
Saturday, March 10, 2018

Weekly Workouts!

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My plan was to run a lot less this week. Mission accomplished!

Also, I tested out the old shoulder with some lifting. It went okay but it still feels weird, so I will hold off for another week or so. I hope I don't lose too much muscle.

Saturday- Naked Bavarian 20(.68) mile trail race. This was a very well put on race! I was tired by Mile 4 but managed to finish without walking except for the hills. You can read my full recap here.

Sunday- Rest! Still pretty creaky from yesterday.

Monday- Rest! I could have slept until 7:00 but Jelly woke me up at 4:47. I worked on a puzzle until it was time to get ready for work.

Tuesday- 6 neighborhood miles. I was going to rest, but I knew we were getting lots of snow on Wednesday so I opted to run today and rest tomorrow. This was my first run post 20 miler and I felt awesome! The only bad part was Jelly woke me up at 3:50. What a freaking crappy start to a Tuesday.

Wednesday- 6 angry miles. Angry because I wanted a snow day and didn't get one. This is the last time you will see the sun out on a morning run picture for a long time. After the time change on Sunday, it will be dark up until the time I leave for work!

Thursday- Lifting upper body @ home. This was my first time lifting in almost two weeks. I wanted to test out my shoulder. I did push ups, shoulder press, row, and bicep curls. I used very light weights- only 15lb and I did 3 sets. I didn't want to push anything. My shoulder still felt a little weird, so I'm going to hold off on lifting for another week. But I didn't get sore, so that is good. I also did some core and glute work. Honestly, I felt like running but I vowed to run less this week.

Friday- 6 mid morning neighborhood miles. Despite sleeping until 9 and drinking 3 cups of coffee, I could tell 5 steps into my run that I was going to be sooooo sloooow today. It's fine, I had the time and no records I was trying to break.

How were your workouts this week?
Will the time change affect your running?


  1. Well dang, you're still running more miles than me! I think I'll break 25 this week though, so there's that! Oh yeah, I forgot about the time change. Guess I'll need to wake up a little earlier to get my run done.

    1. 25 is a nice amount. :) I am not looking forward to losing an hour tonight!

  2. I'm excited about the time change because I'm not a morning runner and usually run after work. I'm more likely to go to the group runs when it's light outside. You had some great workouts and mileage for a down week too but I hope you have recovered from the trail run! I think the personal day from work was a great idea :).

    1. This is definitely the time of year evening runners can rejoice! My legs are definitely still tired but my body doesn't hurt so I am happy about that. Tomorrow I'm going to rest from running and see how the 'ol shoulder feels.

  3. I hate when you expect to have a snow day and the it barely snows! We ended up with a delay on Wednesday which I was happy enough with. I feel like I can get so much done in those extra 2 hours!

    1. Yeah I don't normally get stuff done in those two hours, I just look at it as 2 less hours having to be stressed at work!

  4. Do you feel you ever catch up on your sleep? I feel Jelly is always waking you up.

  5. Wow, so many miles even after that 20 miler... you're my hero.
