
Thursday, January 26, 2017

ANSWERS! (2 Truths & 1 Lie)

Hey all! Today I am sharing the answers to my 2 Truths and 1 Lie post from yesterday! There were a lot of great guesses in the comments, and 2 of you got it correct! Great job A, you know me so well! And I am impressed at Meranda's answer too because she said #1, unless I was a sub (which I was), so then #3.

1. Before I got my job teaching elementary music, I taught 8th grade English.


I graduated college in December, 2004. In January, I started subbing at various school districts. In March, one of the districts I worked at was looking for a long term substitute for 8th grade English and they offered me the job! I had to get emergency certified in English so I was able to teach. I will be honest... I had no clue what I was doing. I don't even remember what I taught, other than the parts of speech (shouldn't they have known those already?) and Anne Frank.

2. My first sip of alcohol was on my 21st birthday, when I had a Mike's Hard Cranberry.


At the time, I was in the musical The Wizard of Oz. My cast mates and I went out to Red Robin after rehearsal to celebrate. I had a Mike's Hard Cranberry and something called a Fuzzy Nipple. Both were good! It was a very innocent night, as far as 21st birthdays are concerned.

3. One of my favorite musical performances was as a Kit Kat girl in Cabaret.


But this was actually almost the truth. I was a Kit Kat girl in Cabaret but I quit the show about two weeks before opening night. I know, that sounds very irresponsible of me but I had a huge problem with the way our cast was being treated and I took a stand.

Me, taking a stand!? Can you even believe it!? ;)

Well, I hope you learned something interesting about me!

Did you ever quit something without giving much notice?

When was the last time you TOOK A STAND?


  1. Wow, I am very impressed you waited until you were 21 until you had your first drink!

  2. Wow, I figured that one out! You know you had me thinking about this topic this morning before I even read this post. I was thinking "hmm, what would I write for my truths and a lie"?
    So, what is a kit kat girl? Would you have actually liked the role if the cast was treated better?

    1. You hit the nail on the head. Kit Kat Girl:

      Great song, but if you want to skip to the Kat Kat girls, go to 1:12 :)

  3. Oh man!! I read the answers before the questions! Oh well. Next time. That's cool that you taught English though. I would never be able to do that. Haha!

    1. I was not able to do it either! While I enjoy reading and writing, I was not capable of teaching it at the time!

  4. I was tempted to quit sports teams a couple times, but I stuck it out until the end of the season. One was my senior year in high school, so that was done, but I didn't go to the end-of-season banquet. The other was junior year in college, and I quit after the season.

  5. Cool. I took a stand against my ex husband the other day which is weird because we never fight (we never fought once while we were married either). He wanted to punish Freddy at home for getting into a fight at school and I was frustrated because I wanted to focus more on figuring out why Freddy would get into a fight at school (very very VERY uncharacteristic of him) and let the school dole out the punishment. It was a yelling match.

    1. Good for you for standing up for your son! it is always more important to find out the real root of the fight, rather than punishing right away. I admire that of you!

    2. I agree, glad you took a stand for your son, Suzy! I wouldn't expect anything less from you.

  6. Ah! I see, can we call number 3 an alternative truth? too soon?

    I really admire your courage for standing up for what you believe in!

    We are going to go see Cabaret in Philly on April. My sister has never seen it, so I'm excited to go with her.

    Thanks for the snap of Rent, I immediately went and listened to the CD after!

    I wore a shirt that said "Make Love, not War" at the time of the Iraq war was starting. I was asked to never wear that shirt again, that it might give kids the wrong idea. I wore it again, and later had the kids perform an anti-war song at the end of the summer performance. I almost lost that job!

    1. BWAHAHAH. No seriously, I am so concerned. We are living in the twilight zone. When my students get questions wrong on tests I'm going to give them full credit as long as they tell me it's an alternative fact.

      I LOVE CABARET! It's one of my favorite shows. I saw Alan Cumming in it on broadway. ENJOY your time with your sis!

      I'm glad you liked my Rent snap. I freaking love Rent.

      Where were you working that they asked you not to wear that shirt???

    2. I was working at a summer school program for Migrant kids.

  7. Oh, sorry I missed this one yesterday! It was fun reading your answers. I'm impressed on the legal drinking!

    1. My parents were very strict and I am a rule follower. :)

  8. Me too! I don't think I was very good at it.

    I am at my core a rule follower!
