
Monday, February 20, 2017

Weekend Wrap Up!

Happy Monday!

Here's what we were up to this weekend...

I woke up Friday morning not feeling too much worse than the day before. I decided to go for a 6 miler. While my legs felt fresh from several days of rest, my motor was just so lethargic. I finished my run feeling completely exhausted, although my legs felt like they could keep going. It was a weird feeling.

It was tough to make it through the school day, but I did it. I warned every class that "I look angry, but I'm not angry, I'm just tired." It's always nice to get some sympathy. For the record, I find 2-3rd graders the most sympathetic. K and 1st grade are still very just into themselves.

I wore some jewelry my SIL designed for me. I'm an elementary school teacher, so it is completely acceptable for me to wear earrings and a necklace with my cats' pictures on them. 

Since we're trying to save money for vacation and I was so tired, we decided to stay in on Friday night. I went to bed early...

... and slept for a grand total of 13 hours! I was sick of being sick and decided I would have a great day no matter what.

Look at my boy!

I drove to my hometown and did a 10 miler which included going up and down a mountain. I was so tired.

Then I went back to my parents house and hung out with my family. It was Grandma Michael's birthday and she was 88 years young!

Ellie and Grandma had Snap Chat time...

On my way home, I stopped by my Grandma & Pappy's house to visit them. We had a nice chat!

I was feeling so tired and crappy. When I got home, I chatted with Paul, ate dinner, wrote a blog post, and went to bed. I had a fever again...

Despite 11 hours of sleep, I woke up tired. Paul and I decided we'd still do what we had planned- have breakfast at Funck's Diner and then hike at Swatara State Park.

 Carbing up on French toast and bacon!

The hike was beautiful. We even ran a little bit at the end. Our total mileage came to 7.4 miles. We were so tired!

Dinner was a hot dog, bbq chips, corn, and a piece of chicken. Yum!

I did a puzzle while we watched Seinfeld.

Then I went to bed early. I haven't been able to stay up for longer than 12 hours at a time this weekend. Do I have the flu!?
Tell me something fun you did this weekend!


  1. Ugh I hope you dont have the flu! But its not good that you haven't been feeling well for so long. It looks like you had a good weekend anyway!

    1. I was determined not to lay around. I really wanted to enjoy the weather.

  2. What a fun weekend! I hope you don't have the flu!!

    1. I feel pretty good right now. I'm a little tired, but just the normal "I woke up at 3:25am and couldn't fall back asleep" tired.

    2. OK--that is really good news you feel better!

  3. Oh no I hope it's not the flu! If it is the flu I am really impressed that you were able to cover 17+ miles this weekend!!! I hope you woke up feeling better this morning!

    I can't remember if we talked about this before, but did you watch Making a Murderer on Netflix?

    1. I did not watch that. Well, I watched the first episode and I just couldn't get into it. I did listen to a couple podcasts about it though. I think you watched it, right? Did you like it?

    2. I did watch it and I liked it. I watched the whole series in one weekend, hah. The first episode is tough because of the mention of the cat thing which really turned me against Stephen Avery. It's actually because of that incident that I feel sure he is more than capable of murdering a human being and I think he's a total piece of shit. If you don't remember the incident be glad you don't and don't look it up.

      Season 2 of Making a Murderer is supposed to be coming out this year and I am sure I will watch it.

      Why do you think you couldn't get into it?

    3. I fast forwarded through all cat mentions. I mean, I am pretty sure I know what happened but I skipped over it! I think I couldn't get into it because I have been reading/listening to stuff about murders for so long that this was just another one that came along and it wasn't that interesting to me. Now isn't that a snobby answer??? lol!

  4. If not the flu is it possible that you have mono? Whatever it is, I hope it leaves your system soon!

    Love the cat jewelry!

    Saving for vacation is always a good thing. Where are you planning on going this year?

  5. OMG I love that jewelry!! That is crazy adorable. I want that with pictures of Elly. Everyone at work already thinks I'm a crazy cat lady and that would really up the ante.

    Frank and I spent the weekend packing. We only have 11 days left in Kansas, so we are really having to hurry.

    1. Cat jewelry with Ellie's picture would definitely take things to the next level!

  6. If it is the flu, hopefully it'll move on. I only sleep like that when I am sick, which thankfully I'm not sick a lot. I do like to sleep, but if I'm sick, it's not any fun.

    1. Exactly. Laying on the couch watching tv sounds super fun when you're well but not when sick. When you're sick, you just want to get back to normal!

  7. Dayamnn, you've been sick, eh? I feel bad for you! My sister and my closest friends are all elementary school teachers and they wear all those types of earrings with their cats' pictures on them or blinking Christmas lights or anything else totally bizarre. I love it. MEG! I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER SOON!

  8. I hope you don't have the flu! I have had the flu before and I could not do anything- not even think about working out. Even if you're super tired you've still been pretty active so I think your body is just run down. I hope you feel better soon though, no matter what it is.

    I like to sleep all the time, haha. Sick or well!

  9. I read your post on Monday, but forgot to comment.

    I love the cat jewelry !! How cute !

    I love swatara state park!!

    1. ISn't it great? I have only ever done the bike trails though and I always see people on the flat, paved trail along the road. Paul and I want to check that out on bikes sometime.
