
Saturday, August 12, 2017

Weekly Workouts! (Speed work, biking, and kayaking!)

My workouts were certainly interesting this week!

I lifted 1 day
I ran 27 miles
I biked 22 miles
I kayaked 2 times!

I need to do better with my lifting. One day a week is not acceptable! I like to do 2-3 days per week to at least maintain.

Saturday- 6 miler @ 4:22am! I only got two hours of sleep. I was really fast though, partly because I was scared of getting murdered!

Sunday- 6 miles on the beach + kayaking! We spent the weekend in Cape May. I ran down to the ferry and back on the packed sand. Then Paul and I kayaked in the bay. This was my first time ever doing that! I'm not sure how far we went. It was over 2 miles for sure.

Monday- Lifting @ home. I really didn't want to, but I hadn't lifted since Wednesday. I'm still in my workout rut.

Tuesday- 6 mile speed workout! That's right!!! I'm writing more about this workout tomorrow, but I will tell you that it made me feel confidant... which is a wonderful feeling.

Wednesday- 22 mile bike ride on the rail trail! I borrowed my SIL's bike and Paul used my bike. We road on the Conawago Trail from Rt 230 to Mt Gretna. It was BEAUTIFUL and we had a great time. My butt hurt from the seat and my knee hurt from the repetitive motion. Running doesn't seem to bother my knee, but biking certainly does!

It was also our 9 year anniversary, so after our epic bike ride, we hit up our favorite sushi spot, Tokyo Diner, for dinner. We love it there because it's not crazy expensive but the sushi is GOOD. It's my favorite sushi and I never had anything that didn't taste good. It is also BYOB and a 3 minute drive from our house. If we were rich, we'd have sushi for dinner there every night!

Thursday- 3 miles run + 3. 75 miles Kayaking! We borrowed Paul's parent's kayaks. I dropped Paul and the kayaks off at McCormick Park. Then I drove to Lower Allen Park and parked the car. Then I ran 3 miles back to McCormick Park and we kayaked back to the car!

Here's my take on kayaking: It was A LOT of fun but it was very time consuming due to the fact that the kayaks aren't ours. Paul's parents are VERY generous and want us to use the kayaks whenever we want to. However, that involves:

1. Driving to his parent's house to get them. (25 minutes)
2. Putting the kayaks on the car. (10-15 minutes)
3. Driving to where we drop Paul off. (30 min)
4. Taking the kayaks off the car and unloading organizing everything we need. (10 min)
5. Me driving to where we are going to kayak to and then running back to Paul. (40 min)
6. Kayaking (however long we want it to take... today it was about an hour and 15 min)
7. Putting the kayaks on the car. (10-15 min)
8. Driving to Paul's parent's house. (25 min)
9. Taking the kayaks off the car and putting them away. (15 min)

If you add it all up, that's nearly 3 hours of prep/cleanup/driving and only an hour and 15 minutes of kayaking! Now, we could kayak for longer than an hour and 15 minutes, that would definitely make it more worth our while! And if we purchased our own kayaks, that would take out a lot of the driving. But I'm not sure I like kayaking enough to invest in them. Because it's not just kayaks you have to buy... it's a rack for your car, life preservers, waterproof boxes, boating licenses... It's a lot! So I think we will borrow his parent's a couple more times and see how we really like it. It would be nice to have kayaks. It's something Paul and I could do together to explore new places, and it's also something Paul and I could do with friends. 

Wow, I really went on a kayaking tirade!!!!

Friday- 6 FREAKING early miles. Paul woke me up several times between 1:00-1:30 due to his heavy breathing. If he's not snoring, he's breathing really loud, which I just can't sleep through. So he went to the guest room to sleep but the damage was already done. FUCK MY LIFE because I could not fall back asleep after that. I got up at 4:00 and fiddled around until it was time to go for my run. (Aka I drank a lot of coffee and had a nice bathroom visit.)

I get really depressed when I can't sleep and this is the second time I have been up basically all night in a week. I'm not happy. When this happens, it ruins my whole day because everything is just thrown off. But I had to rally because I was going to Knoebels with my family today.
Anyone out there kayak? If you're local we can go with you!


  1. I went kayaking once and really enjoyed it but you're right, it is pricey (I didn't know you needed a boating license too... maybe you don't here?). It is so relaxing, though! I hope you can get some rest soon because it's not fun to be running around on little sleep, especially with going to the park and kayaking and doing all the fun stuff you do on weekends!

    1. I got some sleep. Wooooo! :) Here in PA you need a boating license or just simply registered (I don't know which) to use them at state parks.

  2. Kayaking looks super fun. We have only done it was couples kayak races in the pool. I would like to go again but I am like you...if it takes too much work to do a workout, I am likely to skip it.

    1. It wasn't really a workout since we were in the stream, it was just kind of fun. But so time consuming! We'll see. Like I said, if we had our own it could be easier!

  3. I've only done kayaking one or two times and it was not very enjoyable because I rode tandem with a friend and her toddler who was splashing the entire time! I'd be willing to give it another try on my own (or sans toddler) and see how I like it.

    We have a peddle boat that's a lot of fun. It's not very time consuming cus it's pretty light weight and we can just throw it in the bed of my dad's truck and he straps it down. We've got it so we're pretty quick about it but it does require someone to drive you to /from a pick up point but luckily we live close to the water so one of my parents is always around to do that. We should go out on it sometime!

    1. Nice that your parents will help you with that! I never did a pedal boat before, it sounds fun. Omg Kayaking with a toddler... practically ANYTHING + toddler sounds horrible hahaha. Unless it's my nieces of course. ;)

  4. How about going out and back in a Kayak? (It saves drop off/run time?) We kayak from our dock and have to go out and back...It isn't terribly hard to paddle against the currents we have here, but it is tides versus river...I here you on the time aspect though...I am that way with most things!

    1. Well yes if we did it in a lake or something the out and back would definitely work. Would that work in a creek?

  5. Are you nervous running so early?

    1. That morning I was. With it being a Saturday, NO ONE was out.

  6. That seems like a lot of work for Kayaking !! is there a place to rent them? That would make it easier, but a bit pricier too.

    1. I think they rent kayaks at the river. But I really did like going down the creek!
