
Friday, December 30, 2016

Friday 5 - Christmas Recovery!

Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

Today I'm going to share 5 ways I recovered after an insanely busy Christmas weekend!

1. On Monday morning, I slept until 11am. Then I sat on the couch editing pictures while sipping coffee from my cat mug! Thank you to my wonderful piano students who knew just what I wanted!

2. I spent a lot of time listening to podcasts while doing a puzzle I got for Christmas! (No, I didn't get the puzzle for my cat, but that's news to him!)

3. I went online and made a donation to Planned Parenthood! After receiving many gifts on Christmas, I wanted to be sure to give an important gift of my own. If you feel compelled to donate, your donation will be matched up to $300,000 if you donate today or tomorrow.

4. I went for a 6 miler. Yes, running is relaxing!

5. I went to bed early. Jelly was ready to sleep too!

Did you need to recover from the craziness of Christmas?

What's the last relaxing thing you did?

Caption the picture of Jelly! Go!


  1. My plan was to use yesterday and today to recover from the holidays. Yesterday ended up being way too busy and stressful with lots of errands and chores to get done! I am hoping today is a bit calmer.

  2. I'm just exhausted! I'm not sure if it's the holidays or RA or both.

  3. I too did a lot of relaxing (and was able to sneak in a run here and there). No cats here, but lots of snuggles with our doggies. The holidays can be so stressful. I found the down time was what I needed.

    1. Ooh doggie snuggles are good! I say if it has fur and it snuggles, it's all good! :)

  4. Damn! I didn't know they were matching donations for PP. Are they still?

    Happy new year!

  5. Looks like a great few days for you! I have been doing lots of relaxing on vacation this week and I am looking forward to getting back on track

    1. I am glad your vacation has been relaxing! I hope I am ready to go back when the time comes... But I probably won't be!

  6. Looks like Jelly Likes Paul's Christmas blanket!
    I am so conflicted on my days off cus part of me want to relax and do nothing but then I think about all the things that I could be accomplishing that I normally wouldn't be able to do during the week when I work like laundry, cleaning, re-organizing drawers and closets, etc, etc,. I hate to miss out on all this good down

    1. I know exactly how you feel! I keep thinking I should take down my Christmas decorations (a huge task as you know!) but I am still thoroughly enjoying them. The downside to leaving them up longer is that I will be stuck taking them down when I am busy with work and stuff!

  7. Good job on recovery. Yesterday was SO LAZY. Well, not in the morning. THAT was insane. But the rest of the day/evening was spent reading and slothing around. We even ordered pizza so I didn't even have to get up to cook anything. The day tends to drag on a bit like that but I think my body and mind needed it! I am really looking forward to today because Andrew is taking Ethan to the Canucks game and Kylah is at a friend's house and my kids are at Jason's wedding today so it's just me and Callum for the afternoon/evening. I'm writing out things for the two of us to do together. I'm so excited!

    1. It sounds like you're going to have a fun evening with Callum! I definitely like the balance of having stuff to do AND slothing around. :)

  8. I WISH I was able to sleep in and relax. I can't remember the last time my son let me sleep past 6-6:30am (on a good day - maybe once a month). Typically I am up at 5:30 whether I want to be or not - and it's SO exhausting. It sounds weird, but my relaxing time is spent running or on my bike... it's typically the quietest time of the day for me.

    Just curious - what is your favorite "type" of puzzle? Do you like scenes, animals, abstract, harder the better?

    1. It doesn't sound weird that your running and cycling is the most relaxing part of the day. I completely get it! That's why I like to get my workout done first thing. It's nice to have quiet time before I go to work and teach kids all day. I will definitely not experience "me" time there!

      My favorite type of puzzle is 500-1000 pieces and definitely NOT the harder the better. I like something that is east to sort into colors, etc. My favorites are Charles Wysocki town scenes and stuff like that!

  9. That looks amazingly relaxing. I'm impressed that you can sleep til 11; I was proud of making it to 7:45 yesterday!

    1. I'm all over the place over break. Christmas really tuckered me out! Today I got up at 5:43!

  10. Great job in taking care of your holiday recovery!!

    In my hometown in Mexico, Christmas is just the beginning of the celebrations! We party until January 6th. So every year, at this time, I feel that I'm still missing all the partying!

