
Friday, September 22, 2017

Friday 5 - Am I Dreaming!? (Big Brother 19 Finale)

Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

Today, my theme for Friday 5 is:

5 Things I Loved About the Big Brother 19 Finale!

I hated this season of Big Brother, but I loved the finale! Why? Because everything went MY WAY. (That hasn't happened in a long time!!!) Remember Nicole's win from last season!?

But this season, I was actually shocked by the outcome... Josh winning F3 HOH, Josh winning the whole damn thing by a 5-4 vote, and Cody winning America's Favorite House Guest. I had completely surrendered myself to Paul winning the whole game. I was prepared to close my eyes after his win so I didn't have to see the confetti rain down on that vile little garden gnome.

Instead, JOSH PULLED IT OUT!!!!!

I am so happy for Josh. No, he's not the best winner. Yes, he was horrible to some of the people in the house. But Paul was WAY WORSE. I am almost more happy about the fact that Paul lost than the fact that Josh won.

So, here are 5 things, no, SIX THINGS I loved about Wednesday night's Big Brother 19 Finale!

1. Julie's outfit. I have been very critical of Julie's fashion choices this season. She is a beautiful woman, but sometimes I am like, "What is she wearing!?" On finale night, Julie looked FABULOUS!!!! Hair, makeup, jewelry, jumpsuit... it was all there. I am in awe of the look. In fact, I think this should be her Big Brother uniform. Julie, wear this outfit for every live eviction for Celebrity Big Brother!

2. The bitter jury. It's no secret I was rooting against Paul. Thankfully, the jury was super bitter and voted for Josh due to Paul's terrible, terrible jury management and failure to OWN HIS GAME. If he had owned his game while answering their questions, maybe he could've gotten Cody's vote. But he didn't, and now he lost two seasons in a row. It's glorious. (Note: I was butt hurt about the bitter jury when Aubrey lost Survivor, but that's because I wanted her to win. The reason I like this bitter jury is because it sealed Paul's loss. Yes, I'm hypocritical but at least I am admitting I am!)

That's one bitter cowboy... 

3. Jessica dressing down the jury. After all of the votes were cast (but before they were revealed), Julie gave Jessica the opportunity to address the jury and she read them the riot act for basically trusting Paul, playing Paul's game, and essentially just throwing their game to Paul. Her remarks were capped off with a video package of Paul in the diary room rubbing it in everyone's faces about how he was controlling all of them. Even though the jury voted how I wanted them to, most of them were just as insufferable in the house as Paul was! I'm glad Jessica got to call them out!

4. Josh and Paul's facial expressions. From the F3 HOH comp through the conclusion of the show, I was living for the looks on their faces. Josh's ranged from moments of sheer joy as well as focused determination. Paul looked like a little petulant child most of the time. It was fun to see Paul start the night off so confident and then slowly watch his face as his dreams were crushed!


5. The two hour finale. Normally, BB finales are only an hour and a half, but this year, it was two whole hours. Finales normally seemed rushed, but with this extra half hour, there was more time for questioning, video packages, and even checking in with the final two after the winner was revealed. It felt more complete. Let's have two hour finales from now on!

6. Cody winning America's Favorite House Guest! I found Cody to be entertaining. But beyond that, it was nice to see someone the F3 hated win America's Favorite. Josh, Christmas, and Paul were so convinced it would be Christmas. They were way off. Also, it was announced that Kevin and Whistle Nut had the next highest votes. This was awesome too because the F3 said such VILE things about Kevin so it was nice to see their faces when they realized the person they had been talking smack about all summer is actually one of America's favorites!

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What did you think of the finale!?

The winner of BB gets $500,000. What would you do with that money!?


  1. So actually-I have never seen this show!! Am I missing something?

    1. Well, it depends! It's a nonsense show, but I find it highly entertaining. It's only on in the summer- usually premieres very early July and runs until mid-late Sept. If you subscribe to CBS all access ($5.99 a month, 9.99 w/o commercials) you can watch all 19 seasons. If you ever try it out, I suggest starting with Season 17. Then, if you like it, go back and start from the beginning (season 2, NOT season 1... season 1 was a whole different game). I will warn you, the old seasons are dated, but you get to know the people more and it's more of a STRAIGHT big brother game w/o a bunch of twists. Some seasons are better than others. I find something to enjoy about every season. Season 9, most people think was HORRIBLE but it's actually one of my favorites!

  2. I'm glad things in Big Brother worked out the way you wanted them!

    I do no watch Big Brother, but love your enthusiasm about it.

    500 K doesn't sound like much... I guess I would pay off my parents house and buy a house for myself.

    1. It doesn't sound like a lot when you figure you have to pay taxes on it... and if you don't live in CA, you also have to pay CA taxes on it, so it's really 300,000... which is nothing to sneeze at for sure! But, like I could never do it because I'd have to quit my job, and even if I WON, I don't think 300,000 is worth quitting my job over because I love where I work and what I teach!

      So a lot of people think the prize money should be increased because BB has been on for 19 years and it has always been half a million dollars. Also, the seasons have gotten way longer than they used to be. They used to be like 70 days. Now they're anywhere between 90-100 days. That's a long time.

  3. I didn't know the season finale was on. You know my parents are into this show. I'll have to see what they thought about it. They are usually on the same wave length as you. If I got $500,000 for free I would go buy a boat.

    1. That's funny, whenever I get my lump sum payment at the beginning of the summer, Paul says, "Let's by a boat!" (we never go boating, it's just a joke!)

  4. Well, I've never watched. I'm really not much into reality tv. DWTS is about as real as I get. :)

    I've no idea what I'd do with $500,000. Maybe travel to some of the places I've wanted to forever that are just so pricey -- like New Zealand -- not that that's pricey, it's just getting there, spending enough time, the pet sitters . . .

    1. Traveling sounds like a great way to spend half a million! I agree, traveling can be very expensive. But definitely good to spend money on awesome experiences.

  5. Ha! I have never watched this...I don't do much television (other than Modern Family...and I sometimes forget to tune in to that). I guess I do watch the Voice...but I usually miss the first 30-minutes because I forget when it's on LOL

    1. It's all nonsense! Only watch if you need some more nonsense in your life. It's mindless TV at it's best! :)

  6. I feel like I'm totally missing out on something here!

    1. for $5.99 a month (or $9.99 w/o commercials) you can check out any season of BB!!!

  7. I've never watched it either but now I feel like I am missing out.

    1. If you need some mindless TV in your life... check out my reply to Wendy above! And of course, let me know what you think. :)

  8. I' never watched this show but Im glad you were happy with the outcome this season!

    1. Thank you!!! It's so silly to care so much about a TV show, but it's fun!

  9. I've never watched the show, or any reality TV. Glad you enjoyed the finale so much! :)
