
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Thanksgiving Break Wrap Up (Part 2)

Hola, Turkey peeps! Here is part two of my big Thanksgiving Break Recap!
If you missed part one, check it out here.


The cats woke me up relatively early even though I would have loved to sleep in! I did a little bit of blogging and whatnot in the morning, but I didn't dilly dally for too long. I was headed out and about!

First I checked on Bitty Bot, Randy and Michael's cutie kitty. She wasn't too excited about me being there, but I fed her, threw some treats, and took a pic.

The Queen of Penn Street!

Then I headed to Carlisle to an craft fair. My mom was there so I wanted to see her booth, and just wander around. I ended up getting a couple soaps for Christmas gifts.

Here is my mom's cool set up...

Before I left the craft show, Kristina sent me a picture of some cute cat pajamas she got at Old Navy. That sort of put me in the mood to go to the mall.... I went to Old Navy and JC Penny. I loved the pjs but ultimately decided I didn't need them! I ended up not buying anything, which was good because I didn't need anything.

Then I did some grocery shopping and picked up a few more Christmas presents. I even wrapped them as soon as I got home. It was a very productive day!

Later on that night, I went out again to do one more check on The Botster. She was really lovey this time!

When I got home, Paul and I drank wine, played cards, and had a hearty dinner while watching Colbert. I went to bed relatively early... race in the morning!

 Two pieces of chicken breast with melted cheese and a ton of cauliflower. In the red bowl is leftover stuffing and mac and cheese from Thanksgiving.


I ran the Dirty Bird 30k this morning at French Creek State Park. The course was beautiful and I surprised myself with second place in my age group! I wrote a race recap here.

After my race I didn't want to do anything too crazy. Paul was watching football, so I played with my new SPIRALIZER. Debby made some awesome spiralized sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving and I wanted to do the same. I was surprised at how easy it was to use!

Then I cracked open a bottle of Sweet Sue from Buddy Boy and got deep into some Jodi Arias trial footage and a Wysocki puzzle!


Even though I had nothing planned for the day, I got up at 5:15. I poured some coffee and blogged and blogged and blogged. I love my SILENT morning blogging time!

Then... I'm not lying when I tell you this... I did puzzles ALL DAY. I took a break to eat dinner but that's it!!!

I call this dinner: "I'm wearing leggings to work tomorrow!"

And that was my long Thanksgiving Break!
What else can I spiralize besides sweet potatoes?

Guess how many times I watched Jodi Arias' interrogation tapes!!!

Do you like to go to craft shows?


  1. I find it nice to go to craft shows to look around but I rarely buy anything because like you, I just don't feel there is anything I need.
    Do you stack your puzzle pieces before you begin your puzzles?

    I usually spiralize zucchinni and sauté it in Olive oil and Mrs Dash. I then throw in some cherry tomato halves and put it over quino.

    1. I sort all of my puzzles before I do them, and since I only have one board to put my pieces on, sometimes I have to stack them in piles so they fit on the board. The reason I do it on a board is so I can move the board when taking a break from the puzzle so the cats don't destroy it.

  2. Do you saute the sweet potatoes like you would another veggie? I don't really need another kitchen gadget, but that spiralizer may be worth it.

    1. I drizzled them with olive oil, sprinkled salt, pepper, and onion powder, then put them on a foil lined pan in the oven and made fries!

  3. I love how you sort your puzzles! I'm going to have to remember that when I get back into them. My free time is largely occupied by my 8 month old puppy at the moment, so once she's a little older I need to remember how peaceful it is to do puzzles.

    Not spiralizer related but we made mashed cauliflower for the first time this past weekend and it was delicious! I'm happy I got my husband to agree to it.

    1. Aw I bet having a puppy with all that energy is fun! :) Mashed cauliflower sounds like something I would try. I tried cauli rice and loved it. It didn't smell good but it tasted good!

    2. Ahh, yes, the smell... I'm sure my co-workers enjoyed me eating my leftovers in the office the next day! There are only a few things that I have to get out of my cubicle quickly after I eat - the bowl I ate mashed cauliflower in is now added to that list. It joins banana peels and bowls that have any trace of vinegary salad dressings :-)

  4. Ooh! A spiralizer!! That looks soo cool! I would spiralize everything, cucumbers, potatoes, zucchini, apples.

    I'm going to guess 7 times on the Jodi Arias tapes.

    What did you put on top of your chips? it looks so delicious!

    1. Oil, salt, pepper, onion powder... bake on foil on a pan and voila, sweet tater fries!!

      Thank you for guessing on the Jodi Arias interrogation! They are at least 5 hours long and I believe this is my 4th time. :)

  5. That's a lot of puzzles!! What do you do with the puzzles you've already finished? Do you every put them back together again (your favorites maybe)?

    1. I keep them in a closet and sometimes do them again. I did all of these puzzles before. :) I also loan them out to people. If I put my name on them, I want them back. If I don't, they can pass them on!

  6. Yup she definitely knows right from wrong. I mean, obviously there is something wrong with someone if they do what she did... It is so sad all around.

  7. You can spiralize ANYTHING!

    I love this blog: check it out!

    1. Omg I went there and they put a cantaloupe on a spiralizer lol!!!!

    2. Hahahah it sounds odd but I actually really like spiralized carrot! Also love spiralized zucchini with turkey meatballs!

  8. Sounds like such a wonderful break! So many puzzles, such little time!!

    I have a small handheld spiralizer but I'm wondering if I need to up my game and get a bigger one like the one you have. I love spiralizing!

    1. The one I got was only 21.99! You should upgrade if you love it so much. :)

  9. The only thing I have ever spiralized in zucchini! My spiralizer is not very good and I don't think it would work on sweet potatoes. I love quiet blogging time in the morning!

    1. I am kind of surprised about how well this one works. It was only 21.99! It doesn't seem like it's hearty and durable but it works easily.
