
Friday, July 7, 2017

5 Random Things About this Week!

Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

Today, I will share 5 random things about the week.

1. I got my hurr cut. It needed cut so. freaking. bad. I told my stylist to make it shorter than ever before!



2. We are in the market for a patio table. Ideally, it's a smaller table that seats 2-4 people and is the pub style. I found the perfect one at Stauffer's the other day, unfortunately, it was about $1700 out of my price range!

I'm currently looking on Craigslist. I feel like that will be more closely aligned with our budget! But, ah, a girl can dream...

3. Poison Sumac?. Today, I'm going to clean the side of my shed. But I am concerned that some of the new growth beside it is poison sumac! Some people think it looks like sumac, while others lean toward tree of heaven. Any experts out there?

4. Bunnies are eating the plant on my front stoop. I'm pissed! After asking for help on Facebook, I went to the Stauffer's to get something to spray on my plant to deter the bunnies from eating it. The spray smells so bad. It smells like poop, but worse.

5. We had quite the curbside circus on trash night... This is what we put out:

1 huge can of trash
2 cans of yard waste
1 can of recycles
Our broken storm door
2 bikes
A wheelbarrow
A tub of junk
An old dresser. 

After putting everything out, I showered and went to my hair appointment. When I got back, the bikes were gone! I was glad. I wondered if the municipal garbage truck would take the rest of our junk...

But then, when I was smack dab in the middle of making brown rice, the junk truck came past our house. Not the municipal garbage truck, but the junk truck that comes around the night before to salvage stuff! 


I abandoned my rice and started snapping shots for you...

They took the screen door AND the wheelbarrow!

NOTE: I am NOT making fun of the trash truck guys. I feel SICK throwing so much out and I am so happy someone is taking it to possibly clean up and sell, use, or whatever.

When I woke up Thursday morning, I went straight to the front window to see if the municipal garbage truck took all our stuff...

THEY DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you ever had to use that poop spray?

Do you have a wash line?

Do your trash guys take anything?


  1. That's so interesting that you have a junk truck. Is it something through the city, or just some guys who do it to repair and resell stuff? I've watched videos of people who do stuff like that and it's amazing how they can give old stuff a new life! I wish I was that crafty!

    1. Nope, not through the city. Just some dudes! MY SIL did that for a little while. She lives in a nice neighborhood and people would throw out NICE STUFF. She found a white leather computer chair and resold it on Craigslist for like $70!!!

    2. She is also very crafty and can you TOOLS.

    3. OMG wow! One man's trash is another man's treasure!

  2. My sister lives in Denver and whenever she wants to get rid of something that is still of good use, she puts it in the alley and it always gets taken. I like that! I bring a ton of stuff to Good Will because much of what I get rid of can still be used.

    1. I'm glad the stuff is getting used! I donate stuff too but some stuff is just not good enough and needs cleaned up a bit so the junk truck saves us!

  3. Megan - I love your Random posts!
    We don't have a wash line, but we do dry a lot of things on a rack inside.
    Our trash people won't take away anything that isn't in the bins. I don't know if you pay for your trash take away, but we do and it's expensive. You would think that with our high taxes (which I gladly pay, our schools are incredible) that we would get trash take away as well. If we have big items, we take it to the local dump ourselves. fun times! Happy Friday! Kristen

    1. We do pay the township but it is the township, nothing private you know. I think if you are paying a lot of money they should take stuff! Do you have a car big enough to take big items to the dump? The problem is that we do not!

    2. We pay about $450 a year, which I think is highway robbery!
      Yes, we have a honking big car, but we also have access to big trucks (family).

    3. It is always nice to have access to BIG TRUCKS! :) Paul's best friend got a truck a year or so ago... I think he cashed in on one or two truck favors since then. :)

  4. I keep seeing a lot of patio furniture on sale now. Look on happy shopping!

  5. I'm pretty sure wash lines aren't allowed here due to HOA restrictions. Growing up we lived in a rural area and had one but always called it a clothes line. Must be a southern term. We do have an indoor drying rack though.

