
Saturday, December 2, 2017

Weekly Workouts

Here are my workouts for the week!

Saturday- Rest. Race tomorrow!

Sunday- Dirty Bird 30k. It was a great day on the trail at French Creek State Park. I surprised myself with second in my age group! Check out my race recap here.

Monday- Rest. I sat on my ass ALL DAY doing puzzles! It was wonderful! I wasn't too sore but obviously wanted to take a rest day after such a long race.

Tuesday- Chest @ home. My new thing this year is watching Morning Joe while I lift. I love Joe and Mika!

Wednesday- 6 neighborhood miles. I was so ready to run today! I had a great podcast, most of my neighbors had their Christmas lights on, and I had on a brand new pair of shoes. Life is good!

Thursday- 6 miles. I was slow and didn't have a lot of energy but I still enjoyed my run. Does that ever happen to you? You know you're just plodding along but you are still enjoying every second of it?

Friday- Lifting back at home. I feel like I am getting stronger with my pull ups!

How were your workouts this week?


  1. A run with new shoes, Christmas lights and a podcast sounds wonderful! I recently discovered listening to podcasts while I run and I love it! I really like How I Built This.

    1. I will check into that podcast. If you ever need recs, I know the best news podcasts, true crime podcasts, and reality tv podcasts. ;)
