not work. (Which I learned when I tried Hansons.)

  9. Just my Garmin & my phone, because I don't run with music. And if the phone died, it wouldn't be the end of the world. :)

    1. You know I don't think my phone has ever died on a run! I think I know that if I didn't have my podcasts, I would be sad. My wireless headphones have died, but then at that point I just turn up the volume on my phone and listen without headphones.

  10. I remember that no skip discman. I would hold it the entire run and have to switch hands when I got all sweaty. I do have to make sure my Garmin and iPod are charged, and sometimes I forget. Then it's interesting to see if I can complete my run before the battery runs out.

    1. Oh the good old days of the discman! It's funny looking back on that and it wasn't *that* long ago.

  11. I definitely agree that running can get more complicated the more gadgets you use, lol!

  12. My list is the same as yours! I go on mini-rants every few weeks about how my life is just one big cycle of making sure everything is charged, haha. I haven't been running lately and this weekend I wanted to go for 1.5 miles and I wanted to do it FAST. But my Garmin was so beyond dead that it had reset the date and time. I was annoyed at my reliance on technology but darn it, I charged it long enough to last 1.3 miles... and I stopped as soon as it died.

    1. "one big cycle to make sure everything is charged" lol. Hey, I think you designed a new speed workout... Run as far as you can before your Garmin dies!

  13. Am I the last dinosaur who will run with no Garmin or tunes?? I don't usually but it doesn't bother me to be tech-free. OMG the Discman! I had the bright yellow "sport" model!

    1. HA I love that your "sport" model was yellow! I would rather ditch the watch than my podcasts.

  14. So true! When I started running more seriously, all of the gadgets were out so I am so used to running with music and my Garmin watch that I don't know if I could run without one, or both!

    1. Which one would you rather run without if you had to?

  15. I've had this thought too! I always run with my phone and sometimes my EarPods. Now that I wear an Apple watch, it's not extra because I wear it all day, but I do have to "start" my run on the watch when it used to just be my feet ;)

    1. Haha does the run even count if we don't start our watches? :)

  16. I go through the same exact process, except it's more like "do I have my Garmin, do I have my headphones, etc." Everything is always charged because I am CRAZY about that kind of thing and plug everything in to charge as soon as I'm done using it. I think you're supposed to let the battery drain sometimes to improve it's life but I can't help it, if someone is sitting out unplugged it honestly gives me anxiety!

    1. If we had more chargers and plugs I think I would always be charging too. Luckily my Garmin lasts for freaking ever. Do you have a wireless charger to keep in your purse?

  17. I think with all the advances in technology, we have become co-dependent on it. I'm kind of a tech moron, so I don't use much other than my Shuffle. My Garmin pretty much is reserved for long runs or races.

    1. Yeah I feel like my Garmin does so much and I only use 5% of what it can actually do! I am not too "techy" either.

  18. Lately, just my phone and Garmin, but they're usually good to go. :) Soon, I'll start listening to music again when I run, so I'll need to start charging that as well. I like the idea of running "naked" but then I like the safety of having my phone with me - in case I ever need it.

    1. Yeah I think it is always a good idea to have a phone on your, just in case!

  19. I remember when I used to run with a timex watch and no music! I did that for YEARS. Now I have my Garmin which I wear 24x7 so it's always ready to go and I also listen to music or podcasts. When I run, I prefer my nano and when I swim I have a shuffle and on my bike, I listen to podcasts on my phone (I need a phone in case I get a flat!!)

  20. One think I love about my Garmin Fenix is that the charge lasts a long time -- I do still have to check it though. And, one reason I haven't taken the plunge with wireless headphones is the need to have one more thing charged. I get so frustrated when my gear isn't ready to go when I am.

    1. Yeah I am not a fan of my wireless headphones but my wired ones were freezing and the cord was breaking during the cold winter temps. Crazy, right!?

  21. Now I make sure my Garmin and phones are charged. To me those are the items (technology) that I need to have before heading out on a run.
