
Monday, July 24, 2017

Not a gardener/Not a runner.

A couple weeks ago, I was in line for the port o' john at the HSO concert on the Dickenson Quad. There was an old woman in line behind me and she commented on my tan. I told her I got it from being outside doing yard work and gardening.

"Oh, are you a gardener?" she asked with delight.

"No, no, no," I assured her. "I am not a gardener. But I have a garden and I grow tomatoes and peppers."

A minute later, it was my turn for the port o' john and I got to thinking. (Isn't that what you do in the port o' john!?) Why did I tell the woman I wasn't a gardener? I have a garden! I am growing tomatoes, peppers, squash, basil, and cilantro. Doesn't that make me a gardener? It doesn't mean I'm a good gardener... but why sell myself short?

Sometimes, when people start running for the first time, they will say things like, "Oh no I'm not a runner." But I always say, "Well, did you go for a run? Was it on purpose? Okay, you're a runner!"

So with that logic, I'm a gardener, RIGHT!?
Am I a gardener!?
What are you?


  1. I love your train of thought on this. Okay, since you are now an official gardener you need the big hat, and garden clogs!

  2. I like how you wrote this! I say you are a gardener!

    I am not a gardener, but regrettably, I'm a cook... as I cook 50% of the week, and often from scratch.

    1. Nice! I mean, time consuming, but I bet you make good food!

  3. YOU ARE AN ATHLETE. And a cat lover. :)

  4. I am a triathlete, a baker and an artist! I leave the gardening to Rick :)

    1. Yeah you are! You're also a dog mommy and a supportive friend. :)

  5. You are a gardener! But I probably would have said "no" too. If someone asked me if I was a gardener with delight/enthusiasm indicating that this person was a serious gardener I would not want to get into a long conversation about it where I could not match the enthusiasm. That probably makes me sound grumpy and anti-social! Maybe I am those things! :)

    I think there can be a difference between doing something and being something as well. Even though I have a camera phone and take pictures of Cecil every day I don't consider myself an animal photographer. I'm not passionate about learning different camera techniques or photo editing options or anything like that. I am simply the historian for Cecil's life LOL!

    1. HAHAHA Cecil life historian! I can see what you are saying. I am not actively learning about gardens or trying to improve my gardening, so maybe I am not a gardener. I just happen to have a garden. I am however, a PUZZLER!!!!
