
Friday, June 2, 2017

Searching for answers....

A few weeks ago, I suddenly started getting glute/groin pain around Mile 3 of my runs. I took a couple days off running, tried again, and the same pain would pop up around Mile 3-4. Then I took a week off running and tried again. Pain came around Mile 3-4 like clockwork. How freaking FRUSTRATING!!!

This past Thursday, I decided that taking a break from running was not helping my groin/glute pain, so I needed to try something else. To be honest, my butt has been feeling a little jacked up first thing in the morning, so I thought I’d be diligent about warming up before my run and see if that helped anything.

Thursday morning, I foam rolled, did some glute activation exercises, and even walked for twelve minutes. Then off I went for a run...

What do you know? At Mile 3 I felt an “awareness” in my groin. I stopped a half mile after that because the pain was definitely there.

**Note: This is not debilitating pain I wouldn’t be able to run through. However, you all know I DON’T RUN THROUGH PAIN because I don’t want it to get worse or sideline me for longer than it would have if I had just taken it easy.**

Mentally, I had prepared to not be able to run 4 miles. I already had my jump rope, towel, water, and deck of cards laying out in my driveway so I could bang out a deck of cards workout to finish up my exercise for the day. Oddly, jumping ripe, burpees, and mountain climbers do not bother my groin at all. In fact, my groin and butt stopped hurting right after I stopped running…

… but then when I sat at my desk at work an hour later, my groin and butt pain came back.

I thought it was weird my glute and groin pain were happening at the same time, so I Googled “are glute and groin pain related?” (I know you’re not supposed to Google our symptoms. The last time I Googled symptoms I ended up racing to Urgent Care, convinced I had a blood clot.)

A lot of stuff came up for piriformis and sciatica problems… But I don’t get pain radiating down the back of my leg or anything. I just get groin pain at Mile 3 and then ass pain throughout the day. I do feel a little jacked up in the morning.

What do you all think!!?? I’m gonna ask my PT about it.

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Definitely ask your PT. When I had piriformis issues it would irritate the sciatic nerve, but didnt go down my leg. The most I felt was sometimes in my hamstring. I would also wonder about SI joint issues because I think they can also lead to both glute and groin pain. I hope you figure it out!

    1. You are right- I asked my PT today and he thinks it's SI!

  2. How frustrating! I'm surprised how many people get the glute pain.

  3. Did you end up talking to your PT? What did he say? Do you have a plan to address? I hope so! Need you back out there running, my friend. It's what you do!

  4. Weird. How frustrating! Whenever my hip/butt hurt, it's always because my SI joint is immobilized and I need it mobilized. Once it gets mobilized, the surrounding muscles etc settle down and stop hurting.

    1. It is my SI! I'm fb messaging you to see what you do for it. I found some stretches.

  5. Ouchies!! Sending you healing thoughts! Because that sounds awful!

  6. Funny you should have this PT talk the last few days. The other day on FB I was slightly ranting about my ongoing soreness and disappointment with my PT results, and that triggered my old PT lady to email me and invite me to come back in to see her... free of charge, as part of a study! It's a huge help because I'm paying out of pocket and it adds up so freaking fast. Hopefully she'll have some new ideas for me in my PIMA issues. It just so frustrating, as you are well aware. I'm thinking mine is high hamstring tendinopothy. I hope you get some direction and answers for your issues!!
