
Friday, July 14, 2017

Friday 5 - Vacation Excitement!

Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

First of all, YESTERDAY I wrote all about my sunglasses... and forgot to post this picture of me from 1987. Looks like I always liked sunglasses!!!!

Anyhoo, back to Friday 5...

Our vacation to NorCal is approaching fast!
Here are 5 things I'm looking forward to...

1. Hiking! These are the hikes I have picked out:

2. Explore the cute little town of Sausalito. I think this is what Paul is the most excited for! He loved Sausalito the last time we were there.

3. Run the Table Rock 30k Trail Race. I'm not racing this race, but I do look forward to running through the redwoods on some of the most beautiful trails in the world!

4. Relax on Stinson Beach. The last time we were at Stinson Beach, I went for a short trail run while Paul relaxed. This time, we'll be there for 3 days, which will give us plenty of time to hike the nearby trails as well as just lay on the beach.

5. Visit the Winchester Mystery House. This is something we wanted to do when we visited San Francisco several years ago, but we just didn't have the time. But this trip, we are making the time. We are spending the whole last day of our trip in San Fran before we take a RED EYE home. We'll have time to pop down to San Jose to do this.

Edit: This podcast from Stuff You Should Know talks about Sarah Winchester and the house! From their website: "After her daughter and husband died, heiress Sarah Winchester became obsessed with the idea that spirits haunted her and to appease them she had to have a house continuously built for them. So she did - 24 hours a day for 38 years."

Do you have any vaycays coming up?
Have you been to NorCal? What did you do?
Would the Winchester Mystery House freak you out?


  1. Our next vacation is Michigan in about 2 weeks. I am excited. We have been to San Francisco and also Half Moon Bay! Fun trips. On our San Francisco trip we did a winery tour and our last stop was Sausalito. We loved it. Looks like you have mapped out an amazing trip. How long will you be there?

    1. You guys have family in MI, right? I was looking up multi million dollar houses in Sausalito the other night. :) Check these two, I'm not sure which one I like better. I kind of like the deck on the second one better because of all the trees, but the first one prob has a way more unobstructed view!

      Now, this one is near where my race is... Who do you think lives in this 11 million dollar home!?

      We will be there 5 nights and on the 6th night taking a red eye home.

  2. My next vacation is coming up at the end of the month as well!
    Scott and I both have always been fascinated by the winchester house and would love to see it. Take lots of pictures! Isn't that located on that very winding road too or am I thinking of something else?

    1. Nice! Where are you going? Don't worry, I will take tons of pictures and squeeze out as many blog posts about this trip as possible. ;) The Winchester Mystery house in about 1 hr south of San Fran in San Jose, so not on the famous twisting Lombard Street, but that would be cool! Have you ever been to San Fran? I have run down Lombard. I wonder how much houses cost on that street!

  3. Have a great time in CA. Looks wonderful. I am going to Alaska next week. :-)

    1. Alaska!!!! Have a wonderful time! That's on our bucket list. :)

  4. Oh, wow, that sounds awesome! I love all the hiking and the beach time too. The house looks amazing!

    1. The best part about all the hiking is that most of the clothes I have to pack are just running shorts! :) Good thing too because we are only taking carry ons and running shorts don't take up a ton of room...

  5. That Mystery house looks very cool and I have never heard of it. Heading over to check it out now

    1. I listened to a podcast about Sarah Winchester and the house, I should have included the link in this post in case people were interested!

  6. You are going to 2 state parks D and I went to this summer. There is an elk herd at Praire Creek! Rockefeller Loop is a great hike!! I loved Nor Cal and we didn't get to do everything we wanted, and will definitely be going back again.

    ENJOY the race!!

    1. NICE! Where is the elk herd? Are they always there? Was it scary? What did you want to do that you didn't have time to do?

    2. The elk herd is near the Elk Praire campground that is part of Praire Creek State Park. They are usually around that area, when we were saw them, there was a spectacular group of bachelor males.

      We didn't get to see the Marine Mammal Center or the California Academy of Science. And, just in general, we would have liked to have 2 or 3 days at each state park because after we were there and did the hike we planned, we saw other places we wanted to explore or got recommendations of other hikes to do.

  7. I love NorCal. My family would visit Monterrey when I was a kid, and I love going back there. The aquarium is always a must, and I love sea otters. If my parents couldn't find me, I'd be watching the sea otters.

    1. We visited the aquarium when we were on the West Coast about 5 years ago. Paul LOVED it. I liked it too, but aquariums are Paul's thing. Sea otters are so cute.

  8. Oh, I mixed up the trail runs. I had thought this one coming up in Northern California was the one you did last week. Oops. This one looks AMAZING. I can't keep up with all the fun stuff you guys do! I'm jealous but so happy for you! What a blast!

    1. Omg no! Last week's was just my last training run that I did on the AT, about 20 min from my place.

  9. This looks so pretty!! I'm sure you will have so much fun! I hope to see lots of pictures when you get back!

    We don't have any long vacations coming up, only a few daytrips, which I'm excited about.

    1. You are the queen of day trips. I can't wait to hear about them. We have a lot of day trips we still want to do... we're behind!

  10. We don't have any vacations coming up and I wish we did. NorCal looks like such a fun place and hopefully cooler temps (anything's cooler than here, though). I'm glad you're going hiking and to the beach, and that you can do the race after all the issues you had and going to PT earlier this summer. I hope you have a wonderful time and let us know all about the fun :).

    1. It will be a little cooler but I actually enjoy the heat of the summer! Though I know PA summers aren't as bad as South Carolina. But the real feel here today was 103!!!

  11. If you and Kenny ever go to San Fran let me know. I will tell you all the good things to do! I thought of you while I was at Hershey Park on Wed... you guys and your love of thrill rides!

  12. San Fran is SO amazing! All of the hills are crazy, but that just adds to the uniqueness of it.

    1. I remember the first time we went all the hills. What a workout! I'm so excited to go back.

  13. Northern California was our original idea for summer vacay this year...but decided on Hawaii instead. I'll be looking forward to seeing your pics. We love to hike as well and have several scheduled for Hawaii! Have a great time!

    1. WOW, Hawaii!! That's on our bucket list. I bet you are so excited. Live it up!

  14. Oh how fun, you'll be in my neck of the woods :)

    1. Really??? I am very jealous. :) Whereabouts?

    2. Sacramento :)

      P.S. I am checking the 'Notify me' box, but I don't get notified of your replies... mmmh?!

    3. I'm sorry. :(I'm not tech savvy at all but I will ask some of my other readers if it does that for t hrm. Maybe there is a trick to it..

    4. Weird, got the notification this time... ha! Murphy's Law! I let you know if it happens again! ;)

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