
Thursday, October 19, 2017

The Halloween Candy

I feel like I want to address something! A few weeks ago, I posted about how we bought all of our Halloween candy already. I got a bunch of mini chocolates and a bunch of straight up sugary items like lollipops, taffy, sweet tarts, and Nerds. On Sunday, while I was at Aldi, I ended up getting some mini Rice Krispy Treats to pass out on Halloween as well. To say we are stocked is an understatement!

On the post about the Halloween candy, I got so many comments that basically asked how in the world are we able to get our Halloween candy this early without eating all of it.

It's really not that hard to abstain from eating Halloween candy for two reasons... 

First, the candy is in the basement. Honestly, I don't even think about it because it is down there. Out of sight, out of mind.

Second, we ACTUALLY HAVE OTHER SWEETS IN OUR HOUSE THAT WE CAN EAT!!!! We always have cookies, ice cream, or candy. So it's not like the Halloween candy is the only sugar in our house.

Even though we always have desserts at the ready, I don't eat dessert every night. If I want it, I have it. If I don't want it, we don't have it. It's that simple.

I used to deprive myself of food, particularly "bad" food, but I don't anymore. Sometimes I have dessert, sometimes I don't. Since I know I CAN have it if I want it, it's not like a do or die situation. It's not like, "oh my gosh, all this Halloween candy is in my house, I better eat it!!!" NO! That is crazy. I can have candy whenever I want it. 

When I eat junk, sometimes I have a normal amount and sometimes I eat too much. But I don't obsess. It all evens out in the end. I am proud to say I am not anal about it anymore. Because I truly know I can have what I want, (and not feel guilty) I only eat it when I truly want it.

I don't mean for this to be a soapbox thing because I HATE WHEN PEOPLE TELL ME HOW I AM SUPPOSED TO EAT. So this post is NOT me telling you how to eat or how to think about food. I am just telling you what works for me. And believe me, I KNOW that what works for me does not work for everyone else. Not by a long shot. Everyone has to figure themselves out. And if you can figure out how your mind ticks and overcome it, it's GLORIOUS.

I never, ever, EVER thought I wouldn't obsess about food and calories, and now look at me! I still get obsessive 5% of the time. I'm not perfect. But guess what? 5% is WAY better than 100% so I'll take it.

Again, NOT TELLING YOU WHAT TO THINK/FEEL ABOUT FOOD AT ALL. Just telling you that it has taken a lot of work, a lot of time, and a lot of uncomfortable feelings for me to get to the point where I can eat intuitively and be okay with it.
I don't even have specific questions. Food is such a touchy subject.


  1. It sounds completely reasonable to me!

    We don't keep Trick or Treat Candy at home, or Roger will eat it all before Halloween, same reason we don't keep chips, ice cream or coke... Ok, I'm lying, I would drink all the coke and then stay up all night and destroy my neighborhood.

    1. Your comments crack me up because I can see you in a coke rage!

  2. I eat sweets or dessert every day. Some days it's a big dessert, some days it's a little bit of dark chocolate, depends on how I feel. I think if people stop depriving themselves, they realize that hey, this food will be there tomorrow, I don't *have* to eat it now. I also love how you have a nice variety of candy and treats :).

    1. I tried to do a variety. :) What kind of dessert do you like when you're eating more than a piece of dark chocolate?

  3. I would have a hard time keeping chocolate around, especially the mini ones... they would be jumping in mouth after dinner every night :) However, the sugary stuff I would pass on. Very honestly, I do enjoy a lot of treats, but my body tells me when it's too much because I don't feel my best. It's all about balance. My kids get a lot of Halloween candy, and it lasts almost all year because we snack on it (one piece at a time) all year. But by now it's just a bag of suckers and stale Tootsie Rolls! I still have to buy candy. Alan tends to eat too much of it, so we've been holding off (to save him. haha!).

    1. Once in a great while I want something sugary like nerds or something, but not often. I'm more of a cookie/cake/ice cream kind of gal. Aw, the dejected leftover Halloween candy! I would pass on lollipops and tootsie rolls too!

  4. I'm stocked up too, and I have the candy out of sight. My dessert is usually a Lindt truffle, but I will admit, I bought the Baby Ruth bag so I could have a couple. I gotta taste test the candy, right?

  5. That's a very good attitude to have! We don't get trick or treaters so I don't buy halloween candy, but if I did, i'd buy something I didn't

    1. Haha well that would be a good way to make sure you didn't eat any.

  6. You know what I love? Gertrude Hawk. :)
