
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Monday was a WEIRD day...

Monday was such a strange day. Paul and I both needed to go to Patient First, which is an urgent care center near our house. We went for two completely different reasons right after work.

Paul's reason: He needed HARD drugs.

My reason: I thought I had a blood clot in my leg!

Spoiler: Paul did not get the drugs he desired. I did not have a blood clot.

Let me tell you Paul's situation first before we get into my drama. His shoulder has been hurting for months, even though he rests it. Whenever he eases back into lifting weights again, it bothers him. A couple weeks ago, his doctor at OIP gave him a cortisone shot, but it didn't help. So he got an MRI and it looks like he has tendonosis in his shoulder. The doctor thinks a cortisone shot would help and that the first one may not have been in the right place. So on Monday afternoon, Paul got his second cortisone shot.

About a half hour later he was in SEVERE pain! His first shot didn't hurt but this one really did. Paul is no sissy when it comes to pain. After brain surgery, he was only taking extra strength Tylenol! So he's not a crybaby about pain! When he tells me something hurts, I know it HURTS.

He called OIP but he couldn't get a hold of the doctor and the secretary wasn't picking up. Over the counter pain meds were not taking the edge off.

I picked him up right after work and took him to Patient First because he needed something for the pain. I told him I didn't think they were going to prescribe him what he wanted (Vicodin or something similar), but they would possibly be able to talk to someone at OIP faster than he could get a hold of them, and maybe then OIP would call in a prescription for something stronger.

Well, Patient First did call OIP but Paul didn't get pain meds. He did get a sling. Womp. Womp. (The sling helped a little.)

I feel really bad for Paul because I know he is not a sissy when it comes to pain. I made sure to take care of him and not make him do any housework Monday night! On Tuesday, his shoulder felt mostly better as long as he didn't move it. I really hope the pain is totally gone soon and that the cortisone shot worked.

Now, my drama.

For the past two weeks, whenever I kneel on the ground or do a stretch which requires leg flexion, it feels like a section of skin on the lateral side of my lower leg is stretching. It is a really weird feeling. It doesn't hurt, it just feels stretchy! 

This is the spot:

On Monday afternoon I was kneeling and crawling around on the floor at work because I was making a sign for the show my 3rd and 4th graders are doing next week. That area of my leg started to feel weird... I want to say it felt numb, but I could feel it, so it wasn't numb. It was strange. It also felt a little puffy and swollen.

I went straight to Google because I wondered if it had anything to do with vericose veins. My legs are really pale right now so you can see lots of blue veins. I thought maybe something was wrong with them. Well of course when you Google veins the first thing that comes up is a BLOOD CLOT!

I marched right up to the school nurse and I was really flipping out because when she touched the area it felt weird. Again, it didn't hurt, it was just puffy and sort of numb. The nurse determined that it was most likely not a blood clot since she felt a pulse below the area that was bothering me. She mentioned it could be something that had to do with the nerves in my leg or my back and recommended I get it checked out.

Sometimes I can really freak myself out. The last time I got really freaked out was when I was at the salon getting my hair dyed. I was afraid I was going to have an allergic reaction to the dye and my throat would close up. I really worked myself up over that, and I was really working myself up about this weird feeling in my leg. I got hot and my heart raced.

Once we got to Patient First, I was a little more relaxed because I figured if I collapsed from a blood clot, they'd be able to take care of me. (I don't even know what happens to you when you have a blood clot, I just assume you collapse. That sounds dramatic enough, right?)

They measured and weighed me (I always ask not to see the number on the scale). They also took my blood pressure, but I warned them I was really anxious so it might be high. It was 136/74. My pulse was 83. I was worked up. (For instance, I just sat down for my lunch after teaching a class and my pulse is 66.)

Then it was time to wait for the doctor. Once he came in and I told him what was going on, he quickly determined it was not a blood clot and most likely a nerve issue. My discharge papers said "lesion of lateral popliteal nerve on lower left limb".

Of course when I got home I had to figure out what a nerve lesion was...

