
Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016 Mileage Totals + Weekly Workouts + THANK YOU!

This recap is super short! My posts got mixed around due to the holidays. I will be back on track next week, I promise!

Before I go through my workouts, I took on the long and tedious task of adding up my monthly/yearly mileage for 2016. How did I do this? By looking back at old Weekly Workout posts. Ugh, it was so time consuming, and I had to start over a couple times because I lost track, but I think I have the numbers correct...

Jan- 119.25
Feb- 141
March- 167.25
April- 129.53
May- 135
June- 116 (plantar fasciitis + recovery)
July- 139
Aug- 86 (I quit Hansons and did not feel like running.)
Sept- 153.5 (Okay, I like running again!)
Oct- 151.1
Nov- 149
Dec- 151 (I'm adding on the 9 miles I plan to run today with my dad.)

*Note: The mileage does not include walks and hikes!*

It's interesting to see I have been running 4 months in a row consistently with higher mileage than I was when I got PF. Maybe this is working because I'm not doing speed work or tempo runs? Or because I have committed to only running 5 days a week? Or maybe it was just a fluke that I got PF. Interesting things to ponder...

2016 mileage total = 1637.63

I'm not sure what this number means? Last year I did not add up my mileage. I could go back and do that now, but I really don't feel like it! I've had enough math for one day.

Okay, workout time!

Monday- 6 chilly miles. I guess I wouldn't have been so chilly if I hadn't worn shorts! I didn't really feel like running but I did it. Weird. I think I don't *need* running as much when I am not working and I am more relaxed in general.

Tuesday- 8 (ish) miles in Harpers Ferry. Paul and I took an impromptu trip down to West Virginia. More on this run in an upcoming post!

Wednesday- Lifting back @ home. Boy, it's been awhile! I did the usual- several versions of pull ups, rows, bicep curls, hip/glute exercises and some core work. One of these days the wood around our door frame is going to break off and I am going to have a horrible pull up accident!

Thursday- Chest @ home. I woke up to a winter wonderland. I really wasn't expecting that! Luckily, since I had done a lot of running this past week and a half, it was another good day to lift at home. I did push ups, chest press, shoulder press, tricep dips, and some hip/glute/core stuff.

Um, how am I supposed to lift!?

Friday- 6 Gamin-less miles. I overdressed. But good news! I can do couch stretch again! Remember how my toe was bothering me? Well I was unable to do couch stretch for over a month due to my freaking toe! But it isn't tight like it was before so I am doing this very important stretch again.

Since this is my last post of the year, I wanted to take the time to thank all of my readers for popping in here at Meg Go Run day after day. I really appreciate your friendship! I hope we can make those connections even stronger in 2017!

See ya on the other side!
Do you couch stretch?

When was the last time you ran Garmin-less?

Did you add up your monthly/yearly mileage? What did you learn from it?

Friday, December 30, 2016

Friday 5 - Christmas Recovery!

Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

Today I'm going to share 5 ways I recovered after an insanely busy Christmas weekend!

1. On Monday morning, I slept until 11am. Then I sat on the couch editing pictures while sipping coffee from my cat mug! Thank you to my wonderful piano students who knew just what I wanted!

2. I spent a lot of time listening to podcasts while doing a puzzle I got for Christmas! (No, I didn't get the puzzle for my cat, but that's news to him!)

3. I went online and made a donation to Planned Parenthood! After receiving many gifts on Christmas, I wanted to be sure to give an important gift of my own. If you feel compelled to donate, your donation will be matched up to $300,000 if you donate today or tomorrow.

4. I went for a 6 miler. Yes, running is relaxing!

5. I went to bed early. Jelly was ready to sleep too!

Did you need to recover from the craziness of Christmas?

What's the last relaxing thing you did?

Caption the picture of Jelly! Go!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Our Christmas

Hola, holiday peeps!
Today I'm going to share our Christmas day with you!

But first, here is a pic of my very first Christmas in 1982. I'm with my Grandma and Grandpa Michael, Cousin Jordan, and Brother Julian!

This is the first Christmas in a long time that my entire family- Mom, Dad, Julian, and Tyler were together. It was wonderful!

