
Tuesday, June 6, 2017


A couple weeks ago I had some Meg Go Run updates for you. Today, I have some more!


Not to brag, but ever since giving up added on April 10th, I only added salt to my food ONCE. It was when I had ravioli with parm cheese. I just had to add salt! I almost added it to my Chinese food a couple weeks ago but Paul told me not to. "Baby," he said, "You have to get used to eating your Chinese food without adding all that salt." I actually listened to him and after a few bites, it was okay.

Okay, I add salt to the rim of my margaritas too, but I only have one of those from time to time, so that doesn't count, right?


You may have noticed my tap classes have disappeared from my Weekly Workout posts. That's because I stopped going to tap and I didn't do the recital. Allow me to explain. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy tap dancing. I did like it. But I was just getting so busy and going to tap at 7:15 and not getting home until after 8:30 was a lot for me. Also, I was getting a little bored at class. Every Wednesday morning when I would wake up, I would feel disappointment knowing that I had to go to tap that evening. How ridiculous! But I would always make myself go. I figured I liked tap, I was just tired, busy, etc. and I would regret it if I didn't go. But after several weeks in a row of not wanting to go, I realized there was no point in continuing. I may try tap again but apparently right now it is not a priority for me.


Don't worry, our house didn't burn down. But I am VERY MAD AT US FOR LETTING THIS HAPPEN! We worry about this ALL THE TIME. How could we let this happen!?

So on Thursday night, Paul and I left the house right after piano lessons and rushed to physical therapy. (Yup, we're both in PT now!) Paul always lights candles for piano lessons in an effort to make sure the house smells smells good... aka, not like cat piss. Well, before we left, he blew out two of the candles but not the one in the music room. And I didn't even think to blow out any candles because I wasn't the one that lit them.

Now, I am not blaming Paul AT ALL. It is both of our faults. I instruct him to light candles, I knew it was lit, I just didn't think to blow it out because I wasn't the one who actively lit it. And also, our routine was messed up. Normally we don't go anywhere after piano lessons, but on this night we rushed out the door.

Normally when we leave the house and are pulling out of the carport, one of us says, "All off?" As in, are all the lights off, candles blown out, etc, etc... But we didn't do it this night or else we would have thought of it. Ugh.

I am so mad we let this happen but also glad everything is okay.


The night before I wrote this post, I jotted down what I wanted to tell you about. Well, I can't for the life of me figure out what the last thing on my list means! 

I am pretty sure it says "ankle", although I spelled it wrong. But what the heck do I have to tell you about in reference to my ankle? I have no ankle injuries... WTF!?
Did you ever accidentally leave a candle burning?
What do you think my note says?


  1. I burn a candle in my yoga studio and accidentally left it burning over night! It's in a deep glass jar so the flame is really far down in there and not exposed .... but still! I was mad at myself. Nice job on the salt. I actually had to learn to salt my food a few years ago (didn't like the taste) because my blood sodium is quite low. I wish I could trade you! That does look like "ankle" -- and no you don't have an ankle injury..I do (or did?!). I hope you can figure out what you needed to tell us.

    1. Leaving candles on is so scary! I am sure it happens all the time, and they are designed to be safe, especially the ones in the jars, but still not good.

      I am always and forever envious that you have low blood sodium. It is an affliction I wish I had. ;)

  2. We are opposites with salt! I describe almost everything from a restaurant as tasting "too salty." Adam usually tells me I'm crazy because he can't taste any salt. I hate the taste of salt ... but I add onion or garlic powder to EVERYTHING. There is nothing that can't be improved with onion powder with the exception of maybe fruit! haha

    Maybe you wanted to tell us about Susan's ankle since Chasing the Sun doesn't exist!

    1. Haha maybe I did! Susan has been on my mind lately. :)

      I too like garlic... not much of an onion powder girl. But I just freaking love salt. Do you like them on margaritas?

    2. I love you, guys! You are my (private) blog readers! But I am not chasing the sun, I am waking the sun, remember?!? AKA the crazy one :)

    3. Oh yes how could I get it wrong!! Sorry Susan!

  3. Yikes about the candle! Have you ever tried scentsy? No flame as the wax is melted with heat from a bulb. They have s huge variety of warmers and very intense scents.

    1. I never heard of that but I shall look into it. Thanks Deb! Yes I am so ashamed we left that candle on.

    2. Scentsy is a home- based business like Tupperware. One of my sisters is a "dealer"... maybe she has a website. I'll check. You can get wax warmers from a lot of places a lot cheaper. The scentsy wax though, in my experience, is better. It is intense, doesn't have the wax smell that some brands have.

  4. Yes! Last Sunday I lit a candle on the kitchen window sill. It was already burning for a few hours when Baylee and I drove in town for a walk and then I went to Wendy's drive thru. I was shocked when I walked in the door and noticed I had left the candle burning!! Even though nothing caught fire, I was glad that Baylee was with me during that time and not at the house alone!

    1. How scary! Yes obviously the first thing we think about are our pets being home if there is a fire. That is one of my biggest fears, something happening and me not being home.

  5. Haha, your to-do list reminds me of some of the interviews I've done (mostly when I was in college and working for the paper). My writing would be so bad that I would get home to write my article and not know what I'd written down... yikes!

    Hooray for adding less salt to foods! Chinese food, at least here, is always crazy salty! The only thing I really add salt to is french fries.

    I try not to leave candles burning but eek, I would freak out if I figured out I did that. Glad things weren't any worse!

    1. My handwriting is horrible, even when I "try" to write nice, it looks like kid writing.

      Chinese food here is so salty too, but I want MORE.

  6. I think it says "A" and then the next word starts with "N" because I don't think you'd have written a capital N after the A.

    1. I'm not sure why I would do that buuuut I do have crappy handwriting!

  7. I thought it said Ankle. I always have a fear that I leave my flatiron plugged in when I leave for work. Glad nothing came of the candle incident!!

    1. It does look like ankle. I think it does and that I forgot what I wanted to say about it.

  8. I add salt to food all the time. I tell myself it's okay because I'm a salty sweater, and I don't eat processed crap that's already high in sodium, so really I'm fine. Please let me keep believing this. :)

    I'm glad your candle incident turned out okay! I'm always afraid of doing stuff like that. More than once I've turned around and come back home because I think I left something on.

    1. THat's what I told myself too!!! Then I went to the dr. and they told me I had prehypertension! (I think my bp was just high because I get anxiety at the dr) but still!

  9. Could that be an "&", and maybe a ukel short for ukulele? Ha...I don't know ;)

  10. It would be illegal to not add salt to a margarita!!

    I think it's ok to leave the candle on for a little bit... because you were coming right back! I have left my door unlocked overnight at my place... accidentally, twice!!

    1. Oh man I have done that too but I left my KEYS in the door! Ugh! That's like screaming "Come rape me!!!!" to your neighbors.

  11. I don't use candles because I'm paranoid like that. I started using one that was a fall scent a couple years ago, but then I got paranoid again that it would set off the smoke detector.

    1. Yeah it is definitely something to be careful and have a healthy amount of paranoia about!

  12. BWAHAHAHA! I think I wrote it while I was working out!
