
Friday, December 8, 2017

Friday 5: RANDOM!

Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

Today, I'm going to share 5 random things about this weekend. Honestly, so much went on that I could've shared ten things! But I will stick to the rules.


1. Our solar panels are officially ON. It was a long but very easy process to get our solar panels from Solar City. Easy as in, we were hands off and Solar City took care of EVERYTHING. We didn't have to do any of the paperwork or leg work. If we needed to electronically sign something, it was sent to us. That's it! I'm excited that our house is now 76% solar! And just in time for the holidays...

2. The kitties are going to start eating homemade chicken! That's right, I convinced Paul that they should have homemade chicken for their 4 o'clock feeding. Paul makes them a special breast with no seasonings or anything. Christmas DEVOURS his and Jelly just licks the top of his... Then of course Christmas comes to eat the remains. I bet you are wishing you could see their first special chicken meal? Well never fear, I have it recorded!

Just listen to that purr and tell me you wouldn't do that for your kitty!!!
Chrissy's like... "This can't be real, I better eat it as fast as possible."
Jelly's like... "Why is that camera in my face?"

3. I saw this meme on Facebook and just had to share it with you.

4. This is how my Monday started...

I didn't have time to clean it up or I would've been late for work. So I ran into the house, poured another bowl, and just let that sit there all day until I got home and could clean it up!

5. Today is Nutcracker Day!  Every year, I take the fourth graders to see Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet perform The Nutcracker at The Whitaker Center. It is such a magical day for me AND the students. I love the music and dancing and I'm glad I get to share the experience with over 100 fourth graders!

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you ever been to the ballet?
Did you ever make your pets food?

Tell me something random about your week!


  1. That's so sweet that you are feeding them chicken now. We bought Cecil a plain rotisserie chicken yesterday at the vet's suggestion since his stomach wasn't feeling well. She said getting him to eat something would soak up the stomach acid and it worked like a charm. Normally he's the kind of boy that would scarf his food down but he ate slowly yesterday. I'll probably give him more today and he'll hover it down :).

    Is it annoying that I don't like the nutcracker? At all. I went on a field trip as a kid and then my mom and I went when I was a little older and disliked it both times. There is a performance center near our house that offers a discounted price to see the rehearsal performance. I think last year it was $9/ticket and I still couldn't get excited to go. I want to like it!

    1. That is interesting to know plain rotisserie chicken help's their stomach. I have a feeling if our cats understood that, they would pretend to be sick all the time!

      I don't think it's annoying that you don't like The Nutcracker. You can't help what you like/don't like! It sounds like you tried it as a kid and an adult so it sounds like you gave it your best shot. ;) The Nutcracker is the only ballet I have ever seen although I have seen it like 20 times! I think I should expand my horizons...

  2. Yes, I use to make Baylee's food. It was such an ordeal though and SO time consuming. I would boil the chicken and the chop apples and carrots in the food processor. I would do batches of it and freeze it. Thank goodness the vet found us some prescription food for her instead! Have fun at the Ballet! They does seem Magical!

    1. Wow that does sound time consuming! I'm glad you found prescription food she can eat. Paul makes the chicken, I will have to ask him if it is a pain or not. At this point I think he enjoys it because he's making it for his boys. Cat Dad.

  3. Have fun at the Nutcracker! It's been years since we went!

    I'm still thinking about you eating cereal in the car...

  4. That is so cool that you are solar powered. Curious to hear how things workout with that re the heating during the winter etc. Ooh the cereal on the car floor yikes!

    1. I will be sure to give updates on here about the solar. It's too early to tell if there are any differences at this point!

  5. I love that meme :) And I love that you filmed the kitties! The last new thing we gave our pup was a huge sardine, but I don't think anyone would have wanted to see her eat that.

  6. Allie gets her normal kibble, but I do give her treats of turkey or chicken. She "helps" me make my lunch each day because I will give her a sliver of the Boar's Head turkey.

  7. Have fun at the ballet--Rick and I went and saw the Nutcracker once and I love the music but I think we are "one and done" for that :) I am glad the kitties love their chicken!

    1. The music is so beautiful. It reminds me of Christmas.

  8. I Love #3!! I saw a twitter post that said something along the lines of "If you are a man, remember what you have done and pray that you have been a decent human ... otherwise, nobody wants to hear what you think".

    What does your vet say about the food? Why are you changing it ? I'm just curious. When we had Cordelia, her regular dog food was making her sick, we had to start cooking her food.

    1. If I were a dude right now I would be SO SCARED that I did something wrong in my past.

      The vet didn't say anything. I just know Chrissy loves chicken and that its really healthy for cats. We're only feeding it to them for their 4 o'clock feeding, which is really more of a snack. I don't want to make a BIG change all at once. And I don't think they will ever start eating ALL chicken, but if two of their meals each day were chicken that would be cool. :)

  9. The Nutcracker is something everyone should see! What a great experience for your students ;-)

  10. I raised Giz & his brother Simba on raw food, which I made. But Gizmo actually prefers canned, or did when he was younger. But we have to spike Bandit's morning meal with a little bit of real food or he refuses to eat. But not in the evening.

    The things we do for our pets!

    1. I know it's crazy! I did think about that if we go to fresh chicken, we may never be able to go back! Although they will get hungry eventually...

  11. My husband and I went to see the Nutcracker on NYE one year instead of the usually bar scene. We loved it! It was their last show of the season, so they had a lot of fun with it, Santa even showed up!

  12. My husband is reading blogs over my shoulder and he's totally horrified by your cereal incident. Haha!

    But you had me at that image of how men feel. FOR REALZ!!!!!!

    1. Hahaha glad I could hopefully make your husband laugh. And yes, that meme is everything.

  13. It boggles my mind that jelly won't gobble it up! Yes, Jelly laps cheese and olives too :)

  14. I don't know if I could have left the cereal all day! I probably would have risked being late for work because my OCD couldnt handle the mess. The ballet sounds so fun! I remember going when I was in high school.