"A nerve lesion is an injury which affects one of the nerves in the body. These lesions can be caused by a wide variety of situations and medical conditions, and they can cause an assortment of symptoms. Treatment for the lesions depends on locating the lesion and determining its cause, and it may not always be possible for a doctor to deliver a good prognosis for a patient with nerve lesions.

In a complete nerve lesion, the nerve is so damaged that signals cannot pass across it. This damage may be permanent in nature. Partial lesions involve partial damage to the nerve which causes an interruption in the nerve's function. Partial lesions are more likely to have a positive outcome, because it is possible for the body to adapt to the physical change."
The doctor told me to take NSAIDs for the next couple days to see if that calms the nerve. I'm not going to do the stretches where I flex my leg or kneel on the floor at work anymore! Hopefully things get better in the next few days, if not, I will follow up with my family doctor.

**Update: On Tuesday my leg was not as "numb" as it was Monday. I really think all the kneeling on the floor aggravated it! I'm trying not to do that and I'm trying not to cross my legs.**

BUT THERE'S MORE DRAMA TO TELL YOU! And you will just have to check back tomorrow to read about that because this post is getting quite long as it is!

Have you ever had nerve issues?
How about a blood clot!?


  1. Oh wow I am really glad it was not a blood clot. My step-father had a blood clot in his leg that resulted in him having to have an immediate amputation. He was in a lot of pain and eventually went to the emergency room and they took him into surgery right away. It's definitely not something to mess with if you think you have one. Not everyone ends up with amputation though of course. One of the key players for the Miami Heat ended up having a blood clot a couple of years ago. He was an all-star in the prime of his career but the clots kept coming back even though he was on blood thinners so he had to retire.

    I hope that Paul's shoulder is feeling better. Did his doctor say what he thinks the root cause of the pain is?

    1. That is so sad! I now feel ridiculous for overreacting but I have been overreacting about things lately... As far as Paul's shoulder we don't know exactly what caused it. Normally people our age get tendonitis and then when you're OLDER you get tendonosis. He has hurt his shoulder from grand mal seizures before. And would could have made his tendons so fragile (he's been getting injured a lot lately) is his radiation and chemo. Apparently that is a side effect- weakening joints and tendons.

  2. Ugh...I am sorry for both of you. I had a calf strain one time and I thought it was a blood clot. When I got into PT that day, she immediately checked me for one, too. It's super scary to say the least. I am glad it's feeling better, Megan. And that you can do your activities and it doesn't hurt!

    1. Why do our minds always go to the worst thing!? Although I am sure a calf strain could feel like a blood clot!

    2. Oh yeah, it was a sharp pain and I couldn't really put any weight on it. Took a month to go away fully! Awful.

  3. Very strange about your leg! And random that you both had to go to patient first on the same day. I hope you both improve quickly!

    1. I know! I told Paul, "I swear I'm not trying to one up your shoulder pain but I think I have a blood clot," lol.

  4. What??? All this happened on Monday and you didn't tell me THAT'S WHY you were at the Dr? I figured it was just a routine visit!

    Glad that Paul is feeling better. On a side note in our town if anyone says "OIP" it means the pizza place (Original Italian Pizza)

    1. LOL nope! I was texting you while waiting for Paul.

      BWAHAHAHHAA about your OIP! Our's is "Orthopedic Institute of Pennsylvania"

  5. Did you have surgery on that knee?? The reason I ask is because I had my one knee scoped and arthritis "cleaned" up. On occasion I feel a numbness, tightness in that area... Have not noticed it for awhile and to be truthful I cannot remember if I had this before or after surgery but pretty sure it was right after and he said it had to do with some nerve injury.

    1. YES that is the knee I had surgery on! This numbness is a lot lower than my knee and on the side. My knee surgery was probably 3 years ago?? Do you think it may still have caused it?

    2. Mine is in almost the exact same spot to where you are showing it. I am sure it is possible that could have hit some nerve during surgery. Mine is never painful or puffy but there was that same kind of numb feeling over it.

    3. Did it ever go away? Do you think it is still possible to is from surgery even though surgery was 3 years ago?

    4. I actually have not experienced it for while but have experienced it since living in Florida. I have been here 3 years and I believe my surgery was a year before we moved here. I have not thought about it much until you talked about it! but it definitely has recurred, just been awhile.

