
Monday, March 27, 2017

Weekend Wrap Up

Happy Monday!

Here's what we were up to this weekend...

My weekend started a bit early. I woke up, ran, and went to work. As I was cleaning up my classroom and getting it ready for the day, one of my friends/colleagues popped in my room to talk to me. The first thing she said was, "What's wrong with your eye!?"

It turns out I had pink eye! I looked in the mirror and it was really red. When I shut it, it felt sticky. Ew! Since pink eye is very contagious, the school nurse suggested I go home. I have a ton of sick days and I didn't want any of my students to get pink eye, so I headed home.

What to do with a day off? Well, I organized my closet and all of my piano music! It took awhile but I felt very accomplished when I was done. My eye was itchy but I tried not to touch it.

Then I wrote a lot of blogs. Sometimes I don't have any idea what to write about and sometimes I have lots of ideas. I always feel a little anxious until the posts are written and scheduled to go.

I thought blogging was supposed to be relaxing!?

I went to bed pretty early. Sorry, my Friday just wasn't that exciting!

I slept in and then drove to Swatara State Park to run. I was glad to see there were 6-7 cars in the parking lot. I am sometimes scared running trail alone, but not when I know there are other hikers and bikers out there.

I ran about 9 miles in an hour and a half. I only saw three other people while I was out there! I managed to listen to murder podcasts for half the time I was running. There came a point where I got too creeped out and had to switch to a lighter podcast!

For dinner, we went to Tyler and Debby's house. We picnicked outside and then pretty much watched the kids play. 

Check out Tyler and Debby's solar panels. Paul and I are going to check into getting them!

As soon as Ellie got up there, she wanted down!


Clarky Poo!

Ellie and I are joining the circus!

Tyler showed me his trainer he uses in the basement. He has this awesome computer program that is hooked up to his bike that allows him to ride and race with people all over the world. I'm sure you cyclists and triathletes know what I'm talking about. It was fascinating to see all of his gear!

Today was GET. SHIT. DONE. DAY. I also lifted at home and ran some errands. There's not too much else to say...

I definitely had the case of the "Sundays". There's a lot of stuff I need to get done at work this week and a lot of stuff I have to do in my personal life. I feel like I am in disarray! And when I start feeling like that, I have a hard time relaxing, and most importantly, sleeping.

I have a feeling this is going to be a difficult week...
Tell me something fun you did this weekend!
Have you ever had pink eye?
Are you scared running trail alone?


  1. Sorry about the pink eye! The trails around here are always pretty busy, I dont think I would like being on them alone! Its funny to see that you are running in a tank top with all that snow around you!

    1. I know! There were some spots where I was running through snow and then other spots there was no snow. I swear it was warm though!

  2. I see a ton of pink eye in my clinic. The schools send out these notes and parents freak out when they get them. I want to go to the school and announce over the PA system: "People stay calm! It's not the plague!"

    1. I'm sure you get a lot of pink eye! I didn't go to the doctor because I figured I'd see if it would go away on it's own. It's definitely not the plague but it is gross!!!

  3. Oh no I'm sorry you had pink eye, but at least it gave you time to get caught up on blogging. I hardly ever write my posts in advance, but I share your anxiety. Until my post is written for the night I cannot relax!

    I cannot believe you went running in that sleeveless, lightweight shirt when there is SNOW ON THE GROUND! I literally just got goosebumps looking at the picture. I am cold for you!!!!

    How is your eye feeling today?

    1. Don't be cold for me! It was 65 degrees!!!

      Eye is great!

  4. Knock wood, no pink eye around here in a looong time. Let's keep it that way. I enjoy trails on my own. It's when I see people that I suspect they're murderers. There was some closet culling going on here too!

    1. I suppose if I saw someone who looked creepy I'd be nervous, but when I see bikers or people with dogs it's all good!

  5. Did your pink eye clear up over the weekend? How long does that usually last?
    Yea, you probably shouldn't listen to murder podcast while running through the

    1. It did clear up! I'm not sure how long it usually lasts. I know there's bacterial and viral... I am so dumb with my murder podcasts. :)

  6. eye. Yes, I have had it along with a few other eye infections. Always bummed that I have to toss all my make-up but must be done. Such a fun weekend you had. Beautiful trails.

    1. Swatara has some of my favorite trails. They're in loops so you can do all sorts of different distances without having to do out and backs.

  7. So sorry about your pinkeye but you made the right call to go home and have an easy day, even if it was boring. Closet organization is a good way to spend a day off, though. Love how you ran the trail in a tank top when there's snow on the ground- I run really hot too and sweat a ton so I'm always dressed lighter than my friends or others in races.

    I would never listen to murder podcasts when running and especially not in the woods! That's like, the lead in to a lifetime movie...

    1. It was actually 65 degrees out! I don't know why there was still so much snow at some spots!

      I was pretty proud of myself for listening to murders for 45 min. :)

  8. Oh, pink eye is awful! I get my kids to put ice packs on their eyes because that way their fingers aren't touching their eyes themselves and making it worse but the ice gives them some relief and takes the edge off the itch. I hope this week isn't brutal for you.

    1. Oh I bet ice would feel good on it. I just tried really hard not to touch. Luckily, it wasn't too bad. I got a lot of stuff done at work this week so I am feeling a little less anxious!

  9. Your nieces and nephew are so cute!!

    How is your eye feeling today? Did you have to go to the doctor?

    Swatara park is so cool!! I love their bike path!

    I facetimed with my niece last night, we did Yoga and sang Let it Go, that was easily one of the highlights of my weekend.

    1. I think they are cute too but of course I am partial! :) My eye is perfect, no doctor. Do you bike at Swatara? Paul and I want to try it sometime but I'm sure I would wipe out!

      Awwww I am glad you get to spend face time with your niece!

  10. I haven't had pink eye since elementary school, but allergies in Texas really affected my eyes. I was using eye drops all the time because my eyes were so red and itchy. I didn't want people to panic thinking I was contagious.
