
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Trick or Treat Night on Cumberland Road!

Happy Halloween!

Are you doing anything to celebrate today? I'm going to work, but I'm dressing up as a kitty cat!

Thanks for the watch, Kristina!

Thursday was Trick or Treat in my neighborhood. Pennsylvania is weird, and different townships have Trick or Treat on different nights. It's usually either the last Thursday in October or on actual Halloween.

I stocked up on candy way ahead of time, so we were ready!

It didn't take me long to realize that three different bowls was too much choice for the little ones, so we put it all in one bowl and mixed it up. That worked better.

Before we went outside, Paul suggested we do a lemon drop. Okay! I only had half a shot.

(Lemon drops are vodka with lemon juice, and then right after you drink it, you take a lick of sugar.)

We sat our lawn chairs in the carport and brought out Paul's speaker to play spooky music. Sitting outside was easier than having kids knock on the door and dealing with the cats. But I did let them watch the festivities...

I noticed a couple things about the Trick or Treaters. We allowed them to choose their candy, but only let them take one. I would say 60% automatically just took one, 20% asked how many they could take, and 30% chose two before we could correct them.

Of the kids who were old enough to be able to say Trick or Treat, only about half of them said it! I was surprised. Most kids looked really shy. Of the kids who weren't old enough to say it, usually their parents said it for them.

There were quite a lot of teenagers, but they were dressed up and said Trick or Treat, so I didn't mind. There was a couple people together who looked like they were 25 years old though! Of course I gave them candy, but really?

Later on in the evening we poured a glass of wine. This is Paul's favorite kind.

Paul had fun chatting with our next door neighbor, who was handing out FULL SIZE CANDY BARS because he works for Hershey. Some father, who I didn't know, told us we had to up our game. I said to him, "Well he works for Hershey and I'm just a school teacher." I wanted to say PLEASE DON'T COMPLAIN ABOUT THE FREE CANDY WE ARE PASSING OUT.

One of our neighbors, who is a runner, came over to chat with us. He has been injured for awhile but is now getting back out there to walk/run. He likes to do it super early in the morning. I asked him if he is ever scared running in our neighborhood in the dark. He said yes, sometimes there are skunks!

Omggggg I am like, skunks!? I'm worried about being raped! I guess that's just one of those things men don't have to worry about. I am always on the lookout on my runs and don't have my podcast up too loud so I can be aware of my surroundings.

All in all, it was a great night. We even had a lot of candy leftover, so now when we have a craving for something sweet, we can peruse around in the pantry and see what's left!
What are your plans for today?
Any funny trick or treat stories?


  1. Halloween is fun. I don't have a costume this year but I am working from home so that's OK. We always go over to our friends--the guys take the kids out, the girls stay back and drink wine and hand out candy!

    1. That sounds like the perfect Halloween night to me! Susan, what kind of wine do you like?

    2. mostly anything except super sweet wines!

  2. The boys look adorable peeking out through the door! Don't laugh, but we are taking Cecil out tonight in his stroller. Obviously we won't be going up to anyone's doors, but we are going to take him out for a walk and then I am going to give him extra treats. Typing this out I've realized it's possible Adam and I are totally crazy :).

    Your costume is so cute! At my office they are allowing kids to come trick or treating around 5pm. I am hoping that means I can sneak out early haha!

    1. You know what you first paragraph reminds me of? That meme that says "LET PEOPLE ENJOY THINGS!" You taking Cecil out in his stroller and giving him extra treats... haterz gonna hate, you do what makes you happy! If I thought Christmas would like a stroller, you KNOW we'd have one!

  3. I'm not sure if we are allowed to dress up. I am pretty sure we're not supposed to go full mask/costume. I see a lot of teachers in Halloween themed shirts and leggings today. I am basically wearing something I would wear to work anything except for the cat ears and black crayon on my face!

  4. Love the cat outfit! I'm wearing a black dress and and a Halloween scarf and that's

    What is that you are holding in that dark pic?

    The nerve of people to tell you to step up your game when you are already giving out free candy! That is odd that trick or treat is on a Thursday night and not friday or Saturday. If they were gonna make it on a school night why not just keep it on Tuesday?

    1. I am holding a glass of wine. :)

      No idea what is up with the townships around here. I would personally prefer it on a NON school night!

  5. I love your costume!!

    It seemed there were lots of kids, I'm surprised you still had candy left.

    I think it was a great idea that you sat out there, instead of having to rush in and out. I get scared that a dog will rush at the door, or that a cat will get away when we trick or treat.

    1. We only let them take one piece, so maybe that is why? Most of the chocolate was gone.

  6. My neighborhood HOA had a trunk or treat on Friday, but I don't know how many went. I'm still putting out the luminaries and my carved pumpkin. I have way more candy that I need, but whatever I don't give away will be brought into work.

    1. I have never been to a trunk or treat but they look cool! People really go all out decorating. I'm not creative like that.

  7. I'm actually a bit bummed because this is the first year I won't be going out with my kids around the neighborhood :( Sydney is going with a friend in another neighborhood, and Zach is running around our neighborhood with a friend. Bummer!!! But, Alan and I will be passing out candy, so that should be fun. Then, the "parent tax" will happen when the kids go through their haul. haha!! That's pretty funny about your neighbor and the full size bars. My kids know exactly which houses are passing those things out (and it's not ours either!).

    1. I never heard of a parent tax! I should instate a teacher tax...