  6. One time I had to take Clay to urgent care because the lid from his Big Green Egg hit him in the head and he had to get stitches. When they saw him bleeding he went to the front of the line. They actually did a great job stitching him up for an urgent care.

    I'm really glad that you and Paul are okay but it sucks you had to go to urgent care and Paul didn't get pain meds! Doctors are so stingy with pain medicine. I think you have to be almost dying for them to give it out to you, ugh.

    1. Oh man, heads bleed A LOT, don't they? I like the urgent cares around here. They take care of my when I have poison ivy, or my cat bit me, or I get a scratched cornea... lol.

      I knew they wouldn't give him pain meds because you can't just walk into a place and ask for Vicodin- I totally get that. BUT I thought that when they got a hold of OIP, that OIP would prescribe it. But they didn't. :( He is feeling better today he says!

  7. Oh no! You two! I hope Paul heals up quickly. I hope you do too, of course. I've had nerve issues before and they're not fun. I don't believe I've had a nerve lesion but I'd do the exact same thing as you and go to the ER. Blood clots are not something to fool around with.

    1. That's what I figured! I mean, I wasn't even sure I knew the symptoms of a blood clot, I just knew my leg felt WEIRD.

  8. Oh wow! I feel for Paul. When I had my gum surgery I had prescription pain pills, but they weren't strong enough. I really should have asked for something more but I just suffered through it. Stinks that they didn't give him something more. Hope he is feeling better. And wow, that is weird about your leg! I'm like you - I'm hypersensitive to things going on in my body and I want to make sure everything is OK! Waiting to hear the rest of the drama!...

    1. Thanks girl! I know I felt so bad for Paul because he is not a complainer AT ALL. If he is in pain then I know it's bad.

  9. Megan - I had (and still have) the same thing on my leg or at least it sounds a lot like it. I went to a sports medicine doc and had an MRI done on it, showed nothing. Like I said, I still have it and it feels crazy sometimes, but it doesn't bother me when I run luckily. so i ignore it! not good i know, but i did my due diligence : ) hope you feel better and hope your sweet husband is okay. by the way, your hair looks awesome!! Kristen

    1. KRISTEN! You are always full of so much information! I think you were the one that told me the melatonin could have been giving me diahrrea (sp?)??? Anyway, I must say I am a little relieved to hear that someone else has what I have and it didn't turn into a big thing. I am interested to know, does it always feel weird or just sometimes? Does it feel particularly weird when kneeling? Is it at that exact spot as mine? Thank you for sharing!

    2. yes! that dang melatonin!
      From your picture, it looks like the same spot. it used to really feel strange and like my skin was stretching, i would help my son get dressed and be kneeling and it would happen. that is when i decided to go to the doc. he wanted to rule out a stress fracture, needless to say i was freaked out about that, but was glad that it was not that. it kind of feels weird just when i kneel - i just avoid being in the kneeling position too much. i also have the same sensation in my foot, near the knuckle (weird word) of my big toe. that sometimes actually hurts. but only when i put pressure on it when in that kneeling position.
      To me, it is definitely a nerve thing and i was happy to read your description because i think that is exactly it! i feel like i have a lot of weird little things that have happened because I run, but i can deal with all of them because i love to run so much! hope this helps! Kristen

    3. If it weren't for you I'd still be crapping my brains out. :) I am actually relieved to hear someone has the same weird feeling and you just deal with it. I'm not sure if running caused it or what. But I have a feeling we are totally talking about the same thing. That "stretchy" feeling is exactly what is going on with mine. Thank you for sharing! Man, bodies are weird. I still may follow up with my PCP.

  10. Glad to have helped! : ) good idea to follow up with your PCP. Good luck! and YES! bodies are truly bizarro! Kristen

  11. I get weird feelings like this in my legs sometimes, too!! I've also thought it could be a clot but I've never gone to the doctor...I'm such a hypochondriac that I rarely take my own fears seriously. Reading Kristina's response, now I realize how dumb that is!

    I'm glad it turned out not to be a blood clot!
