
Monday, November 14, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up!

I hope your weekend was absolutely FABULOUS.

NOTE: If a huge picture of low sodium soy sauce appears in this post... I don't know why it is there. I tried to delete it. We'll see what happens...

I woke up at 6:09, horrified that my alarm didn't go off! I quickly got ready for my run. I managed to do 6 miles and only be about 5 minutes late for work.

My focus was lacking at work for much of this week. The highlight of the entire week was singing with my 4th grade choir on Friday. It was very inspiring.

Paul had a rough day at home...

After work, we headed to Big Lots for Drano. I bought some Christmas decorations in effort to cheer myself up. BIG WILD AND CRAZY FRIDAY NIGHT!

I didn't want to get out of bed today. I was sad and had no plans. What could cheer me up? Why, decorating for Christmas, of course.

You can read more about our decorating adventure here, but this was the end result of the day:

I did end up running 8 miles after our epic Christmas decorating adventure. I didn't feel like running, but I did it. There was nothing else to do.

Doesn't that .01 bug the shit out of you?

Paul needed shoes, so we went to DSW to check out what they had.

Not to brag, but I am really good at picking out shoes for Paul. He always looks around for awhile, not liking anything, and then I show him a pair and he is like... YES.

This is what I found for him:

After that, we went out for sushi. I haven't been eating much lately, but hibachi sounded good. Local peeps, I cannot stress enough how delicious and affordable Tokyo Diner is. And it's BYOB. This is our go to place for sushi or hibachi.

When we got home, we basked in the glory of our Christmas lights.

On Sunday morning, I had the pleasure of cheering for my little brother at the Harrisburg Marathon! I'm going to write this event up in a separate post, but I do want to tell you he is a MACHINE. He had been sick with a really bad cold for the past couple days and barely got any sleep the night before. Still, he powered through and conquered his second 26.2! When he sets his mind to something, he DOES IT!

I ended up running 12 miles throughout the day. Spectating can be a very active event if you plan it right!

After work, I went shopping. I needed to get milk and trash bags, but I ended up at Wal Mart and got this little guy...

And these awesome Christmas pillows...

Then I ended up at TJ Maxx and got this cute vest...

I also got a thank you card to send to Hillary. A lot of people are doing it. Here is the address in case you want to as well:

Hillary Clinton Post Office Box 5256 New York, NY 10185-5256

I am still thinking about what I am going to say.

When I got home I raked some more leaves and then put up my little fox. We named it Cecil, in honor of Kristina's beautiful little kitty.

Anybody race or spectate this weekend?

Do you like sushi or hibachi?

If you were to send a Thank You card to anyone dead or alive, who would it be?

Do you like picking out clothes/shoes for your partner?


  1. Your brother is such a bad ass! Way to go, Tyler. I love all food except Italian food. I really love sushi and hibachi and how cool you BYOB?! I can't think of any place here that does that. Thanks for Hilary's address--what a great idea. I would send a thank you to my mom for sure--that lady...there are no words. Picking out clothes for Rick...yes, please. For myself, not so much.

    1. You do not like Italian food? I did not know that about you! Why not?

    2. I am lactose intolerant so no cheese or cream sauces (both of which I don't like the taste anyway). Pasta with red sauce is just not very exciting to me. Sad part is that I AM Italian and it's Rick's favorite (but the place we do serves a wonderful steak so I am happy).

  2. Haha that huge bottle of soy sauce is pretty funny! I can barely pick out clothes for myself, and I think its even harder to pick out stuff for guys. I guess I just have no idea whats "in style"!

    1. Paul is hard to pick out for because I choose things a little more trendier than he likes. Plus he has weird rules like no v-necks haha!

  3. I think you were right on par putting up your Christmas decorations this week cus when I turned on the radio this morning they were playing Christmas music already!!!!

    1. NO WAY!!!! The Rose is the station around here that plays Christmas music the earliest. I should see if it's on yet.

  4. Awwww little Cecil is adorable. I had a dream last night that my Cecil got outside and almost ran into the street. I woke up in distress!

    Way to go TYLER!!!!!!!

    I love that you're writing a thank you not to Hillary. I made my donations to PP and the ACLU in honor of her. From what I understand they will send a notification to her NY office letting her know. A small token of appreciation for her lifelong service. I mean, I totally get that her experience makes her "Washington elite," but she has used her power for good and that's all we could have asked from her.

    I do hope all of this passion right now translates to a good turnout for the senate. The more I think about it, the more I hope the face of the democratic party turns out to be more like Obama. Not that we need a man, but we need someone who is more left leaning than even Hillary. Someone who can represent change like Obama did, and we need to give that person a congress that is willing to work with her/him. Not that I need to say any of this to you! I just sometimes need to get it out!

    1. Oh I hate when I have bad dreams about my kitties. It happens to me regularly. I freaking hate it.

      I wish I had made my donations in honor of her but I hadn't thought about it.

      Yes, this passion must be CHANNELED. We can just sit back and be outraged.

  5. There it is! A giant bottle of soy sauce!

    I went to TJM yesterday and left empty handed! WTH? Are they holding all the good stuff back until after Thanksgiving?

    1. What???? Well maybe if you go back in a few weeks you'll find some deals. :)

  6. Clearly the point here is that soy sauce is great!
    Also, I need to do some shopping to refresh my wardrobe! I like the vest, and good choice on the shoes. I like helping my husband pick out clothes, but then they just sit around in the bag for a week or more. Really?? New clothes need to be worn immediately!

    1. Yes, I suppose that is what the universe is telling us!

      Yes, new clothes should be worn! Or at least, be ceremoniously taken out of the bag, tags cut off, and fashion show. Poor Paul has to watch my fashion shows when I get new stuff...

  7. What's up with the soy sauce picture? As soon as I read that, I had to scroll down the whole blog post to see if it appeared just because.

    That sushi looks delicious! We also had sushi this weekend and it was so good. I'll admit I haven't had a ton of sushi before but the kinds I've tried were delicious, and I do like hibachi. Typically if I eat hibachi style food before a race it makes for good pre-run fuel.

    I like picking out clothes for Clay... in fact I love it! It's a lot of fun to shop for him although he keeps losing weight so it's tough to know what size to buy if he's not there.

    1. Well, I was going to include a small picture of the soy sauce with something funny like, "what is the point of low sodium soy sauce" but it wouldn't let me make the picture small. So I deleted the picture... but it still shows up HUGE!!! I don't get it!

      What sort of sushi do you eat? I wasn't very adventurous when I first tried sushi. I stuck to California rolls and avacado rolls. Now I will try anything!

  8. Congratulations to your brother!

    We recently started going to Tokyo Diner, I like their chicken hibachi, it's very tasty!

    I love your Christmas decorations!

    1. Thank you! Glad to know there is another Tokyo Diner lover. :)

  9. I got the soy sauce too. I don't like sushi, but have done Hibachi. It's just fun to watch.

    1. It is fun to watch! Usually Paul and I don't like sitting so close to strangers though.

  10. The photo of the soy sauce is probably the one thing that I've gut-laughed about in a solid week. Thank you. And I shouldn't have to tell you this, but I'd send a thank you card to Chris Farley.

    1. I wouldn't have guessed him but now that you say it, it makes sense. I'm glad I made you laugh. We need a laugh!

  11. I know!!! I snapped you :) But hopefully you are resting!
