
Sunday, July 9, 2017

I keep screwing up my Amazon orders!

I have been increasingly using Amazon as my go to place for shopping. It was working for me for awhile, but now, I keep screwing up my orders!

Last weekend, I was very excited because I ordered a 1000 piece Charles Wysocki puzzle for only $6! A puzzle like this could easily cost $15-$20 new, so this was a steal.

However, when the puzzle came in the mail... TWO came in the mail! I accidentally ordered two!

Luckily, my cousin Stephanie and I want to have a "Puzzle Race", where we both do the exact same puzzle and see who can finish it faster. We were thinking of sticking with a 500 piece puzzle, but after I told her my mistake, she agreed that we could use these puzzles for our race. 


The puzzle fiasco was only the first Amazon screw up of the weekend... I was also awaiting some beautiful flower stakes for in my garden. Three of them for $11.95. What a deal! Just look at them...

Unfortunately, when they came in the mail, they were a teeeeeny bit smaller than I had envisioned!

They're for a Fairy Garden!

How did I screw that up!? Check out the actual listing on Amazon. They are clearly labeled as: "Miniature Fairy Garden Glow In The Dark Glow Flowers Set of 3". I took them to my parent's house to show my mom and my SIL. They laughed!

I'm not returning them. I feel too bad because Terry and Mike were so happy I purchased them!

SO HERE IS THE THING... I am waiting for ONE MORE item from Amazon. Do you think I screwed it up?

This is what I ordered. Do you think it will actually be what I envision it to be? Believe me, I went back to double check it's not for a Fairy Garden!
Tell me about a funny online order you screwed up!


  1. Yeah, I bought something from Ebay and hadn't used that account in years. Turns out I had selected it to ship to my old address two hours away where I used to live with a roommate because that was on the account. Had to contact the seller and cancel out the whole order!

    One time Clay messed up with buying a shirt for his mom. It was a t-shirt from our college and he bought her a kids XL instead of an adult XL. Ooops. He gave me the shirt, lol.

    1. Omg what a pain! Those are funny stories. We need to up our online shopping game.

  2. Oh no, this is funny yet frustrating all at the same time. Online ordering can be so tricky!

    What will you do with the fairy lights? Will you start a fairy garden? For some reason I've been feeling the urge to start a fairy garden. That stuff is so dang cute! I don't really have a place fore one here but was thinking of starting one for my dad down by his pond. I wonder how he would feel about that?

    1. I gave the fairy lights to my mom because at the art gallery near her house, some of the camp kids are making fairy gardens, so I just gave them to her so the camp kids could use them at the gallery. What do you think of my big cat I'm putting in the garden?? Hehehe. I didn't show it to Paul yet...

    2. I love your big cat (and i'm sure Paul will too). I think I should look for a lab one! Amazon Prime day is July 11. I think I need to make a list of things to shop for!

  3. I ordered 3 books this year and couldn't believe how cheap they were! They were fairy books! SO funny! I laughed really hard and I still read them to my class. We had a chuckle.

    1. Fairy books!? I need to look more into this fairy garden stuff!

  4. That cat garden statue is adorable - and it's definitely going to be big enough for a human garden. Those fairy stakes are hilarious! I would have felt too bad to return them too. That's such a nice note from the sellers!

    1. I love when I get nice notes from sellers. Etsy sellers always write nice notes to me. :)

    2. YES etsy sellers are always so sweet! When I used to sell my candles on Etsy I always included a hand written thank you note that I like to think people appreciated! I love stuff like that!

  5. OMG, Megan...that is HILARIOUS!

  6. I will have to look up fairy gardens... I had no idea they were a thing.

    I saw a similar story on buzzfeed, a woman ordered a clear chair, because she thought it was a great deal, when it was delivered, it was a tiny clear chair for dolls.

    1. Ugh, I we have to start reading the fine print.. or in my case, the large print!
