
Thursday, May 25, 2017

I feel like my body is falling apart and I have a "race" in two months!

On July 22nd, I'm running the Table Rock Trail Race in Stinson Beach, California. This race course goes on some of the most beautiful trails I have ever been on. Paul and I explored some of these trails when we were in Northern Cali several years ago but I have always wanted to go back and spend some more time on them. THIS IS MY OPPORTUNITY AND I AM SO EXCITED!

I signed up for this race in February and opted for the 30k. There is also a half marathon and 10k option. It was never my intention to race this race, just simply go out and have fun!

The “fun” is likely going to last 4-6 hours! The climbs are pretty significant. The first 2.5 miles are uphill. Later there is another 3 mile climb and then a shorter 1-2 mile climb.


Since my training for this is going to be minimal, I envision myself walking during a lot of these climbs. Plus, there gets to be a point where you can walk up a hill just as fast as you can run up it.

Why is my training going to be minimal?

Because I feel like my body has been falling apart!

I have barely been running any miles! Sure, I have been lifting, spinning, arc training, and doing PT exercises out the butt... but I haven't been running much and it seems to not be making any of my problems feel much better!

Here are all my problems...

1. ITB. My normal ITB woes aren't bothering me at all. PT is supposed to be helping that, and it feels fine now, but I don't know if it feels fine due to the PT or just because this is one of those times that it normally would have cycled around to feeling good. So the verdict is still out! If it's not “fixed” this will just go back to being my “Chronic Functional Injury” (thanks for the moniker, Lisa!) and will not deter me from training/running for a “fun” trail race.

2. Pinched Nerve. The original reason I went to PT was because of a pinched nerve in my leg. My pinched nerve has gotten significantly better but it is not “better”. I don't even notice it unless I touch it. Running doesn't bother it and it never has. It's just a really weird feeling and I wish it would go away. I don't think this particular issue will interfere with me doing the race in July, as long as it doesn't decided to get worse. But having a numb portion of my leg is unsettling!

3. PIMA #1 (Pain In My Ass). From time to time I get a pain in my right butt cheek. I have it right now and it hasn't gone away yet. All the other times I had it, it has just gone away on it's own so... hoping it goes away soon.

4. PIMA #2 (Pain In My Adductor). I've had adductor pain before and when I have had it, I just rest 3-4 days and it went away. Well I have tried the 3-4 rest days and it hasn't helped. In fact, after I rested it, it was WORSE. WTF????

You see why I feel like I”m falling apart? Honestly #3 and #4 worry me the most because they popped up during a week I only ran like 15 miles. So they popped up when I was barely running and now, a week and a half later they are still there even though I am barely running. IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. Things that don't make sense annoy me.

I feel like I am a mess right now and for no reason. It's frustrating.

I'm not sure what the point of this post was other to tell you I'm excited for my race but right now I am not running much because I want my aches and pains to go away and my body to feel STRONG. I guess I shouldn't worry too much. I can always walk a bunch of it if I need to or do a shorter distance. Tons of options. I just want to run, be in nature, and enjoy the trails in Northern Cali!


  1. This really sucks and like I told you last night, it happened to me 3 summers ago and just like you out of the blue my body fell apart. But you are strong and well trained and I have no doubt these issues will also go away. I promise! I think what is the hardest with things like this is that you don't know why (sometimes we never know why) and you don't know how long. That is how I felt until I got a diagnosis and recovery plan for my foot. Even though I didn't love the news or the fact I had two months of regeneration therapy, at least I knew what it was and could start taking action on recovery. Keep your chin up.

    1. Yes, I agree the hardest is you don't always know WHY or WHEN they will clear up. Like even if someone said, "Stop running for 3 weeks and it will be better" I'd be like: AWESOME. But I'm just kind of not knowing what to do right now.

  2. I feel so similar- Im not running much and still falling apart! It makes me feel like I should just run more if its gonna hurt anyway. But we need to be strong and stick it out and know that we will get better. My chiropractor suggested to work with their massage therapist/rolfer to see if there are soft tissue imbalances that can be addressed. Of course Ill try anything at this point, especially since its covered by insurance (the main reason I don't get regular massages is because of the cost!) At least you are in PT and have someone who can help you work on the areas you need to address to recover from these issues!

