
Monday, December 26, 2016

MGR's Weekly Workouts

Hi all! I hope you had a very Merry Christmas! I'll have some recaps of my Christmas Eve and Christmas Day tomorrow. But today, you get WORKOUTS.

I know this is a little more than a week of workouts. The Christmas holiday interfered with my blogging schedule!

Here's what I was up to...

Saturday- 6 miles in my hood... running in circles. It had snowed and iced a bit overnight and into the morning, and my neighborhood is always pretty crappy for awhile when that happens. By late afternoon (like after 3, which is really late for me!) was able to find a very boring route that was clear. It includes lots of out and backs and running the same little bits of road many times. Oh well, I got it done!

Sunday- 8 miles in my hood. I wanted to run and didn't want to run at the same time. Does that ever happen to you? What got me out the door was a bunch of new true crime podcasts! My legs felt very heavy, so this was a slower run- 8:45 pace.

Monday- 6 neighborhood miles. It wasn't too cold! But it is scary listening to true crime podcasts in the dark...

Tuesday- 6 miles @ 16 degrees!

Wednesday- Lifting upper body. I did the usual- pull ups, push ups, shoulder presses, chest press... my muscles were SWOLE when I was done. Do your muscles ever get really big right after you lift?

Thursday- 8 morning miles. I was stressed about work stuff so the extra miles helped!

Friday- Lifting @ home.

Saturday- 8 miles. I love running on Christmas Eve morning! This pace felt effortless today. Don't you love that?

Sunday- 8 Christmas miles! I started around 6:30am so I got to see the sun rise on Christmas morning. It gave me a good appetite to eat yummy food throughout the day!
How were your workouts this week?


  1. Love that you ran with the sunrise on Christmas! I had a lazier morning and didnt get out until around 8 which is kind of late for me. I dont think Ive ever noticed my muscles looking bigger after I lift- maybe Im not lifting heavy enough weights!

  2. The weather was beautiful on Christmas, I wish I would have went for a run. We did take the dogs for a walk after lunch though!

    1. Oh I bet that was nice to get out! It got really sunny!

  3. Our weather was great on Christmas but I was traveling and with family (NARPs) so I didn't run. Besides, I needed a day off anyway, I guess. Love that your basic daily run is 8 miles, that's a really strong endurance base, and that you got out there even in the really cold temps!

    1. What are NARPs? Well, I would say my basic daily mileage is 6 miles and I like to throw about one 8 miler in there during the week if I can. But I usually run a little extra on holidays, hence all the 8s this time around!

    2. NARP: Non Athletic Regular Person.

  4. Haha, I don't think I've ever had my muscles swole after a workout. It feels like it, but they look the same!

    1. Mine sometimes LOOK swole but they FEEL swole-r than they look, if that makes sense? It's a really puffy feeling.

  5. I don't even know what the word "swole" means. I should google it! I think it means ripped. Right? You're getting so strong! I ran on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day too but just on the treadmill. Our sidewalks are still a mess, so if I run outside, I have to drive to a spot where I can run on the side of the road where there's not much traffic. I did that once last week, and hopefully I'll be able to do it again today. I'm waiting for Andrew to wake up so he can watch Callum and then I'll get groceries and then run. I CAN'T WAIT.

    1. Yes, it means like your muscles are puffy because you JUST lifted. I hope you have an awesome run today when Andrew gets up!

  6. Right after I do bicep curls my biceps look like i'm schwarzenegger twin. Since that's usually the last thing I do I rush home and make adam look at my biceps! :D

    Your logged so many miles! Look at all of those 8s! I bet running in cold weather is so reinvigorating. I know it always makes me feel super energized, where as the heat/humidity can feel oppressive. I need to move! ;)

    1. Bicep curls is the last thing I do too and they feel SO big and puffy! I feel them when I'm showering after and washing my hair. Sometimes when I put on my work clothes, the arms feel tight at first until the swole-ness goes away!

      It was about 50 miles over the course of 9 days! That is a lot. I like to do 30-35 a week so if you minus the two days added on I did 34. I will cut back a little this week. :)

      Running in the cold IS invigorating, especially on Christmas! But I did wear shorts on Christmas and Christmas Eve as it was in the high 30s in the morning.

  7. I am w/ Wendy--after I lift I feel big and bad ass but my tiny muscles look the same. Nice job getting the runs in! From last Saturday to this Saturday I got in 3 runs and 4 swims! I swam over 5 miles which is a lot for me but just shows how long the snow/ice stuck around after our storm last Saturday. I still have not gotten myself to the indoor track yet. I mean, I love that I have the option but running inside just feels so wrong. I was able to start out both Christmas Eve and Christmas day with beautiful, peaceful and quiet runs. I love that....

    1. I am so glad you were able to run on Christmas Eve and Christmas! I feel like it is a huge gift that we are able to do that! I understand what you mean about the indoor track. When I can't run outside, I try to opt for a workout other than running. It feels like I'm "wasting" a run if I am on a treadmill!

    2. Oh, yeah...totally wasting a run (especially since I do always cross train). I embrace winter as my time to ramp up swimming (and I constantly smell like chlorine).

  8. I love that you got up early on Christmas morning to Run!! I was supposed to do a long run, but I was so tired from the days before, that I took a nap instead. It was amazing!

    1. I am glad you enjoyed your nap! Sometimes we need activity and sometimes we need to just VEG.

  9. Good job. Solid week, I'd say. Hope you enjoyed all the Christmas goodies after your early morning run!

    1. OH I sure did! Shrimp, cookies, lasagna.... WINE.
