
Thursday, November 2, 2017

New Garmin is HERE!

My new Garmin (the 35) came on Monday! I was very excited to open it. 

But as soon as I got it out of the box and starting reading the manual, I got very frustrated. I'll be honest, I absolutely hate learning new technology.

I asked Paul very nicely if he would figure it out for me. He said yes! He said within the next week, he would figure out the following things for me... (I listed them in order of importance, it doesn't all need to be figured out in one day.)

But for some reason the next morning, I suddenly felt like trying to set up #1 on my list so I could use it on my run. Annnnd... drum roll please... I figured it out without even reading the manual! This must be a Garmin for Dummies.

I discovered that during a run I can have two display screens. On the first screen, I set it up so I can see distance, current pace, and average pace. On the second screen, I have current heart rate, average heart rate, and cadence. These three items are all new numbers for me and I am sure I will have fun analyzing them, at least at first!

It is soooooo much easier to switch between screens on this Garmin. My old Garmin had a bezel that was so hard to use while running. This one, you just push a freaking button. How easy is that!?

When my run was over, the device celebrated some PRs for me! Since this was my one and only run, I had a PR for distance, 5k, and pace. It will be fun once a rack up hundreds of runs on this puppy and only get PRs once in awhile. It will seem like more of a big deal.

Not only that, but it told me how many steps I took, my heart rate, heart rate zone, cadence, and mile splits. AND IT'S ALL SO EASY TO SEE!

I just can't believe how much easier to use this Garmin is compared to my old one.

I feel like I'm going to have a lot to say about my new gadget and no one is really going to care about because if you're like me, I think reading about Garmins is boring! And also, all of these new features are probably not new to you at all, but they are new to me!

PS: I have since figured out numbers two and three on my list as well. I reached over 17,000 steps on Wednesday! My freaking Garmin kept buzzing to tell me to get up and move. Like, I literally just got home from work and flopped down on the couch to tell Paul about my day and my freaking watch buzzed and said MOVE! "I JUST SAT DOWN!" I yelled. Then I walked across the room and sat back down on the couch.
Do you like learning new technology?
Does reading about Garmins bore you?
How long do you think it will be before I disable the "MOVE!" feature?


  1. Yay...that is awesome. I don't love getting new computers, phones or watches that require me to learn new technology but if I just do it then I see how easy it usually is. When I get my new garmin, I won't wear it during the day most likely. Just when I workout. I would be annoyed if it told me to move because I move a lot and when I decide to rest, I want to rest....not move :)

  2. I like reading about gadgets! Even though I have the 235 and just got a year ago this made me want to buy the 35. I am so easily swayed! haha

    I don't wear my garmin during the day, but I tried it once and disabled the move feature like 5 seconds into the day! :D

    1. Hahaha wow I persuaded you to downgrade!? :) I am wearing mine during the day for now but I know I will end up stopping. I figured out how to disable move.

  3. Do you use Garmin Connect? If so, once you download the data from your new watch, all your PR's from your old watch will still be there! This is good that you won't lose all that data!

    1. I used to use Garmin connect on my old watch but stopped several years ago. I did resign up for it with my new watch for a fresh start.

  4. I'd disable the move feature right away. If I'm in a meeting, I don't want to be told to get up and move. I do like that Garmins are easy to use, and I really like mine.

    1. I'm glad you like yours! It hasn't told me to move yet today. I don't think I disabled it yet. I wonder why? I just had a plan period and sat at my desk for awhile...

  5. I partially figured out the Garmin connect this morning! I woke up at 1:41 and couldn't fall back asleep so I had a lot of time on my hands...

    TELLING YOU TO MOVE AFTER A MARATHON? Move your mouth to eat food.

  6. I yell at my Garmin whenever it tells me to move !! it savage like that! The move feature scares people around me, especially at meetings.

    I'm so glad you like your new garmin!! If Paul doesn't help you, I will help you figure out all of it. I LOVE new technology and learning new gadgets!!

    1. Aw thanks girl! I am so lazy when it comes to learning new technology. I think it's because they are always throwing new systems and shit at us at work without ever properly training us.

  7. Wow. I really need to get myself one of those.

    The Fitness Bro

  8. The move feature on my watch drove me crazy pretty quickly! I would run 10 miles, and then an hour later it would tell me to move. Now it just shows lines when I have been inactive for too long.
