
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Runners' Acronyms

I stole this fun survey from Ali @ Hit the Ground Running. These running acronyms take our strange language to a whole new level! The instructions are to edit the answers to reflect your own. I hope you find this interesting! I had fun doing it and reflecting over my years of bloody blisters, blown up port o' johns, and peeing on my leg...

DNS- Did Not Start- Many, many times!

DNF- Did Not Finish- No, mainly because I err on the side of just not starting the thing if I don’t think I can finish it.

DNRAL- Did Not Remember to Apply Lube- It’s not that I don’t remember. It’s that I downplay the chance that I may actually chafe… and then I end up chafing.

DFL- Dead Freaking Last- I don’t believe so.

FFF- Finished Freaking First- Yes! At the Kid’s Chance 10k two years. I was the first OVERALL. My family was there to witness it, which was the best part!

BQ- Boston Qualified- Yes, twice! And I worked really hard for both of them.

DQ- Didn’t Quit- I’ve quit in the middle of a run or have cut it short- but not a race.

WMD- Wore a Medal to Dinner- After my first marathon, I wore my medal to dinner at my in-law’s house.

BTW- Bemoaned The Weather- Who hasn’t!?

SSP- Shared Shoe Photos- I have done this when I get new shoes. I don’t know why… I am not into shoes. When I read blogs, I skip all the posts about shoes.

TUBT- Threw Up By Track- I have never thrown up from running. I have definitely pushed myself close to the line… I just haven’t crossed it yet. I hope I never do!

PR- Personal Record- Not in a while, unfortunately.

PB- Personal Bartie- No, I can’t say I have ever met Bart Yasso or any other famous runner. I don’t think I would even recognize Bart Yasso!

CRAPOP- Certifiably Ruined A Port O Potty- I blow up port ‘o johns left and right!

LOL- Leaked On Leg- All the time! In fact, I just did so this past Sunday when I peed in an ally!

OMG- Ordered Many Gus- No, I am not a Gu person.

BFF- Blessed with Fast Feed- I wouldn’t call myself a naturally fast runner. But I would say I am blessed with muscles that respond to training. Does that make sense?

BRB- Blisters Rubbed Bloody- I don’t get blisters much at all, but my worst blisters were after my 50 miler. I had a huge blister on the outside of each of my big toes. They were the size of marbles. I punctured them and it hurt SO BAD! I had scars for a while.

WTF- Waddled Through Finish- I don’t think so.

IDK- Injured Damn Knee- Hellz yeah! I had freaking surgery! I don't think I needed it though. Long story...

ET- Eulogized a Toenail- My second nail on my left foot comes and goes. I don’t stress about it.

GPJ- Got Passed by a Joggler- Probably!

Did you ever pee on your leg?
Have you ever thrown up from running?
Tell me about your worst chafe!


  1. You've introduced me to some new running acronyms!

  2. A lot of this are new acronyms to me! I was sure DQ meant disqualified.. the only time I saw a reference to it was when somebody posted they quit the race and got a DQ.

    Knee surgery sounds awfully painful!!

    My worst chaffed was my boob chafe back in September at Philly RnR. I have a scar now... I look like I got a boob job.

    1. And see when I think DQ I think DAIRY QUEEN! :) Knee surgery wasn't that bad. The drugs made the pain go away, but they also made me sick, so I only took drugs like the first day or so. The pain was not that bad.

    2. In all honesty, Dairy Queen is way better than both acronyms.

  3. Funny stuff!!! I had a really bad chafe from wearing an armband for my phone, which rubbed a huge raw spot on my side/back. Right before I went on vacation! So, for the next week my family told me how gross the spot looked, and I couldn't see it. It was at least an inch round and I still have the scar from it. Yuck. Ditto on my second toenail. It will never live to see it's full, beautiful potential.

    1. At least you don't have dreams of being a foot model!

  4. Love! I can relate to a few of these, I think. I have said goodbye to a few toenails and thankfully they do grow back. I know the minute I say this I will immediately chafe but I have never had an epic one and it really hardly happens to me ever. I did create a very (massive) blood blister on the top of my foot one time because I ran with an air-cast (believe or not the doctor said I could). I kind of wish I would have taken a picture of it but I was honestly in complete shock at the size and then how I was going to manage it.

    1. I wish you had taken a picture of it as well! I should have taken one of my blood blisters but that was way before people had cameras on their phones.

  5. This is an awesome survey! I've never seen it before but haven't heard of so many of these acronyms. Thanks for filling it out so we could learn more about you, too.

    1. You should do the survey too! I'd love to learn more about you and this is a fun way to do it.

  6. Hurt my knee? yes. I had runner's knee in college, and now ITBS. Same knee :-/

  7. Yeah, you got to see my chafe IN THE FLESH!

  8. I threw up during my very first marathon at mile 20! I went through a phase about 4 years ago where I'd boke right after crossing the finish line.

  9. I have issues with the same exact toenail! I don't think it will ever be the same.

  10. I love that your toenails comes and goes. Like, sometimes it wants to show up, sometimes it's like "peace out!"

    The way you are with shoe posts is how I feel about most food posts or weekly workout posts. It's why I don't feel bad if people skip mine. They're more for my own benefit anyway! :)

    1. My weekly workout posts are the thing that is read the least! But like you said, I do it more for me than anyone else. I strategically place them on Saturdays so everyone knows when to skip!
