
Thursday, May 18, 2017

What A Wonderful World

Last Wednesday was one of the most stressful days ever. When I finally left work at 7:50pm, I was spent. Sweat was dripping down my body. My feet ached from the fancy heels I wore for my chorus concert. My head was pounding. I was hot, tired, and starving since I hadn't eaten anything for 12 hours. But the day was over and I was heading home.

I pushed open the back doors of the school and stepped outside to walk to my car. I was immediately greeted with the cool air and the lovely evening smells you only smell in spring and summer. There was a slight breeze and I looked up in the dark blue sky at the green trees being blown back and forth.

It was time to stop and take a minute to just appreciate being alive in this beautiful world. I forced myself to take it all in- the sights, the smells... I started singing What A Wonderful World, a song my chorus had just sung at their concert.

"I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.

I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day the dark sacred night
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world."

During a time I felt like I was losing it, forcing myself to stop and be reminded about how SMALL and INSIGNIFICANT I am in the grand scheme of things... that really centered me. And I don't mean to present what I just said as a negative thing. We are small compared to the entire universe. And we are insignificant in the grand scheme of the entire earth. But each one of us is so important and quite significant to so many people. We touch others, help others, and help to shape our little portion of the universe in MANY significant ways. And when we are ALL helping and shaping and doing things that mean something to others, it adds up and collectively makes all of us humans SO POWERFUL.

"The colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by.
I see friends shaking hands, saying how do you do,
They're really saying, I love you."

I need to find a way to appreciate each and every day. Stop waiting for the weekend. Stop wishing for summer. Stop counting down the days until... what!? I need to cherish and be happy for every single day I have. Even the stressful ones and the ones I just want to skip over. That's no way to live.

"I see babies cry, I watch them grow
they'll learn much more, than I'll ever know
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.
Yes I think to myself, what a wonderful world."

Boy did this post go in a different direction than I thought it was going to. 


  1. You are so right, at the end of the day most of the things we get stressed about are not really worth it? I mean they are challenging n the short term, but long term/big picture things generally work out OK. I am glad things are looking up for you!!

    1. Thank you Susan! Things are looking up because I am trying to change my perspective. It's weird, it's not even like anything particularly bad was happening, I was just feeling overwhelmed, etc.

    2. So, I have to practice what I preach, though: just found out 3-4 more weeks in my brace (I thought only 2) BUT my tendons look "really good" (quote from Mr. Conservative aka my doctor) and they are healing. The brevis tendon looks so healthy. The longus needs a bit more time but got my final shot today so now my body just has to do the work. I started focus on the "3-4 more weeks" and then just told myself to focus on "healthy tendons"!! I can't be mad abut that.

    3. I am sorry you have a couple more weeks but SO GLAD it is helping.

    4. you and me both, sister!! long haul with some really jerk tendons.

  2. I love the title of this post and I loved the post too! I was just thinking of this very thing (and I would love to expand on it more when we talk in person). I keep thinking that it's not until "summer" that we really live and come alive but in reality, it's every day that makes life so special and what it is. Great things are happening all year long. Even in the gloomiest of winter days something wonderful is happening! Hmm, can I do a follow up post to this?

    1. Yes, even the gloomiest days are good. And remember the Friday 5 when you told me something good happens each day, you just have to look for it? I think about what you said. :) Yes of course you can follow up to this post!

  3. *hugs* You are so right. I know things have been rough for you lately but that's how the seasons of life go. Lately I have thought about my own worrying and what I worry about, and realize that so much of what I worry about is 100% out of my control. I can only do the best I can with whatever the situation is and let the cards fall where they do.

    The good thing that comes from hard times is being able to look back and say "I got through this"- even when you didn't think you would. The older I get the more I realize this, but in high school and college, and my first few years of "adulthood", I didn't have as many experiences to look back on and say that.

    1. That is a very good point, that the older we get, the more experiences we have "gotten through".

      It's hard not to worry, even if it is out of our control, but if you can reign it in you will be happier. Paul and I were just talking about this yesterday because he has an MRI tomorrow to make sure all is well in his brain, and we both said we were going to try not to worry because the outcome is the outcome whether we worry about it or not!

  4. Aww Meg! This is the best!!! I'm usually a lot better about keeping a perspective like this but lately I've been feeling more resentful than thankful. I needed to read this today as a reminder. I totally thought you were going to give details on what you ate after not eating all day!

    1. Don't you love when you read something you just NEEDED to read? I'm glad I could provide that to you! You know what, I don't even remember what I ate!!!

  5. "Why wait" is definitely a theme that has been hitting me lately. Life flies by so fast, especially when you have kids that just keep growing up :) In fact, I said "why wait" just a month or so ago when we decided to buy the new camper. The kids are getting any smaller, we need to take advantage of the time now.

    1. Life does fly!!!! I bet you feel great investing in the camper because what it really is is investing in family ADVENTURES.

  6. This is great! I started thinking about this over the weekend when I was stressed out about silly stuff. It was so nice out on Sunday so I tried to stop worrying and appreciate all the good things. This is a great reminder!
