
Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, Dear Readers!

Do you have any New Year traditions? I am trail running this morning (not a tradition) and then going to my Uncle Rick's for pork and sauerkraut (definitely a tradition!) Is pork and sauerkraut a PA thing or do people all over the country to it? Let me know!

Okay, when I said I'm going for a trail run, I should preface it by saying that if I'm NOT sick, I'm trail running. Guys, I was sick leading up to Christmas and now I am sick leading up to the new year.

What does bronchitis feel like? I think I have it. I had a cold leading up to Christmas, and now most of the nose blowing has gone away but I have a raspy, mucus-y cough, I am tired. On my run yesterday, my legs felt fine but cardio wise I could barely breath! Is that was this is or do I just keep getting colds?

I have been getting sick so much this year. I'm SO OVER having sore throats, headaches, runny noses, coughs. I'm TIRED of being TIRED. It sucks to not feel 100% and I haven't felt 100% in awhile.

Okay, I meant for this post to celebrate the new year, instead I am complaining! Let me end on something positive... All of my INDOOR Christmas decorations have been put away! It is always a relief to have that all done and have a clean house before going back to work.
Is pork and sauerkraut a tradition in your parts?
When do you take down your Christmas decorations?
What does bronchitis feel like?


  1. I read recently any cold that is in your chest is technically bronchitis, because bronchitis is technically just the inflammation of your bronchials. If that’s the case, I’ve had bronchitis since before Christmas (when really, I think it’s just a nagging cough). The one time I knew I had bronchitis, it definitely felt like an elephant sitting on my chest and there was a mighty high fever that went along with it. And yet that didn’t stop me from going on a road trip with my friends across the frozen prairies. Oh to be 17 again. Our Christmas decorations come down in a few hours and I will be glad for it. As joyful as they are, the bright loud colours get to me after a while and I miss my minimalist-loving blank spaces.

    1. Oh yeah we could get away with so much when we were young, right??

      I'm with you, it is nice to have all of our decorations down. It seems like the house is so empty though!

  2. I had a cold since Wednesday and now its just an annoying cough. This is the first time Ive been sick in a long time (like 2 years Think?) and I blame it on traveling on a plane and not sleeping/eating well when I was away. The cold weather isn't helping either. I was so tired all week and felt like I couldnt be as productive as planned over the break. I hope you are feeling better and can trail run! Happy New Year!

    1. I hope you are feeling better, Lisa. I rested all day today so hopefully I will be good for work tomorrow.

  3. Happy new year's day! I hope you are starting to feel a little bit better if not I would take off work. Bronchitis can be really contagious and you'll get better faster if you can rest. I remember one year as a kid I had to take TWO WEEKS off of school because I had such bad bronchitis ... and then I went back to school and caught it again from another kid whose parents sent him to school even though he was sick. I then had to take another week off of school. It was crazy! My parents would have to go to the school and pick up work for me to do at home!

    I hate bronchitis I know it's the worst. Drink lots of tea if you like hot tea and rest up!

    1. I'm so frustrated Kristina. It seems like I have been sick on and off for the past two months. :( I went to the Dr. today but there was a two hour wait.

  4. I didn't run either cause I felt like crap. See, we are smart cookies for listening to our bodies. ;)

  5. I hope you can get back to the doctor to get it checked. When I get sick it is mainly in my sinuses but a few years back Rick got pneumonia and wow, he was very sick. Please don't mess around with it because I want you to be healthy.

  6. Are you stressed more than normal? I've been, and some coworkers, and something is definitely going around. I've picked up two bugs between October and December, and I'm usually fine.

    My New Year's tradition is to watch the Rose Parade. The floats are always incredible.

  7. Being sick sucks, there's no pretty way to say it. I can't believe you still worked out with a cough like that.
    I haven't run in three weeks because I was sick (and I still don't feel a 100%). Feel better!

    1. Aw I didn't realize you were sick for so long. :( Take care.
