
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Vlog: The PT exercises I do.

I started to go to PT a couple weeks ago and I have finally found the time to show you the exercises I do! I have listed them out below if you are not interesting in watching the vlog!

Note: This is NOT a "how to" vlog. I am sure that as a newbie, my form may be lacking on some of these exercises and I may not be explaining very well why I am doing them. Just consider this post a peak into what I am doing daily, as prescribed by my PT.

Yes, I do all of this every day.

Yes, it is time consuming!


(I am explaining them in about the order I do them.)

Foam rolling- calves, hammys, ITB, quads/hips, thoracic spine. I am not to be rolling hard. Lightly. My muscles need to be "supple". I roll each body part for 1 minute, so this takes nine minutes total. I am supposed to roll before I workout.
Open books- 10 reps
Leg raise with resistance arms- 15 reps
Glute bridges with heels up- 10 reps, holding for 5 seconds each
Bird dog- 10 reps
Hydrants- 10 reps
Clams- 10 reps
Turkish get ups- 15 reps
Side planks- 3x15 seconds
Trunk twist- 10 reps
Ankle stretch- 4 reps, hold for 10 seconds
Cable march- 15 reps
Cable push- 15 reps
One legged leg press on incline- 10 reps
Side walks w/ resistance band- 15 reps
Have you ever done any of these exercises?


  1. My favorite are the Clam shells (probably cus I can do them laying down..hAha).

    1. Haha! I like the open books. They are actually relaxing! And I know my back needs some work so at least they are helpful.

  2. Wow--that is quite the routine! I haven't really done many of those. But we have some different issues. My biggest issue is my sway back and then my lower back takes over and my hammys are always on "stretch". I am impressed that you do all of those. My PT has a rule that he only tries to give me 2-3 exercises at a time then I advance when I test better and can go onto more advanced. I will be seeing him when I am out of my brace and I am anticipating I will need to go back to a few basics because the brace has thrown a lot of things "off". Good job and I am so happy you FINALLY have found something to take away your knee pain!

    1. And I just got a NEW exercise this week too! I know it is a lot of exercises but it is only one set. If it was 3 sets I'd be effed. He didn't start me with all of these. He started me with maybe 5? OMG Paul has sway back like WOAH. His dad does too. Did your mom or dad? I hope it KEEPS my knee pain away. My knee pain ebbs and flows... so is PT helping or is this just a normal ebbing time? And we tried squats and lunges but it PULSATED. And of course spin made it pulsate. He told me spin would be a tough one for my ITB problem. I guess I am not destined to be a spinner. I went on the ARC trainer today and it was okay. Rather than hopping right back on the ARC trainer I am going to give it a day or two off!

  3. Whoa whoa whoa! That is a LOT of exercises! I'm impressed!!! I do fire hydrants all the time, and side planks. Way to GO! I'm so glad it's been helping you.

    1. It is a lot but only one set of each. And it didn't start out as that many. I also do hydrants all the time but now I get to do them "officially" for PT. Side planks I phased out for forearm planks BUT I know they are helpful so back in they go! They only have me holding them for 15 seconds though... I can go way longer.

  4. I'm saving this to watch when I get home...

    The openbook one sounds familiar...

  5. There's actually a few of these I have not heard of - the open book is one. Ironically I got the same PT exercise sheet from my latest Dr visit as my husband did! I haven't even done them yet. Shame on me. But I will soon... ever the optimist. Several of these I did lately and liked them, but they sure didn't like me!

    1. Hmmmm do you and your hubby have the same issues? I am sure everyone has some of the same exercises but should they be EXACTLY the same? Oh which ones did not like you? The only thing that made me sore was the first time I foam rolled my back.

    2. Any stretchy-hamstring related things, like lunges really made my legs mad. We were laughing about the PT exercises being the same because our Dr is the team Dr for our local hockey team, which is going to some finals this week, and we figured he just printed mine out twice so he could go get packed for his hockey trip out of town with the team!! I hope that's not really the case though...

  6. Very interesting! There are a bunch of exercises Ive never seen before. I learned the open book one at PT but didnt know what it is called!

    1. I actually got MORE stuff added now too. A weird one with like a resistance stick that goes with the TRX stuff. No clue what it's called.

  7. It is hard to fit it in! Just a little each day, right?? Thank you Karen!!! 4 years of strength training and finally I am starting to get some muscles!

  8. I do a lot of these! Bridges, hydrants, clams are things I do pretty much everyday along with my other hip stretches. That cable push sounds interesting, I want to try it! I do the normal move where you pull it into you frequently but I've never tried the push!

    I can't do a side plank. Like literally I get into position and then I fall over like 10 seconds later. I should probably work on it to get better and improve my core strength since clearly it's lacking since I can't do it ... but I hate doing things that I am bad at!!! hah!
