
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Christmas Exploded in my House! AND we are the GRISWALDS!

Hello Holiday Peeps! I have been promising a Vlog/House Tour, so that's what you're getting today! 

Note: After I filmed the first video, I realized I forgot to show you a whole other room! I don't know why I forgot to show you a room, other than I had just run 15.5 miles and I was a bit delirious... So if you want to see the last room, watch video number two as well!

Here's my inside/outside house tour!

A bit about the outdoor lighting you see in the video...

I think we have PLENTY of holiday lights and decorations, considering the size of our house!

We've had all of this stuff up since November 12th. Paul helped me with the icicle lights but I did EVERYTHING else.

(I actually had a dude ask me in a skeptical voice, "How much of that did YOU help with?" UMMMM 90% OF IT, BUDDY!!!!!!)

Note: Everything was bought during after Christmas sales over the course of 3 years. EXCEPT the little fox. I bought that last year on a whim because I loved him! Also, I bought the 8 foot gingerbread man at full price this year.

This is what we have:

Snowflake pathway markers (set of 2)

Candy cane pathway markers (set of 2)

Solar pathway markers (18 total!)

Net lighting: 3 multi, 1 clear, and some normal clear string lights. (2 of my clear net lighting didn't work so I had to improvise!)

Icicle lights (set of 4)

Candy canes

Joy sign


Green and clear rope lighting

Blow ups: penguin, snowman, Santa, polar bear, fox, Rudolph, gingerbread man

# of extension cords: 8

The hardest part of all of this was figuring out how to plug it all in! Before I take everything down this year, I'm going to take pictures and write notes so that next year, I know exactly how to hook it all up!

Any suggestion on what I could add to my collection?
Do we have similar indoor Christmas decorating styles?


  1. I love your decorations :). We don't do anything outdoors but most of our neighbors do. I really admire the people who spend hours planning and decorating for the holidays- we decorate inside and that's it.

    1. Thanks, Amy! I enjoy decorating so much, that's the only reason I spend so much time doing it. But really it's just a day for outside and a day for inside and then it looks BEAUTIFUL for 1.5 months!

  2. I love it! You've made me realize I need to step my decorating up a notch! I would love to decorate our guest bathrooms for Christmas since we are having a party this weekend but I hate to think that all the towels and curtains and such will be half the price maybe a goal for next year!

    I love that even though you don't put up a tree, you have so much greenery to decorate with and hang your ornaments on. That is just as good! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yes go out after Christmas and get some cute towel/soaps. It won't take much to spruce up the guest bathrooms. I have to be strategic with the greenery. If it hangs down too long Christmas will eat it.

  3. super cute that you all get so into your decorations! Enjoy it all

    1. Thanks Deborah! :) It does make the house more homey.

  4. Nice to see a theme going on outside (Christmas and winter!). My next door neighbors have these inflatables: Minions, Snoopy, Star Wars, Snowmen and a few musical things. People are slowing down to get a view of it :)

    1. Hahaha! Sounds like a cluster! I'm not gonna lie, I just get what is on sale so the fact that I have a theme is just luck!

  5. Wow--you really have so many decorations! Looks so nice! I am way more of a minimalist. We have outdoor lights on the house and an angel in the window. Our tree is our pride and joy and then I put up a few things -- some throw pillows on the couch, a few nativity scenes, our stockings and just a few other things. Not a lot but just enough in my opinion. My favorite part of the holiday is the lights! I venture out to try to find the best ones when I am doing my morning workout. In the evenings we sometimes take random ways home to see what other neighborhoods have done!

    1. It sounds like you do have just the right amount of decorations and I bet they are really classy. :) I love seeing the lights on my morning runs too!

  6. SO BEAUTIFUL! I love the way you've decorated. I honestly had not even thought about adding ornaments to green garland! I bought one for over our fireplace and it came with some ribbons and stuff but it never ever crossed my mind to add more!

    Yesterday I went to Target and bought even more lights for inside the house. It makes me so happy to see them twinkling all over as we sit and watch tv at night. I want to keep them up all year long!

    Baby cats could never be an embarrassment! :)

    1. Twinkling lights are so cheap and add SO MUCH :) I'm glad you got some. And thank you, I looooove my decorations.

  7. I'm saving this to watch when I get home.

    I love all your lights, and admire all the work you put into them.

    I crushed Roger's dream the other day, I asked him to pick which lights he wanted on, the icicles or the projector, because they were canceling each other out. He did a great job with all of our lights.

    1. Awwwwwwww why are you a Christmas dream crusher!!!??? :)
