
Friday, July 28, 2017

5 things I love about being HOME!

Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

Today, my theme for Friday 5 isThings I Love About Being HOME.

Paul and I just got back from a 6 day Northern California vacation. We enjoyed every minute of it, but we were ready to come back to our favorite place in the world!

Oh, if you missed my 30k Race Recap, check it out here!

Here are 5 Things I Love About Being HOME:

1. MY KITTIES! I miss my kitties so much while we are gone. Luckily, we have an excellent cat sitter who even stays overnight. She texts us pictures and gives us daily updates. (Local peeps, msg me if you are interested in her services!)

2. My bed. Even though the king sized bed at the 4 Points Sheraton we stayed at the last two nights of our trip was probably the most comfortable bed I ever slept in, it can't compare to our rumpled up queen we have at home.

3. My garden. I was scared my garden would go crazy while we were gone, but it wasn't too bad. I even got my first squash while I was away and a bunch of cherry tomatoes!

4. Convenience. Just having all my STUFF at arms reach is awesome. And look, the day after we got home, I made this yummy dinner with the squash pictured above. In Cali, this meal would have cost $18!!!

5. My foam roller. My heart didn't miss this but my muscles did!

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What do you look forward to coming back to after a vacation?


  1. I love to travel but nothing like home. I always miss my bed and cooking for myself but Macy is the number one thing I miss. Isn't it great to love your life so much that you want to come back to it?

    1. Wow, that is a really good way to put it. We're so lucky we can travel but also lucky our life is so awesome that we don't even NEED to go anywhere to be happy. :)

  2. I agree it is so nice to be home! Sometimes I question myself as to why I ever want to leave in the first place!
    Baylee is for sure the thing I miss the most when we go on vacation. I try to take her with when I can but sometimes it's just not possible. People just don't understand how well behave she, and she totally gets discriminated against because she is more than 50 lbs!

  3. Oh I am SUCH a home person. My bed is definitely number one but I'd have to say that I love my own bathrooms/toilets for doing my business. I'm much more relaxed and accomplished at home. ;)

    1. Oh yes, that's a good one. Not even your own toilet but just constant access to one is comforting!

  4. I love the blue on the walls of your bedroom. Looks very soothing!

    I envy all of the gardeners and their summer harvest!! look at all of those cherry tomatoes!

    I miss my bed and pillow the most, there is no comparison to it!

    1. Thank you! I'm over the blue but I liked it at the time. :) We have a TON of fresh basil if you need any. I have so much to share.

  5. I remember back in 2012 we went on a cruise vacation, we'd been living here for about 6 months and when we got home, I remember feeling like this was home. I was still new in town but getting back from that vacation was the first time I felt at home. Like you, I miss things like my bed when I travel! Also my own shower with its water pressure because hotels are never as good.

    1. Aw that's nice that you finally felt like your new place was home. As excited as I was to move out of my apartment, get married, and buy a house (all within a week!), I was still worried that the new place wouldn't feel like home and that I'd miss my apartment. I think it helps having the cats. Home is where the cats are!

  6. I definitely miss my cat. I felt guilty having to board her at the vet since I was taking her away from her home, and she would scold me when I did get her home. Now that I live near my parents, they'll take care of her in a big house whenever I'm away.

    1. Aw that is so nice your parents will take her.

  7. I love traveling, but it's always nice to come home again. And of course I miss the furkids (although typically we get home late & Giz is the only one there.

    1. I wonder if they miss us as much as we miss them?

  8. Your post reminds me I need to check on the progress of my cherry tomatoes! I got my plant in the garden late this summer, so they are a good three weeks behind on where they should be #mybad My dog goes nutzo when we return home from a trip, no matter how long we're gone (a week or 30 minutes) LOL

    1. Ooh I hope you get some tomatoes soon. :) Awww I know dogs are definitely more animated than even the most animated cats! Mine are a little dazed at first when we come home but then the next day they are the CUDDLIEST CUDDLE BUDDIES EVER.

  9. I am so behind on blog posts but I am binge reading all of your posts now :)

    Of course I miss Cecil the most but I just miss the comfort and feeling of being at home too. I guess it's a combination of all the things you mentioned - - sleeping in our bed, having our stuff all right there, etc. There is no place like home!

    1. Uh oh, that's a lot of Megan you're going to binge on!!!

      There sure is no place like home. The comfort and convenience too. Like wow, I can make breakfast and it won't cost $18!? Score!!!

  10. I would not miss my foam roller! I always look forward to my electric tooth brush and my pot of coffee made my way. :)

  11. Washcloths!! We missed washcloths! Our hotel room had them the first day or so, but then they never showed up again. We kept trying to request them from the cleaning people several times, but our Spanish was not so good and they never arrived. You just don't feel like all of the sunscreen is getting washed off without one!!

    1. You will have to pack wash cloths next time apparently... or learn how to ask for one in Spanish! :)
