
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

I need to run less.

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Guys, over the last 8 days, I have run 60 miles!

What the WHAT!?

There is no reason I should be running that much!

I've enjoyed all the runs... a half marathon trail race, a 20 mile trail race, a run on the AT with a friend, and a couple of neighborhood runs... I loved them all. But now it's time to rest.

After my race on Saturday, I ate a lot of food and I took it easy. I rested on Sunday and Monday. I was going to rest on Tuesday, but I really felt like running. Plus we are getting a snowstorm today (Wednesday) so I figured it would make more sense to run on Tuesday and rest on Wednesday.

I felt surprisingly good on my Tuesday run. For as sore and creaky as I felt the last half of the Naked Bavarian, I felt awesome on Tuesday. I guess two days off and a lot of eating served me well.

My plan is to run on Thursday and maybe on Friday. That will bring me to 38 miles for the week, which is plenty!

Next week I will try to keep it around 30-35 miles as well.

I don't want this old body to break down on me.
What's the most amount of miles you have run in a week or so?

When is the last time you purposefully had a down week?


  1. Wow, 60 miles is a lot in 8 days! I remember training for a marathon and hitting a few 60 mile weeks but I don't think I could do that anymore. Now I run around 20-25 per week and pay be able to push it a bit higher, but probably not too much. Its always good to have a down week once in awhile!

    1. I can't do it on the reg, that is for sure. That s why I'm trying to be cognizant and take it down a couple notches.

  2. That's a lot of running, but at least you enjoyed it!

    I'm having a down week right now! (certainly not because i've been running so much

    1. Haha! Yes I did enjoy it and did feel pressured so that is good.

  3. That's a lot of miles. I don't like saying people need to run less, but I do think it's important for runs to have a purpose and balance. Plus recovery- a half marathon or 20 miler is a LOT of time on your feet and even doing it for fun, if you increase activity so quickly you can get hurt.

    I'm actually jealous that you ran 60 miles in a week. I'd give anything to be able to do that (but at the same time, wouldn't just start doing that without building up to it). Injuries suck.

    1. If I ran like this all the time I would definitely get injured, so don't be jealous! Actually I would probably start to hate running if I did this on the reg. My dream would be to be able to run 30-35 miles a week and never get injured! Oh if only!

  4. Hey, that's a good thing that you felt great! I can't remember the last time I said "I ran 60 miles", but I can think of every day that I say "old body" and "break down" in the same sentence :) Hopefully I'll get back to that mileage one of these days. 62 was my highest mileage week in marathon training - but it was due to some extra runs that week. You know, back in my BQ days. haha!

    1. I remember my BQ days too... Now it's more like, can I just enjoy running without injuring myself??

  5. I think that as long as you enjoyed it, are healthy and are not doing it to bun off calories, do what makes you happy !

    I purposely took off a whole week in November of last year, my entire body was resenting running, I was just tired. I spent my time reading books and doing all the things I had ignored because I was running. The following week, when I went back to running, it felt amazing!

    1. It sounds like your recharge was perfect! I don't know if I could do that voluntarily. I would start to feel "fat". :( I know, not good.

  6. 60 miles in 8 days? That's an average monthly mileage for me. You're a crazy lady!;)

    1. This isn't normal for me! If I keep doing it, then you can call me crazy.