    1. Yes we have to stay strong! There are certain things I run through... like my knee. Running/not running does not seem to help that. But with the PIMA and adductor I'm trying to lay off.

  3. O Megan, I'm so sorry! I definitely know the feeling of being excited for a new race but my body not being in working order. I do hope by race day all of these issues are resolve or they don't rear their ugly head on race day. Regardless, you will no doubt have some gorgeous scenery to focus on. Just have fun and take lots of pictures for us!

    1. Thanks girl! I do plan on just having fun and taking pictures! I'm a worrier... It's silly to worry, it's not like I am RACING it. I just get anxiety whenever I sign up for something. It seems like as soon as I put something on the sked my body is like... eff you!

  4. Have you ever had your PIMA #1 evaluated or diagnosed... pain in my right cheek also... Really feel it when I get up from sitting too long... feels like deep bruise. I also feel it during my post run stretches/yoga... I self diagnosed as piriformis syndrome but not sure and have yet to be evaluated thinking I can get rid of on own but after many, many months, probably not going to happen!

    1. No I never looked into it because it pops up randomly and then goes away for months... then visits me again. Maybe I will ask my PT about it. I am sure there are 1,000 things wrong with me.

  5. I am running and actually training rather hard but just have no confidence in my running right now and am scared I'm going to fall apart again any minute. It's not quite as bad as being injured and not running but it's still not a fun place to be. I think you are doing the right thing with PT and the exercises and not running when you have the issues. Also, if there is a shorter distance at the race I guess you could always drop down to that but there's no shame in walking some and enjoying it, especially if it's a trail run.

    1. Oh girl I have been there before. Coming back from injury I'm always worried for the other foot to drop! I think it just takes time to build that confidence back. Easy to say, not easy to do!

  6. I think you'll be okay. You have such a solid running foundation and you're still doing strength work; it's not like you're sitting around petting your cats and doing nothing. My left foot has been going numb because of a pinched sciatic nerve, but it doesn't hurt (THANK GOODNESS) so I'm just keeping moving and hoping for the best!

    1. Oh I'm definitely sitting around petting my cats haha BUT yes of course working out 6 days a week. What part of your foot goes numb? Isn't it weird? My numbness doesn't hurt either. When I shave on the inside of my leg though, I feel like bugs are crawling on the other side of my leg. It is WEIRD!

  7. You are kind of where I am right now in training - hoping for the best! You definitely need to walk up those hills. Otherwise, you'll be the one who is burned out way too early! I'm running 14 on trails tomorrow and we'll see how it goes. I am also scheduled to have an ultrasound on my hamstrings/glute area tomorrow, which I was going to cancel, but now I'm thinking the area will be a little annoyed after my run so I'll just keep the appt.
    Hope your issues clear up. A run in CA will be awesome no matter what the pace!!

    1. I know! I am sure there will be crazy people running up them but not me! I'll aim to power walk them and turn around often so I can see the view of the ocean! I hope your 14 miler goes well! I'm looking forward to do a couple more runs in CA. There is one park I really want to run in (just chill) a couple days before the race.

  8. I have felt that way for 4 years. As soon as I feel like I'm getting better at something, something else pops up. It's frustrating, and just keeps adding to the amount of stuff I have to work on.

    1. I know! It's like, I already spend 30 min+ every day on maintenance stuff, not to mention lifting 2 times a week. I'm not sure what else I'm supposed to do?

  9. Yes, I am trying not to worry too much because it's seriously was always just supposed to be a fun race you know? I hate the PIMA! Mine pops up and goes away randomly. I mean, it will be gone for months then visit me randomly for a week.

    Getting old sucks!!!

  10. You are strong and fit, I believe that you will have no problems with your trail race! and I think you are going into it with a great mentality, have fun!

  11. I can relate! I'm also nursing an injury right now, and miss running so, so much. I've got a few races I should be training for, and it's hard for me to hold back.
    I keep reminding myself that healing is my goal right now, just like 26.2 is my goal in October! Once I repurpose my boredom/lack of running as something necessary and good for me, I'm able to maintain a little more positivity!

    Best of luck! I know you'll make it happen!

    1. Is it still your ankle? I hope nursing means you are still running, just being careful. Are you and your man still hiking?