    Just after college we lived in an apartment and Clay had an old TV he put out by the dumpsters. It didn't work but multiple people took it and would try to get it to work then bring it back. The TV went back and forth from people's apartments to the dumpsters for a few months!

    1. My brain goes right to "wash line" when I say it, but if someone said "clothes line" it doesn't sound weird or wrong to me at all. I accidentally left that question in there because I did have one of my #s about our wash line but then I deleted it for poison sumac identification!

      That is hilarious about the TV! It's like the white elephant Christmas gift!

  6. I finally got a clothes line put up last year! We have that same one you showed from Lowe's!
    We are allowed 2 cans for trash pick up but after our yardsale we had a few extra things and the garbage man did take it without charging us more.
    So what is this trash truck? Do they come around the night before the garbage truck to see if they can use your stuff?

    1. Ooh we are clothes line twinsies!!!!

      Yes, the junk truck is just a guy or guys who comes around and gets things the night before the trash truck comes. I think he cleans the stuff up or uses the stuff for parts.

  7. Love your haircut! So cute. I'm in dire need myself.

    No clothes lines. I think about it, but then with the rain, and the birds pooping everywhere (speaking of poop).

    We don't have a junk trunk. But usually anything put out disappears at some point. It's how I got the wicker chair in my back yard (atlhough I actually rescued it from a dumpster).

    1. Thank you! I had hair past my shoulders forever and a couple months ago I chopped it ALL OFF. I am loving it.

      Dumpster diving! Nice!

  8. Where I live if you just put something about on your curb or the ally it will for sure be gone in hours! It's better than throwing something out or if you don't have time to take something to goodwill. The cut looks great on you!

    1. It's good people are getting good use out of our trash!

  9. Oh we have SO much garbage. We always go over the allotted amount because we have so many people living in one townhouse! When we first moved in here, we bought the garbage men some beer, and we leave it out every once in a while and they always take all of our garbage! Fun fact: Canadians call it "garbage" and Americans call it "trash."

    1. I didn't know we called it different things! Like, when I say it, my instinct it to say "trash day"... but I also sometimes say "garbage truck". I think I say both!

  10. ah ! The junk guys! they do make their rounds to pick up all sorts of random things! I used to see them in my old neighborhood! There was 2 of them back in the day.

    The haircut looks good!

    Did you check Big Lots for the backyard furniture? They used to have some.

    1. Do you think we have the same junk guys? I did look at Big Lots but the tables were too big for our back porch. I freaking love Big Lots though. :)

  11. I've never seen a junk truck before - super cool!

    1. Yeah! When I told my mom about it, she said they prob took the screen door and wheel barrow for the alluminum- they can get money for that.

  12. I was going to suggest Overstock too. It wouldn't hurt to look there at least. I'd also say check out Sears or Kmart since I saw more stores will be closing. They could have store closing sales.

    1. I was so sad that the Sears near us closed. I would get clothes there from time to time. Thank you for the tips for the patio furniture!

  13. We have a separate day for recycling and trash. Our trash people tend to leave the bins in the middle of the street (thats where i found it when I got home from work today.) Im always worried it will disappear one week! Glad the bikes got taken and will hopefully be put to good use.

    1. In the middle of the street!? Crazy. Yes I am very glad someone took the bikes. The tires were flat and buying tires would cost more than the body of the bike was worth, you know?

  14. Yes, when they leave stuff it's like this deep feeling of REJECTION. I am glad the bikes were gone too. The tires were flat and buying new tires would cost more than the body of the bike was worth. Hopefully someone used them for parts.

  15. I've seen several junk truck around here too. But the ones I've seen are in the alley. And yes, one man's junk is another man's treasure.

    1. We don't have any ally so all our junk is just on the main road.

  16. That is funny (but in a great reduce/reuse/recycle kind of way) about the guys taking your cast-offs. I hate throwing stuff out as well and I always hope someone will see it, have a light-bulb moment, and snag it before it goes in the truck. Have you ever tried coffee grounds for pest control. Sometimes the scent of the coffee will deter the critters away.

    1. I have not tried coffee grounds but thank you for that tip!
