
Monday, December 18, 2017

Weekend Wrap Up!


Happy Monday!
I hope you had a great weekend.
We actually had a pretty good one up in here!

I love Fridays! My day started with a freezing cold run. Then I headed to work. I wore tall boots but underneath, my socks didn't match!

This is what I have been having for lunch all week:

It was a rough school day. Here is a before and after picture. The first picture is me at my morning duty. The second is after my last class of the day left and I broke into my prize box of candy.

On my way home from work, I saw the giant snowman again. I really want this! Paul says no.

That evening, I auditioned for Godspell at Gettysburg Community Theater. I spent about 30 minutes just deciding what to wear! Then I practiced my song and hit the road.

It had snowed earlier in the day so the roads were wet. Since it was so cold out, I was very afraid of ice. Luckily it didn't seem slippy. I drove slow and stayed in the right lane. Unfortunately, when I was about halfway there, I almost had to turn around. My windshield was getting so foggy and I couldn't see anything. I was panicking. Everything was blurry and I wondered if there was something wrong with me. I got off at the next exit and cleaned the inside and outside of my windshield. Then I realized I had my defroster on the wrong setting. Holy shit, that was stressful.

I felt like my audition went really well but the director didn't ask any of us to stay and read for parts, so I left feeling very confused! The whole audition night for all of us (about 15) only lasted 40 minutes. I didn't expect a call and so far I haven't gotten one.

Something weird happened on the drive home. I started feeling very sick. Tired, cold, and achy. I was going to be so pissed if I was sick all weekend! I went home, ate dinner, and was in bed by nine. I didn't feel good at all.

Luckily, I woke up on Saturday morning feeling just fine. I guess all I needed was a good night of sleep! I ended up getting up at 5:30, but that was okay with me because I felt rested. I surprised the kitties with a round of treats, then I watched the news and blogged my little fingers off.

I had a "down home breakfast". Jelly grabbed a piece of turkey bacon right off my plate! He usually wants nothing to do with people food. I broke him off a couple little pieces and he loved it. Anything for my little boy.

By now it was only 8:30, but I was ready to get started with my day. I ran some errands- Giant, Aldi, and the wine and spirits shop.

Aldi hair!

This wine was recommended to me by a parent of one of my piano students. I can't wait to try it!

On my way to Aldi I saw this stupid truck...

I forgot to get Paul shredded wheat, so I quickly ran into Big Lots. I "happened" to notice all of their outdoor Christmas decorations were 50% off. I could not help myself. For just $17, I got this 8 foot Santa. I knew we may not be able to put it up this year, but it would be a good back up for when one of my inflatables bites the dust.


When I got home, I did round one of cooking. I made roasted chickpeas and roasted cauliflower. Then I went to the library and picked up this book recommended by Ana. I can't wait to read it.

Seen on the way home... The universe was trying to counteract the Trump/Pence bumper sticker I saw earlier in the day...

Then I came home and started round two of cooking. I made sweet potato fries, stuffed pepper casserole, and peanut butter fudge.

At 5:15, Paul and I had a HOT DATE. We turned on the Christmas lights, played Christmas music, cracked a bottle of wine, and played cards in our jammies. Being married is GREAT! I didn't even have to shave my legs.

Then we headed over to Harrisburg to check on Bitty Bot. She hissed, but I still fed her, gave her fresh water, and treats!

This morning, I started a puzzle! I think I have done it twice already. Oh well, an oldie but a goodie.

Then I dropped Paul off at the gym and headed over to Hampden Park for a cold 6 miles. When I was done, I waited in Planet Fitness for Paul.

After showering and getting all cute, we headed to Grantville to try out J&P Winery. Guys, I cannot stress how good this winery is! They had a ton of sweet wines, which were right up our ally. The people who worked there were so nice, and even though the tastings were 6 for $5, they pretty much had us try every wine on the menu! Then we bought a bottle to share and played cards. I brought food along so we had dinner too. I can't wait to go back!

Omg I have a haircut tomorrow and I NEED IT.

On the way home, I surprised Paul by driving past two houses that had some epic Christmas lights!

If you live in the area, you have to hit up 5780 Stillwell Court, Harrisburg. Their light display is synced to music on their very own radio station! It was crazy! They have a donation box out for the Make A Wish Foundation, so if you go by, bring a couple bucks.

The second place you have to try is 4104 Lisa drive, Linglestown. This is the house where you can walk around the perimeter to check out all the inflatables. The guy must have 50 inflatables, I'm not kidding! It was a shit show, but the good kind of shit show!

