
Sunday, May 28, 2017

Murder is Not Entertainment

In about two weeks I am going to CrimeCon and I am very excited. Ever since I discovered Forensic Files and Court TV in college, true crime has fascinated me. I love reading books, watching documentaries, listening to podcasts, and watching trials on Youtube.

A couple weeks ago I was listening to an episode of Sword and Scale and the mother of a murder victim began the podcast by saying she was hesitant to even be interviewed because murder is not entertainment.

It made me think... Am I entertained by murders? I mean, yes, I guess I am. I don't like the sound of that, but it is true. No, I don't take joy knowing that someone died or anything like that. But learning about a case, how it was solved, how the trial went... that is entertaining to me.

There are a couple podcasts I have quit listening to because I thought they were being insensitive to either the murder victims or in some instances, even the perpetrator. I think there is a way to talk about cases without being insensitive!

I guess this topic has been on my mind because CrimeCon is coming up soon and I know I am going to be doing some posts and blogs where I am really excited to talk about all the "crime" stuff... Hopefully I can talk about it in a way that is not sensationalizing it.
Any thoughts on this topic?


  1. Well, you know how I feel about this. It's hard when others are so fascinated by a horrible tragedy that happened in your life. I do feel, however, that most people are truly coming from a place where they want to help figure it out! Yes, they are intrigued because most of us aren't faced with situations like this in our day to day life, but also I do believe deep down they just want to help those involved figure it out and justice to be served.

    1. I agree Susan. I wonder if I would still like crime solving if a tragedy happened to me? I just don't know! Your feelings are definitely valid and it's a situation where someone probably can't even imagine how they would react because it's unimaginable! I agree, most people do want to help and have justice served. I myself am skeptical to think I'd ever solve a case but I do like reading different people's opinions on a case because I learn new stuff about it! People really are clever.

    2. I think you would be passionate about solving your own case! That is how Rick's sister is. Not obsessed but works on it all the time! As much as Rick fully supports her and does what he can to help, he has a completely different approach.

  2. You know that this stuff fascinates me too! I don't think that we are entertained by the fact that someone lost their life but rather by the mystery aspect of it and the figuring things out. I am just as intriguied by a missing persons case ( where they are not murdered). Would you agree?
    PS, Don't forget to look up the Nora Jackson Case. That was one that Nancy Grace Did commentary on and I know she is going to be at crime con! Right?

    1. You have gotten me into missing persons casing. Those are VERY fascinating because of the TRUE mystery that surrounds them. Thank you for the reminder about Nora Jackson. Yes, Nancy will be at crime con! She is speaking AND doing a meet and greet and signing. I am hoping I get to meet her!

  3. Hmm I think there is a difference between being fascinated and taking joy out of someone being killed, and being fascinated by the mystery that surrounds it. I think most people, like you and I, who get caught up in murder mysteries have good intentions. I know personally even if I am never going to solve the crime, I'm listening/reading/watching because ... well you never know, maybe I'll solve the crime. I'm not listening because I take some weird sort of pleasure in hearing how someone got murdered. In fact, it mostly scares me.

    I don't think I would listen/read/watch a story about a murder if the family was insistent about not wanting the attention AND if there was no possible connection between the family and the murderer. I mean, if the dad possibly did it and is saying "please we don't want you investigating" that is an interesting situation.

    1. It scares me too! It has prompted me to be more careful in my life, especially when Paul goes away.

      Your last paragraph makes me think of JonBenet! The parents insist an intruder killed her and they are not responsible and they are looking for the killer. Well, have you see John Ramsey out looking for his daughter's killer? NO. You know why? He was involved! Man, I am hesitant to say those parents are "lucky" because their daughter died and I don't think it was intentional BUT they are lucky in the fact that I know they KNOW what happened but have never been convicted.

  4. This is interesting. Truthfully, murder has been a means of entertainment for centuries. There was a reason for public executions beyond trying to teach people to behave; people watched them for fun, just like they watched gladiators. Thrillers and horror movies also play on the entertainment value of murder.

    And yes, it's gross in a way, but the process of discovering a murderer, the solving of a mystery, IS entertaining. The murder itself is not, but the consequences and story that unfolds afterwards is.

    1. I can't believe people watched public executions and gladiators. That just sounds so horrible. I don't want to see anyone in pain. I used to really like horror movies but not anymore.

  5. Very interesting thoughts, Karen. There are so many facets to a crime other than just the violence. Even the criminal justice system intrigues me. I have some friends who recommended The Keepers to me! I may have to check it out.

  6. I'm sorry, I read this on Sunday, then my kid demanded my immediate attention!

    I think that you are not entertained by somebody losing their life, but maybe by what drove somebody to do it and how that came to be... the psychology of it. At least that is what I am getting from reading your blog.

    I think that humanity as a whole is intrigued by horrible things... Back, way back in our day... there used to be public hangings and burnings... gladiators, crucifixion.

    1. Kids! They get in the way of everything! ;) I agree, humanity is intrigued by horrible stuff. I mean, that's why there is only bad news on the news, right?
