
Friday, November 24, 2017

Friday 5: My Favorite Christmas Songs

Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

Now that Thanksgiving is officially over, you can listen to Christmas music without anyone bitching at you!!!!!

Today, I'm just going to share 5 of my favorite Christmas songs! Thank you to my friend Molly @ The Sassy Sub for giving me the idea for this post!

A a music teacher and a Christmas lover, I LOVE CHRISTMAS MUSIC!!!!

In general, my favorite songs are the traditional hymns- Hark the Herald Angels Sing, Silent Night, The First Noel, and other songs like that.

Here are my favorites... (or at least the first 5 favorites I could think of!)

1. The First Noel - Josh Groban and Faith Hill. If Paul is in a good mood, he will sing this in the car with me. I love Josh Groban's voice and I love the harmonies created by the duet. Fun fact: We call Josh Groban "Grob-piece" or "The Grobinator".

2. Carol of the Bells - performed by any choir! The first time I heard this song, I immediately loved it! Luckily, I have been able to perform it a couple times. Here is the Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing it... don't mess with the MTC! They rock!

3. Hark the Herald Angels Sing by Amy Grant. I love Amy's voice in this song and that she sings it "straight". It is my absolutely favorite performance.

4. Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth. I love the voices of both of these men. And I love how "old timey" it is. It makes me feel very homey.

5. Do You Hear What I Hear by Bing Crosby.  Okay, I can't get enough of Bing Crosby! I love the back up choir in this version as well.

I hate that I only get to pick 5 songs! I want to include  God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, O Holy Night, and Go Tell it on the Mountain! And as soon as I hit post, I'll think of three more songs I want to include! I should have done a Friday 50 instead of a Friday 5!


What are your favorite Christmas songs?


  1. These are some good ones! I don't really have a favorite Christmas song, but early in the season I really like listening to Christmas music. By the time Christmas comes around I end up getting kind of sick of it!

    1. Well it's everywhere so I can see how it can get to be too much for some people.

  2. I love listening to Christmas songs this time of year. It really puts me in the Christmas spirit. That is one of my favorite things that we do on Christmas Eve service, singing the traditional Christmas songs.

    1. We do that with Paul's family too! They're very musical.

  3. I love " That's Christmas to me" by Penontonix. However I tend to like the more upbeat Christmas tunes because some of the slower ones tend to make me sad. I know it sounds weird. -M

  4. I guess today does mark the official start of Christmas music! hope you had a great Thanksgiving

  5. Me too! Have you heard him do bridge over troubled water?

  6. My parents and I listened to Christmas music driving back after the Thanksgiving festivities yesterday. I love so many songs, I don't know how I could choose.

  7. I absolutely love Christmas songs! From now until New Year's I play the Pandora Christmas station daily :)

  8. I'm right there with you: I adore Christmas music. OMG Carol of the Bells FTW! I'm very glad it's no longer too early to enjoy all of it! Are your decorations up? :D

    1. Yes Ma'am! Indoor and outdoor up.since the 12th ;)

  9. My favorite is Andy Williams' "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year". That song takes me back to my childhood and all that magical innocence of Christmas.

  10. I have so many. It's the one time of year I break out the DVDs. I put together a funky xmas playlist I'll link here.

  11. I love Christmas music, too! O Holy Night is my favorite ;-)

    1. I love that song too. It is so beautiful. I almost had it on here.

  12. Those are great songs! I have a playlist on Pandora that I listen to when I am at home or school.

  13. Hi Megan,longtime follower from New Zealand here! My favourite Christmas song is one that I think you'll enjoy. It's sung in both English and the Maori language, and is about the unique experience of Christmas in the Southern Hemisphere, where it's hot and sunny! Christmas songs: Te Harinui Kind regards, Sarah

    1. Hello Sarah! Thanks for following and thanks for saying hello. :) What a cute song! I love that the site provided chords, maybe I could learn it on my ukulele.
