
Sunday, September 24, 2017

Videos to make you ugly cry!

Do you ever go to Youtube and purposefully watch happy videos that make you ugly cry? I do! Here are some ugly cry videos for you today. Don't worry, they are all HAPPY ugly cry videos, I promise!

Meb Keflezighi wining the 2014 Boston Marathon. The first time an American won it since 1983, and just one year after the bombings. If you don't want to watch the whole thing, skip to 1:40.

Pregnancy announcements! I love seeing the grandparents so excited!

Dogs welcoming home soldiers. I can't get enough of these videos!

And I'm sure all runners have seen this one of Derek Redmond at Barcelona...

What kind of videos make you ugly cry (in a happy way!)?


  1. Definitely dog videos! Once in a while I will come across a tribute video that someone has made for their dog (I don't realize it's. Tribute until I've already clicked on it). Those of course make me sad even though I don't even know the dog. Of course watching anyone cross the finish line of a marathon is emotional (in a good way).That chokes me up every time. This post is ironic cus I was just thinking about all the moments in life that get me emotional every time I experience them whether it's the first or fifth. Maybe that's a blog post!

    1. Yes I would definitely read that post!

      I can't watch *anything* sad about animals... no tributes... can't do it! I will ugly cry in a bad way, get a headache, and bust a blood vessel in my face! :)

  2. Any welcome home video. I don't know why I do that to myself, and I end up crying all the time. Between the dogs, kids, spouses, parents, I cry watching it all.

    1. I agree, it's not just dogs for the welcome home vids. :) I like soliders surprising kids too! But sometimes I think it's a little rude of them to do at school and make them so emotional just for a camera shot.
