
Friday, March 30, 2018

I'm signed up for 5 Races!

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Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

It's kind of crazy, but I am currently signed up for 5 races! They're nearly all trail races and I do not intend to "race" any of them.

Here's what's on my schedule!

1. Buck Ridge Burn. (April) My friend Jen puts on this race in Pine Grove Furnace State Park. I ran it several years ago and I remember it was tough! However, I did a cartwheel as I crossed the finish line. Should I do that again?

2. Ultra Race of Champions 25k. (May) We're spending a weekend in Charlottesville, VA. This race will take me through the Blue Ridge Mountains. I can't wait!

3. Catamount Ultra 25k. (June) My MIL ran this race a couple years ago and had great things to say about it. Paul and I have been wanting to go back to Vermont, so running this race in Stowe was a great excuse to spend a couple days there this summer.

4. Double Trouble 30k. (July) I've been wanting to run the Double Trouble in French Creek State Park for years! If I don't feel like running 30k that day, I can opt for the 15k. This park has a disc golf course, so maybe Paul will come along.

5. Bird in Hand Half Marathon (September) Ana has only good things to say about this race. It's on the road and it's expensive, but apparently it's worth every penny.

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What races are you signed up for?
Have you run any of these races?


  1. Sounds like you have a fun summer of running and traveling ahead of you. I will continue my tradition of doing one race each month this summer except my races will only be 5ks...haha

    1. Nice! I love summer running... since we have off. :)

  2. You should def do a cart wheel across the finish line! Make sure someone gets video of it :)

    That's so cool that there is a disc golf park where you're running the other race. Is disc golf really popular up there? It was never popular here. I had never even heard of it until you mentioned Paul liked it. Adam and his dad have been playing for a couple years now and they love it and have gotten really good at it. They go every Saturday morning to play now, and Adam has started practicing in our park. Last week he was out there practicing and two other guys were also out there practicing. He said they were in their early-mid 20s and really nice. I feel like it's gaining in popularity here ... based on these two guys lol!

    1. I will try! I don't think DG is as popular here as it is in like Colorado or the West Coast. But there are several courses around here. I don't know anyone who DGs except Paul and his friend Bob.

  3. Good luck on those races! I don't run races, I just run for me but I love the community around the races.

    1. I love trail races because it makes me feel safe running in a new area/on a new trail that I wouldn't normally get to run on.

  4. Looks like you have some fun races on the calendar for Spring/Summer!

  5. Vermont is a great place to visit. I hated living there (many decades ago), but it is a great place to visit -- especially Stowe!

    I am signed up for 2 halfs and an 18.12 mile race this year. I hope to do another half but not sure it will happen.

    There will be some shorter races, too, I tend to wait on those most of the time.

    1. Why did you hate living there? Our best friends are moving there and we are so sad! It's so far away. 18.12 miles is an interesting distance. What's the story behind that?

  6. These all sound great! I don't have any races scheduled, but I was just told about a 5k in late May that I will probably sign up for. It sounds like you are going to have a busy spring/summer of running!

    1. Yeah! I am excited. And I'm not training for anything. Just running for fun. Trail races are so chill anyway.

  7. You're gonna be busy! I remember reading Ana's review (or at least reading her comments about it) of the Bird in Hand race last year. It sounds intriguing and I think it's near (?) where our daughter is (she's in Hanover).

    1. Hi Kim! Hanover is about 1hour and 15 min from Hanover. It's a nice drive through Lancaster. Did you ever find a race to run in PA?

  8. Those sounds like good -- and challenging -- races. I am signed up for three races right now -- all between now and mid-May.

    1. That's a lot! I hope they're fun. The races will be challenging but I'm just running for "fun".

  9. You are doing so many races this year! I feel so happy for you!

    I am considering the buck ridge burn, but only the 5K. My body is not ready to run that half marathon and that elevation!

    1. You should do the half and just take your time!

  10. I am almost always a 'last-minute'-racer. I have only signed up for 1 (officially) so far, but I have my eye on a few more.

    I haven't run any of the races you mentioned.

    1. I'm usually a list minute signer upper as well.

  11. See you at Buck Ridge Burn on Sunday!!! :)
