
Friday, December 22, 2017

Friday 5: Holiday movies I could watch again and again.

Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

Today, I'm going to share 5 holiday movies I could watch again and again... Are you sick of Christmas posts yet? No worries, it's almost over!

1. Home Alone. This is my favorite holiday movie mostly for nostalgia purposes. I also love the music. John Williams writes beautiful music!

2. While You Were Sleeping. I used to watch this movie every Christmas because it was on Netflix, but it's not there anymore! What shall I do? It's a good movie to watch while doing a puzzle or wrapping gifts. I love the Chicago setting and how "homey" it feels.

3. Christmas Vacation. This was not a movie we watched growing up. I don't believe I saw it until I was an adult! Chevy Chase is hilarious and this is just such a Christmas classic.

4. A Christmas Story. Another movie I didn't watch until I was an adult! This is one Paul will sit down and watch with me, so I have to put it on the list. Did you know they turned it into a musical? I sort of want to see it!

5. The Family Stone.  I love to HATE this movie! All of the characters are so annoying. SJP is terrible in it, and it's not really about anything. Yet for some reason... I watch it... and I cannot look away... 

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is your favorite holiday movie?
Any movies you love to hate?


  1. Megan - I love to hate The Family Stone too! I do love Claire Danes in it though. Lots of cute men also. But you are so right, SJP is awful in it. I love to see them hate on her character!
    I love Elf - my husband and I saw it in the theater when it came out at Christmas in 2003 (?) and I just love how Will Ferrell plays Buddy. It's spot on.

    Have a merry Christmas!! Kristen

    1. We have so many odd little things in common, Kristen!

  2. Those are all my favs! Except While Yoi Were Sleeping. I mean, I like that movie but never thought of it as a Christmas movie (but I guess it is!) and I haven't watched it in years. And I cry like a baby at the Family Stone. That movie makes me want a big family.

    1. So I guess that means you have to have 3 more kids? :)

  3. Home Alone is my all time favorite (both of them). I never thought of While you were sleeping as a Christmas movie either. I didn't see the Christmas Story musical but I did see it as a play a few years back.
    Haha and I agree with the family stone, SJP is terrible. That's a movie I usually rent from the Library. You know as much as I love SATC, watch SJP in anything else is just painful. I've watched several "behind the scenes" things and several interviews and that girl can't even make a complete sentence. Honest to goodness, she interrupts her own thoughts and she stutters. (not that I have anything against people who stutter but you know what I mean)!

    1. I love SATC too and I think you're absolutely right- she is good at her Carrie character but really sucks at most everything else! I've seen her on The View and she seems like a really nice and thoughtful person but just not a good speaker.

  4. I have never seen the family stone. I did watch The sound of music again the other night. Still love it!

    1. I'm not a huge Sound of Music fan (I know I'm in the minority!) but I do love the song Edelweiss!

  5. Despite being Jewish, we love our Christmas movies & have started in on them. The only one on your list for me is "While You Were Sleeping".

    So far we've done Die Hard & Lethal Weapon -- I know, I know, not traditional Christmas movies. We'll be doing The Holiday, and at some point, of course, Love Actually (seriously, how is that not on your list?).

    1. I've never seen Die Hard or Lethal Weapon. I bet my husband has though. :) I'm not a fan of Love Actually, it's a little cheesy for me!

    2. I saw Love Actually for the first time last year (only because everyone raves about it) but seriously I have no idea why this is suppose to be one of the top Christmas movies, absolutely I guess you know how I feel about that one!...hehe

  6. I havent watched any of these movies this year! I really should watch Home Alone and Christmas vacation at least once before the holidays are over. Now that Christmas is a few days away I really need to get in the Christmas spirit!

    1. Maybe this weekend you will have time to cuddle up and watch. :)

  7. We love watching Home Alone, Christmas Vacation, and A Christmas Story. Besides that, I usually watch most of the cartoon specials and Charlie Brown Christmas, and we watched Santa Clause earlier this year.

  8. I have never seen while you were sleeping.

    I love the Family Stone, I find that I am the SJP character of my family... that annoying person that has to be proper and difficult.

    We LOVE Elf and Christmas with the Kranks, those are movies that we HAVE to watch every year.

    1. LOL I dunno... I mean I can see you not being super bubbly but I can't see you being like SJP in that movie!

  9. I think I feel the same way about The Family Stone. I feel deep down it must resonate with us in some way (maybe for me it's having a mom that is terminally sick and the dysfunction that can accompany that as you desperately grasp to anything that will make things normal). I love the movie Love, Actually! I haven't watched it yet this year...maybe I do that now!

    1. Oh I always bawl at the end of that movie. I can't even begin to understand how emotional it must make you.

  10. I love that The Family Stone was on your list - I feel like that movie doesn't get nearly enough kudos as it should!

    1. I wouldn't say I give it kudos... maybe the love to hate the kudos!

  11. I'm a sucker for all the classics...Charlie Brown, Grinch, Frosty, Rudolph, etc. BUT, although I cannot stand Will Ferrell, he is awesome in Elf. ;-)

    1. I CAN'T STAND HIM EITHER!!! This is why we're friends, Kim. This is why.

    2. I liked Will when I was younger but I think I grew out of his humor. I was never into Elf, though I appreciate how most people think it is a fantastic movie.

  12. I used to LOVE A Christmas Story. It was filmed in Cleveland so I was obligated to love it anyway. But when TBS started playing it 24 hours straight is when it lost the sparkle for me. I haven't seen it in years now.

    My fave holiday movies are The Family Man, Family Stone, Four Christmases (sometimes, gotta be in the right mood), Last Holiday, and Home Alone. And probably a million others but I don't want to hijack your entire post. ;)

    1. I can see how A Christmas Story could get annoying if it was shoved down your throat. Have you been to the house?

  13. My top 3 every year are a Muppet Christmas Carol, Love Actually, and Miracle on 34th Street. My mom and I watch While You Were Sleeping, usually when my dad isn't with us since he doesn't like the move. We watched it when he went skiing this year. The one movie I won't watch, refuse to watch, is It's a Wonderful Life. I can't stand George Bailey.

    1. I saw It's A Wonderful Life last year for the very first time and I didn't like it.

  14. I love, love, love all the Christmas movies!!
    My favorite is probably The Holiday, but I always watch so many every year that it's really hard to pick... some of my other favorites The Family Stone, The Polar Express, Elf, Home alone, A Christmas Story, It's a Wonderful Life, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Love The Coopers, A Fitzgerald Family Christmas...

    I really love the Family Drama Christmas Movies, if I had to pick :)

    1. Those movies do have some drama! Do you watch the Hallmark Channel stuff? My SIL watched The Christmas Prince and she thinks I should watch it because it is the perfect Christmas movie.
