
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Canadian Tire "Wheels" :60

I was feeling kind of down on Monday afternoon… about everything and nothing in particular all at the same time. Do you ever feel that way? I’m sure most of you know exactly what I’m talking about.

I try to keep up with the news, but the news is depressing so I unplug. Then I feel guilty for unplugging because isn’t it a privilege to not have to worry about what is going on in the world for a few days and know your life will be fine?

Off to Facebook I went, to scroll mindlessly through memes and news… And I came across this commercial that brought happy tears to my eyes! I thought maybe you would enjoy it.

Have a great Tuesday, y’all!


  1. I say if you want to feel better about life in general, stay off Good that you found such a sweet video. I like ones like that that show there really are some great compassionate kids out there!

  2. It's a cute commercial. I've seen it a lot on FB. I know what you mean about feeling blah. I find that I feel like this every February, and it's a huge struggle to stay energetic and positive, but once the sun and the birds come out, I start feeling a bit better. Actually I think that each year in February, I go to the doctor and talk about starting up anti-depressants again, I get a prescription and don't fill it; I hang on a couple more weeks and then I start feeling better in March.

    1. I am glad you naturally start to feel bettet. I will too. You're right it's that BLAH feeling.

  3. That was a great commercial! I hope your Tuesday goes better, Megan. And I fully agree w/ the comment about staying off FB in order to have a better attitude/mood.

    1. Thanks girl! Lots of piano lessons tonight so I won't have time to feel yucky I hope hehe.

    2. I hope the lessons go by quickly and that you have an amazing cocktail waiting on the other side of them!

  4. Have you seen the commercial of the man in the retirement home, and he has old running sneakers and his nurses and doctors won't let him run out... then all the other people help him "escape" for a run. That one makes me teary eyed every time I see it! I saw on Facebook.

    I had a night like that last Friday... I was upset and angry, at everything and nothing in particular. I had talked to my sister on the phone, and she told me about ICE arresting somebody in Lebanon, and how she is now telling all their clients to always carry their Greencards, and to always be ready to be detained by ICE (Immigration Customs Enforcement). She suggested that I always carry my greencard, just in case of anything and that upset me a lot. It upset me so much, that I dreamed I passed my citizenship test. sorry.. that was a long story and it's upsetting me again. Off to eat fastnachts!

    1. I have not seen that but I am sure it would make me cry. Sometimes when I am running and I see an elderly person out walking, I wonder if they used to be a runner and if they are sad to see me running. I know when I am not able to run anymore I will be really sad. :(

      I think it is absolutely ridiculous that Trump is instilling fear in people that they feel like they need to carry their green cards with them. I mean, I feel like if someone has their green card, they should feel comfortable living here and not feel like they need to carry it around. I mean, you are just as much a legal resident here as I am, yet you have to be made to feel like you have documentation??? Why??? Oh, right, because you are an immigrant and we need to be afraid of you, right??? (I'm being sarcastic of course.) I know what he is doing, Ana. He is trying to divide us and trying to make is fear the "other".

  5. I am gearing myself up for tonight's address which i am sure will be very reassuring, positive and full of interesting facts. I'm honestly too afraid to unplug. Like, legitimately afraid. The first thing I do before I go to sleep is check my private political news feed on Twitter and the first thing I do in the morning is check it to see what's happened. I'm grateful when it's just another alternative fact about Sweden, which is absolutely ridiculous and probably exactly what he wants.

    When I feel overwhelmed I hold Cecil and tell him he's a beautiful baby peanut. He doesn't like it but he'll tolerate it for treats!

    1. Thank goodNess for our cats. Do you follow Andy Borowitz? He makes me laugh even when I'm scared.

  6. Yes, I loved this commercial! <3 I'm sorry you were having a day; I'm glad this made you feel better!

    1. Thanks girl! I too am glad I found something so uplifting.
