
Monday, November 28, 2016

Our Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving was a wonderful day spent with my family! At noon, Paul and I traveled to our Cousin Stephanie & Ken's house to spend the day eating, laughing, and playing games. This is basically just going to be a photo dump because there is no story to tell other than I had an awesome day spending time with all the people I love!

Steph and Ken have a nice big living/eating area that fits all of us!

My brothers Julian and Tyler played a lot of chess.

Julian challenged Uncle Rick to a game of chess.
There was a lot of chess playing on Thursday!

Julian and his gal Amy

 Cousin Alex, my Dad, Cousin Nick, and Baby Clark

 Debby and Clark

Ellie, Clementine, and Cousin Emma


Emma is so beautiful!

Some of the kids played dress up in their Halloween costumes.

Then we got out the pie in the face game... Cousin Alex came out unscathed!

Cousin Nick... not so much!
Then Auntie Eileen gave it a try...

We got outside because the weather was beautiful. Paul played frisbee...

... so did Uncle Rick, and I got him mid throw.
Doesn't it look like he is channeling Julie Andrews?

Trampoline fun!

Aunt Patty, Julian, Me, and Amy

Paul and Baby Clark

Time for family pictures!!!!

Tyler thinks it's funny to get pics of random family members...
Tyler, Paul, Clark

Nick, Tyler, Paul, Clark
My 3 dads!?

Uncle Rick, Auntie Eileen, Alex, and Nick
Don't they look like an LL Bean catalog???

Uncle Randy and Aunt Patty, their kids Cousin Brian and Stephanie, her husband Ken, and their kiddos Zach, Jacob, Caleb, and Emma.

That night, we played Cards Against Humanity!
Ken has all the fun expansion packs.

Dad and his grandson, Clark.

Clark partied hard...

Uncle Randy and Aunt Patty

Auntie Eileen and her sons.
Where did you go on Thanksgiving?
Do you do family pictures?


  1. What a fun day and a lovely family! I really enjoyed all the pictures. TDay is our one holiday to stay home, just the 2 of us--we cook a big feast, put up our tree & decorations, watch the parade and football. After we ate, we brought goodies to the fire station because my nephew was working. We got to sit around for a bit and visit with all the fire fighters and their families. It was awesome. We actually celebrated Thanksgiving up in Winter Park with Rick's brother, his wife and our 2 nephews. It was perfect.

    1. Taking things to the fire station is a good idea. I wish I had thought to do something like that! Your description of your Thanksgiving with Rick sounds so lovely and homey! I know it is your favorite Holiday and I am glad you had a great time!

    2. It sounds bad to say it's my favorite because we spend it alone at home doing the things we love, but it's not that I don't love to hang out with family. Luckily we get to see them all the time so we get to be selfish and politely decline invites to come over to other's houses :)

    3. It doesn't sound bad at all. I know you spend a ton of time with your families on the weekends!

  2. Looks like so much fun! We went to my parents' on Thanksgiving. We only took 1 picture the whole day!

    1. I normally forget to take them but now that I have a phone it's easier to remember. Plus my mom and my aunts normally have their cameras out and I steal some of their pictures. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

  3. Looks like a great day! We went to my sister's house and took a few obligatory pix. They're on my personal FB page.

    1. Hopefully my fam doesn't mind that I put them on the blog! I didn't tell my Auntie Eileen that I took that pie video, let alone posted it... :)

  4. I haven't taken pictures at fmily events in So long. I should really start doing that again since time goes by so fast! What do you do with your pictures? Do you print them out and put them in books? I use to make photo albums but haven't printed any pics since we started blogging.

    1. We used to do photo albums but now we just have everything on computers. My mom prints them out and gives the printed ones to us for Christmas, but I still have them on my computer. My mom is really into getting family pictures. But not the professional kind, just the stand in front of the tree kind!

    2. I would absolutely LOVE if someone printed pics and gave them to me for Christmas. Trying to print pics from online seems to be so complicated lately. The other option is going to like Target or CVS to print them but that usually Takes FOREVER, plus it gets pricey printing at CVS. Clearly I'm not a patient person when it comes to that,,haha, so I would welcome someone to do it for me!

    3. Maybe you should ask for the for Christmas this year?? :)

  5. The only pictures I took was of the food. We played Secret Hitler and Ticket to Ride, European version. They are low key games, and exactly what I needed.

    1. Secret Hitler!? I am going to have to look that up!

  6. Looks really fun Megan! I was home by myself watching movies...not that I really minded. :)

  7. Yay for a fun day! We spent the day in the city (downtown Chicago) at my SIL's place. It didn't start until 4 so it was pretty much dark. OMG that pie face game!

  8. Photo dump is A-Ok! It looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving... we almost never take any family pictures (I do take pics of the food...)

  9. Your family looks like so much fun. You and Paul definitely have enough kids in your family to meet the kid quota! WOW! I think there are more kids there than here!

    1. They are a lot of fun! And it is fun to have a ton of kids around- especially when Steph and Ken's place is HUGE and can house them all!

  10. What a fun day!! who cooked? how was dinner?

    Family pictures are the best!!

    1. The food was SO GOOD! I am pretty sure my aunt makes the turkey and stuffing and the rest of us makes all kinds of side dishes. I always make green bean casserole, Auntie Eileen makes her famous cranberry sauce, Debby makes sweet potatoes, and my cousin Stephanie makes all kinds of veggie casseroles.

  11. Wow, that looks like the best day!! I can tell you all enjoy each other's company! We just had a quiet dinner with my parents. I'm envious of people with large families who all get along!!

    1. I am always thankful our family gets a long! :) We do have a lot of fun together, I'm glad you could tell from the pictures.

  12. We do have a lot! We used to get together in my grandparent's half a double, but obviously we grew out of that! I remember the days when it was just us cousins, no one was married or had kids...

    That was my Auntie Eileen with the pie- I labeled the video wrong!

    LOL why doesn't Kenny's sister like you guys??????

  13. Awww you have such a big happy family. I bet that makes holiday get togethers a lot of fun. I remember as a kid my whole family would get together and that was awesome, but now we're all spread apart. I enjoy the holiday season, but I mostly see the get togethers as a thing to check out my to-do list. I'm happier when Adam and I get home, get into our pjs and lay on the couch with Cecil. That sounds so bah humbug but it's true. We spend the holidays with Adam's dad and his wife, which is nice, especially now that my mom comes too. But the rest of the people who show up are from his dad's wife's family and we don't have much in common with them (trump supporters) so it's just a lot of boring small talk that can't touch on politics at all.

    1. Ugh, I am sorry you have to get together with family that you don't really connect with. I can understand that if you are not close with them and don't really have anything in common, that it feels like checking something off the to do list. :(
