
Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The Only Valentine's Day I Remember!

Paul and I have been together for 12 Valentine's Days! Since we don't have any yearly traditions, I only remember one Valentine's Day we spent together, and I actually think it was our first one! I lived in an apartment in Camp Hill and he lived with his parents in Middletown. Over Valentine's Day weekend, we got a huge snowstorm. He was supposed to come to my place, but he didn't, due to the roads being bad. Get this- I got angry! I was mad that he wasn't coming! How irrational of me. Hey, I was only twenty-three.

Paul and I, about a month after we met...

Aw, I remember that jean jacket. I wonder where it went?

The only other thing I remember about that weekend is that I had to walk to the Weis store to buy a shovel so I could dig out my car. Weis was over a mile away. I know that doesn't sound far, but it was a mile through the snow and the slush! I had to walk there and back and then spend hours digging out my car.

Man, I'm glad I have a car port and I don't have to dig out my car anymore! I do have to dig out my driveway but that seems so much more manageable for some reason...

For Valentine's Day, I found this cute survey from The Blended Blog.

Hugs or kisses? Hugs. I don't want to mess up my makeup.

Candy or flowers? Flowers are pretty but they are so expensive. I say candy!

Baking or cooking? Lately, cooking.

Do you remember your first kiss? I do! I was 17, and it was wonderful!

Favorite color of roses? No favorite.

Conversation hearts, yes or no? Those are gross!

Do you leave love notes? We're more likely to hide funny pictures around the house. We hide my friend Randy's senior picture all the time. "You got Randied!" we say.

Do you decorate for Valentine's Day? No. I save all of my energy for Christmas.

Red or Pink? Pink.

White, Milk, or Dark Chocolate? Milk.

Do you believe in love at first sight? No. Although the first night I met Paul, I called my mom to tell her I met the man I was going to marry. How did I know that!? I didn't know that. Just coincidence.

Do you give humorous or serious Valentine's Day cards? Humoerous.

Favorite chick flick? I love While You Were Sleeping and You've Got Mail.

Stay in or go out? I'M OLD. STAY IN!!!
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Any memorable V-day stories to share?
Favorite chick flick?


  1. I think I remember that valentine's day where we got all the snow! I was newly married and for some reason scott and I decided to go see my great aunt (who is widowed). There was so much snow! We decided to go get us all subway and take it back to her house! Although it was a great valentine's day with the two of them, Scott and I always tease about our "subway valentine's day", how romantic,,,haha! That was also the year my aunt introduced me to the cherry cordial Hershey kisses!!!!

    So now you have to tell us the story about Randy!!!!

    1. There's no Randy story, I just literally still have his senior picture from high school and sometimes we hide it around the house and when notices it we say "you got randied" hehehe.

  2. "You got Randied!" THAT IS THE BEST!!!!!

    1. Could you and Max please start hiding an old picture of me so you can get "Meganed"?

  3. I love your answer for the love at first sight question. I spent the first 6 months of my relationship with my husband quoting the Radiohead poster he had in his room “fond but not in love” because I was so certain I couldn’t marry him since the first time we were introduced he straight up ignored me, so there was no way it could be love at first sight, and that’s what my 20-something brain demanded!

    1. That's funny! I bet there are a lot of people who are married who did NOT experience love at first sight.

  4. Our Valentine's Day consists of going to Waffle House for dinner! It's a diner and kinda cheesy but they decorate and light candles. You have to make a reservation and all. Our first Valentine's Day, Clay got me flowers and cooked for me and that's how I knew he was a keeper! I love the throwback pic of you and Paul.

    1. I remember your Waffle House dates! It sounds like Clay treats you like a queen!

  5. Don't we look so young!? They were giving away chocolate covered strawberries as Weis last night.

  6. I do not believe in love at first sight even though I did really like what I saw when I first laid eyes on Adam! Wait, maybe I do believe in love at first sight, because I told my mom I didn't want to adopt another cat and then she sent me a pic of Cecil and I *instantly* agreed to adopt him :D

    My most memorable V-Day was the first with Adam in 2005 because we stayed at a hotel and his car got stolen from the parking lot. Tough to forget that haha!

    1. Oh love at first sight is definitely a thing with cats. :) Did you ever write a detailed story about that V-day?

  7. AWw! you both are so cute! was Paul's hair blond?

    I don't believe in love at first sight, and the most memorable Valentines day for me, was when I was in college. My roommate and I went to dinner and to see the Vagina Monologues. It was the most relaxed Valentine's day I can remember.

    1. I guess it was blonde! Omg I never saw VM! I bet it was great.

  8. That's a sweet picture. Look at your long hair!

    J and I don't celebrate Valentine's Day either.

    1. Do you do cards or anything? We'l do that and some candy. We always say we'll go out to eat some other time when it's not crowded but forget. :)