What a great night! When we got home, I worked on my puzzle and Paul watched football.
Are there any crazy Christmas lights in your area?
Local peeps: Have you tried J&P Winery?
Tell me something fun you did this weekend!


  1. You guys always do so many fun things over the weekends! I feel like in the winter I have no motivation to leave the house. Ive had Apothic Red wine before and really liked it!

    1. We didn't even plan any of this stuff (except my audition), we just played it by ear. I did NOT want to have plans, I just wanted a chill weekend, but then on Sunday we felt like getting out there and doing something. I am excited to try the Apothic Red!

  2. What fun Christmas lights! We haven't seen too many yet but then again I haven't been out much after dark..hehe.
    We had a family Christmas party last night and that was lots of fun!

    Hey, tell me about your pepper casserole.

    1. Here is how I make it... I don't measure anything except the rice!

      1 cup of brown rice (cook it)
      lots of ground turkey
      lots of multi colored peppers and onions (saute in pan with oil!)
      spaghetti sauce
      salt, pepper, and garlic to taste
      cheddar cheese!

      Mix it all together. Put it in the oven for a little to melt the cheese.

    2. Do you cut the peppers in strips? I've done stuffed peppers before but not a casserole!

    3. I do strips and then slice them even smaller so they are just like little squares. You could do it however you want.

  3. Your post makes me want to go look at Christmas lights ASAP! I love the fun decorations and it's even better when they have music to go along with it. I think I will go look at them one day this week and get hot chocolate too.

    You always have epic weekends (Agreeing with Lisa). Love that you pile so much stuff in but you deserve it after a week of teaching and being so busy.

    1. The funny thing is we didn't even plan any of this stuff- I didn't really want to have any plans or have to set my alarm. But we did end up having fun. :)

      Have fun looking at Christmas lights!! :)

  4. A friend of mine brought the Apothic Red wine over to our apartment this weekend. I've heard so many good things and can't wait to open it and try it. Hopefully it's good! SOunds like such a great weekend.

    1. We'll have to share our thoughts on the wine once we try it!

  5. When I buy my big ass truck, I'm going to paint a picture of Hillary Clinton on the back!! it's going to shame all other big trucks that have a trump sticker.

    Love your Bernie sock!

    Did Paul made a decision on the Santa?

    There used to be a house close to us that used to do a HUGE Christmas light display. But they didn't put them up this year, not a single light! we were sad.

    1. Do you want a big truck? I could actually see you driving one! I don't know where my other Bernie sock got to. It's somewhere in my dresser. :) Paul said I can put up santa IF I take down something else... I'm not done negotiating but then again should I press my luck???

    2. I learned how to drive on a truck, I'll dig out a picture if I can find one. It's a very long explanation, but my family was brought up to think that Trucks are the best car to have.

      good luck with negotiations... try the "this will make me very happy" line.

  6. A friend of ours just gave us a bottle of the Apothic red recently too. I haven't tried it yet but I've heard good things. I love your description of married people dates, so true! But so much less stressful and more fun :)

    1. I agree! I mean, yes it is not as "exciting" as it used to be but it is nice just to stay in and be comfortable. :)

  7. Our next door neighbors are the people in our neighborhood with the biggest light display! Which actually ticks me off because I thought we had finally got a nice display at our house, and then they had to move in and downplay ours! Jerks. haha!!

    1. It must be hard to keep up with the Jones'! I did feel bad for the other people in the neighborhood because their houses looked lovely but obviously couldn't hold a candle to the craziness of the house with all the inflatables.

  8. Ugh to the Trump/Pence bumper sticker!
    I love that you took advantage of the outdoor decorations sale - I would have done the same thing!

    1. Yes now I just have to stop myself from getting the POST Christmas sale decorations. I know in my heart I don't need anymore but it's not about need at this point... :)

  9. Oh my gosh those LIGHTS! I literally LOL'd at the inflatables being a shit show, but the good kind of shit show! I have a single inflatable in my yard, ha! Bummer you aren't sure how your audition went, Godspell is one of my favorite shows. The kitty you were feeding reminds me of my parents old cat. So cute! Hope you had a good Monday and start to your week!
    The Beth Next Door

    1. I know, I love your lone unicorn! I don't think anything else should go up by the unicorn, it is special all in itself.

  10. My neighborhood is crazy with lights, but it's still been fun. I will start taking some decorations down since I'll be at my parents' place starting Thursday night (hopefully - it's supposed to snow Thursday). I love seeing the lights and it makes me happy.

    1. I am feeling sad about taking all of our Christmas decorations down.
