
Friday, October 27, 2017

Friday 5! (Random!)

Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

Today, I'm just going to share 5 random things about this week! 

1. Jelly got  a haircut. He had three mattes on his back and a HUGE butt knot. Paul said Jelly was a really good boy during the 12 minute grooming ordeal. He got brushed and so much hair came off of him. Then he got a "sani clip" which is where they cut around the butt hole. This is key for long haired cats! I am disappointed though. We went to Pet Bath & Beyond and it was not as good of an experience as when we took him there a couple years ago. This time, he was in a room with two other dogs. Before, he was alone with the groomer. Also, I looked at the shaved part on his back and there is a little knick in his skin! I have since learned that this can be normal, but I was a little shocked to see it.

2. I made Christmas cookies this week. Hear me out. I really wanted to decorate for Christmas. Like, REALLY WANTED TO. I didn't allow myself. Instead, I made sugar cookie cutouts! 

But seriously, when can I start decorating? Last year, we did the outdoor lights on November 12th because I was so upset about the election.

Here's just SOME of the stuff we got....

3. Tuesday was HAT DAY! I finally had an excuse to wear that cool black hat my mom gave me. One student called it "interesting" and another called it "majestic". One fourth grade boy straight up laughed at it!

4. The highest compliment!!! On hat day, a fourth grader asked me (during class) where I got my hat. So I told them the story about how my mom crochets hats, but sometimes to decorate them, she uses beads and feathers taken off old hats she buys at flea markets. This was a hat she had bought to take apart but I liked it to much that she gave it to me!

So after I told the story, another fourth grader raised her hand. She said, "I don't know why, but whenever you tell a personal story, it is just so FASCINATING!"

Whaaaaat!? A 10 year old thinks my stories are fascinating!? That made my DAY!

5. My new Garmin arrives today! After all your wonderful comments and suggestions earlier this week, I ended up doing a very thorough comparison of several Garmin watches. I looked at all their specs and highlighted what I would actually use and enjoy about each watch. I narrowed it down to the 35 and the 235. While there is more than one difference between the watches, the only difference I cared about was that the 235 had a color screen and the 35 didn't. But the price of the 235 did not justify the fact that it had color. Also, I don't like having super expensive things because I am afraid I will lose them. I got all black because it will match everything. I'm happy!

Thank you to my Daddio, who treated me to a new Garmin!

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What do you think about the groomer?

What's the best compliment a kid or student ever gave you?


  1. I think Majestic is a pretty big word for a 4th grader too! My sister tells me some stories about what her students say and they are so odd. Glad you made your decision about the watch. I didn't know that those were so similar. I could have saved myself some money.

    1. Well the 235 does do a lot more than the 35, it's just stuff that I know I wouldn't use. So if you're going to use those things, then it would def be worth it to get the 235. Plus some people really like the color. I would've liked color but it's all good!

  2. Wow already baking Christmas cookies?? Hope you enjoy your Garmin-I love mine

    1. I just love the holiday season. I am *that* person that doesn't mind when the Christmas stuff is out in the stores by the end of September.

  3. Haha, I too was going to say that "majestic" is a pretty big word for an elementary school kiddo!
    I try not to let myself decorate for Christmas until after Thanksgiving but even that will be here before we know it. Did you get all your Christmas stuff out yet or is that a pic from last year?
    I bet your dad was happy to treat you to a new Garmin seeing that you run so often and it's practically a "tool" for you. Have fun playing with it this weekend! It's always fun when we get new adult toys! (okay I just realized "adult toys" may not be the best word..haha, but you know what I mean! )

    1. That pic is from last year. I know I am in the minority when it comes to how early is too early for Christmas decorations. :) I know my dad is so nice to treat me to the Garmin. I will see him this weekend so I will show it to him. He needs a new one, so maybe he will get it too.

  4. I love the hat that you wore for hat day!

    I hope that you enjoy your new Garmin!

  5. Yay for a new Garmin! You know how badly I want a new one! I really want a new one. LOL. I am glad you got your holiday fix by baking. Baking is the best and it's a win/win/win (for me)...I love to do it, my house smells amazing and we get to enjoy goodies! The best compliment I got from a kid was when my nephew was about 10 and he told my sister in law that I was the healthiest person he knew! I was proud that he took notice and now he's one of the healthiest people I know-- a personal trainer, a fire fighter and just a great example of health!

    1. Wow, that IS a great compliment! Especially from a kid. To be able to notice that about someone.

  6. I haven't even decorated yet for Halloween, but I do have fun decorating for Christmas. I didn't do much last year since I was packing up everything to move. I'll have to get some more, but good thing Target isn't that far away.

    1. I thought you were going to decorate for Halloween???

  7. Yay for the new Garmin! :)

    I haven't really decorated for Halloween/Fall, so I might as well skip it and wait until I can decorate for Christmas, am I right? :)

  8. Mmmmmm Christmas cookies are the best! Hope you and your new Garmin have many happy runs together. I'm still looking for a good groomer for my two dogs. We've been to SO many and there's just nobody who's any better than average.

    1. That stinks that it is hard to find a top notch groomer.

  9. I was trying to post all week from my iPhone, but it just wouldn't work. So I missed out on the watch round up :) Love my 235, but yes, unless you're concerned with the other features, no need to pay the $. The 35 looks very pretty, in an every day kind of way. I think you'll love it! I do like the HR on my watch, but the sleep stuff just weirded me out and I couldn't sleep with it on. As for your sleep/cat post - my cat Luna wakes me up every night, so she now sleeps in our bathroom with a bowl of food, water and litter box. I've had enough sleepless nights as a Mom, I didn't want to go through that again! I sleep so good without the interruptions. zzzzzzzz

    1. I am curious to see what I will think of the sleep stuff! We are trying something new with our cats... we can't just leave good out or they will go wild. But I have a plan.

  10. I have three cats and never even knew you can give them hair cuts. So funny! I want a Garmin so bad! I need me a hat like that

    1. Oh yes, cats can get groomed! One time Jelly came out looking like a lion.

  11. I hear a lot of comments from my little patients but today the best one came from a mom who told me I looked like I was 30 and beautiful. Ok then!

  12. Poor Jelly! I hope he's OK. I do love your hat and hearing that 4th grader comment on your life being interesting made me smile. These kids nowadays are so different and rarely say anything. I teach 2nd grade and struggle to get them to say anything to me.

    1. They are different, and I'm sure you can related that there is not always enough time in school to get to know them because there is SO MUCH TO DO. I teach music, so I see over 500 kids, so it's hard to make a connection with each one.

  13. No Christmas decorations until after Thanksgiving (edible or otherwise)! You do look amazing in that hat! Garmin has so many options these days -- I bet you will love that one.

    1. I hope I like it! My old one is over 5 years old and so bulky. I didn't realize how bulky it was until I saw these new models.

      EVEN EDIBLE!!!!!????

  14. The cookies were so good !!

    Did you get your Garmin? Did you try it out !?

    You totally rock the hat!

    1. I'm glad you liked the cookies! They are always a pain to make because my dough is usually too wet and then it sticks to the counter and the rolling pin.

      I am an idiot and realized the Garmin won't come until MONDAY. BOO.

  15. That hat is awesome ;-) Our dog groomer moved away almost a year ago, so we have been doing it ourselves. The hubby bought a dog clipper, and does a decent job (most of the time). I think our dog actually loves the "spa" treatment and thinks he's getting a massage when the clipper is going over his body LOL

    1. Dogs are so different from cats. I can totally see how going out for a spa day would be fun for a dog!