On Christmas morning I awoke bright and early to run 8 miles around my hood. I saw some walkers out and everyone I passed wished me a Merry Christmas!

Then Paul and I hopped in the car to go over the river and through the woods (for real!) to my parent's house in Millersburg.

I have spent every Christmas morning of my life at my parent's house. Paul and I always wear our pajamas. We eat a yummy breakfast that my mom's neighbor makes her every year. It is basically a fancy French toast casserole. We never eat too much for breakfast because our main meal is lunch at 11:30.

Normally, my parents decorate a dead Christmas tree but this year, all of the ones they had in their backyard were too brittle. So the tree they put up will also be their tree next year- it just won't have any needles on it! My parents are so hippy dippy!

After we finished breakfast, right on cue, Tyler's family showed up. It was Clark's first Christmas!

The girls had some fruit as a snack and then it was time to open presents!

Julian got Clark foam nunchucks. He likes to chew on them.

Uncle Julian!

I was tickled with my knee high alpaca socks!

Me and my hunny!

I got Tyler compression socks (since he's training for another big event) and sparkling grape juice. I think he liked the grape juice the best!

I got Clementine a Minnie Mouse doll. She is in love with Minnie!
My mom made her a Minnie hat and scarf.

Debby rocks her pink hair do!

One of my favorite gifts is a necklace my mom got me and Debby. It is a Knoebels Grove ticket pendant! If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know I LOVE KNOEBELS!

Debby and Tyler got Paul The Oregon Trail card game!

I got Ellie a cool book where you use stickers to make faces.

And now the most interesting gift of all... My brother made me a selfie stick with bamboo from my parent's yard.

Our favorite part of the selfie stick is that you can actually see the selfie stick in my picture!

He was so nice to make sure it was a gluten free selfie stick...

Since there were so many people and we like to go one at a time, it took awhile to open gifts. But at 11:30 on the dot, my Grandma and Pappy Taylor arrived for lunch. We had what we have every year for Christmas lunch- shrimp and Chinese food!

Then it was time to socialize and play with our presents!


Grandma Taylor and Clark

We picked up Grandma Michael after lunch so she could join the fun!
She is my dad's mom, can ya tell!?

Tyler taught us how to play The Oregon Trail.
I was skeptical at first, but it was actually a lot of fun!

Unfortunately, Grandma Michael and Tyler died from a snake bite and Paul died of Typhoid. But Amy, Debby, and I made it to Oregon!

 Grandpa plays with the electric train set with his granddaughters.

Before we knew it, it was 3:00! How did six hours go by so fast? I wanted to stay longer but it was time to head over to Paul's parent's house. Before we left my mom and dad's, we got a bunch of family pictures.

Merry Christmas from The Michael Family!
(Love Clark's face!)

Things were pretty chill at Paul's parent's house. His two brothers, two nephews, and niece were there. Everyone was relaxing and watching football or playing with their presents. Paul's nephews and niece LOVE hanging out with him. He is like a celebrity in their eyes!

Violet, Zay, Uncle Paul, and Eden

The big gift for the children was guitars! All three of them play and they are very good. Their dad (Paul's brother) and their Pops (Paul's dad) are AMAZING at the guitar. So I guess it's no surprise, since the kiddos are learning from the best!

Paul and I love to spoil our nieces and nephews. That's what aunts and uncles are for, right? (Especially ones who don't have kids of their own!) I was excited Violet liked her coloring books and gel pens. Swipey liked them too...

The kids were getting a little wound up so we went to the basement to play!

Thing got a little crazy when Aunt Megan got out the Snapchat...

Dinner was lasagna! What a great night with family!

And that was our busy Christmas! I actually lost my voice from talking for two days straight! It's interesting that I sing all day at school but never lose my voice from that. As it turns out, singing is easier on one's voice than talking. That makes sense!

I am so thankful to be able to spend time with our families on Christmas. Presents are nice, but the PRESENCE of family is the best gift of all!
What was your favorite gift you gave or received?
Share a Christmas or Hanukkah tradition with me!
Do you spoil your nieces and nephews?