    I LoVE the cat mug!!

    1. Wow, that is a lot of partying! I had a margarita last night, does that count?

  11. I'm not sure that running itself is relaxing, but I do feel more relaxed afterwards!

    Sleep until 11? I can't imagine. Not even if I'm sick -- not even close. But then, I'm usually asleep by 9-9:30.

    I <3 that mug!

    1. It's so cute, isn't it!? I was reeeeeally lacking sleep and needed to catch up! Today I got up at 5:43, which is a little later than I get up during the work week. I think I may try to ease back into a schedule so reality doesn't smack me so hard when I go back to work on the 3rd.

  12. My parents and I have tried a 1,000-piece puzzle they bought at Disneyland last year. We've tried it last year and this, and have given up. Maybe a 500-piece puzzle would've been better, but I swear this maker set out to have people fail.

    1. The only 1000 piece puzzles I do are "easy" ones... where you can basically look at the piece and know where (ish) it goes!

  13. What a perfect recovery day!! I felt like Monday needed to be a recovery day so I spent 2 hours at the pool/sauna/spa and then had an afternoon massage! It was bliss. I have been spending this week at the movie theater, too -- which, as you know, is my favorite thing to go do (plus keeps me out of the stores which I have NO desire to do right now).

    1. I was wondering why I haven't seen you much on social media these past couple days and I should have known- you've been holed up in movie theaters!

    2. I have been holed up in the theaters for sure! Yesterday, I was the ONLY person watching Collateral Beauty. LOL. I have been in the theater when there was only like 4 people but I have never been the only one! It was AWESOME!!

    3. I'd be scared some9ne would come in and murder me!

  14. What a perfect gift from your piano students!

    I love that you made another donation to PP. It's such an important service, for so many reasons. I personally used PP when I was in college and needed the morning after pill. Do you remember when the morning after pill was super expensive and you needed a prescription for it? Thank goodness for PP. They made the process so affordable, so easy and were so helpful. I am ashamed that it took me so long to begin donating to them!

    Yesterday was a go go go day for me from 8am until 2am, but today I slept in until noon and now I'm still just sitting here at the computer sipping my coffee :)

    1. I have never used Planned Parenthood, and now that I have good insurance I most likely won't need to. BUT I realize not everyone is as lucky as I am and women need to support one another! I am happy to make a donation and hope to make more in the future! And the reason I talk about it isn't to be like "oh look at me being all philanthropic" it's to remind others to donate to whatever the choose to.

      8am to 2am???? Holy moly what were you doing!?

    2. Our new washer and dryer were delivered and installed at 8am ... which turned into a fiasco. This was the second attempt at delivery and it was still a nightmare. Very long story short, as of 4:30pm yesterday we finally have a working washer and dryer! At night we went to a get together at our friend's house and drank too much wine and played CAH. Very fun night! I was the DD so I only had 2 glasses of wine and I stopped drinking early. Adam woke up with a hangover haha!

    3. Aw that sounds like so much fun!

  15. CAH... not the washer/dryer fiasco!

  16. That is the coolest mug ever and I love that the cat mug even looks like Jelly. I slept until 9 AM two times this week and I hate sleeping in! I always feel so lazy and like my day is wasted... BUT I really needed that rest! Typically I am up by 7:30 but earlier on the weekends because of running.

    1. Sleeping in is definitely a double edged sword! Like you, I fear like I waste a day! But some days ya just need it. I get up at 5:30 during the week but don't set an alarm on days I have off unless I have plans and need to be up for something.

  17. Believe it or not, I actually find blogging relaxing. I love reading what other people have been up to, and race recaps are my favorite ;-) I feel such a huge wave of calm wash over me on Christmas morning, believe it or not....because by then I know everything is gonna happen whether or not I'm "ready" so there's no need to stress any longer.

    1. I am glad your Christmas morning is calm. :) While I do enjoy Christmas and the days leading up, it's a lot of early mornings so it tuckers me out!

  18. I love that cat mug! And of course cats think everything is for them :) Mine is the same way.
