
Saturday, November 12, 2016

MGR's Weekly Workouts!

Tomorrow, my little brother is running the Harrisburg Marathon! Wish him lots of luck!

Tyler, I am so proud of you and your hard work. Have fun tomorrow and don't poop your pants!

Here are my workouts for the week...

Saturday- Rest Day/2 mile hike to Hawk Rock. I suppose this wasn't a complete rest day, but I'm not sure a 2 mile hike is that much of a workout. It was beautiful and we got our hearts pumping on the way up. I wanted to lift later but I had to run an unexpected errand and then was just in a really bad mood the whole rest of the day so I didn't.

Sunday- 8 miler. I remember nothing about this run. But look, it happened.

Monday- 6 miler before work. It was in the 30s but I wore shorts.

Tuesday- 6 miles. Again, it was in the 30s but I refused to wear pants!

Wednesday- 6 miles. I have never had a more unhappy run. I got one hour of sleep. I tried to zone out to a Survivor podcast but of course my mind wandered.

Thursday- Lifting upper body at home. I wasn't focused. I tried to do 5 sets of everything but I think sometimes I did 6 because I wasn't counting correctly.

Friday- 6 morning miles. My alarm didn't go off so I technically probably only had time for 5, but fuck that. I was a tiny bit late for work but it was worth it. At the end of my run, I sadly removed my Hillary sign from my front yard and placed it on a table in my carport. It was sad.

Wish my brother good luck at Harrisburg tomorrow!!!!


  1. Wow, I didn't realize the Harrisburg Marathon was this weekend. Good luck to your brother. Will you go spectate?

  2. We will look for your brother tomorrow ! What is his time goal? We hope to be at mile 24 by 10 or so.

    I admire your strength. I couldn't run... I tried, but my heart was not in it at all.

    1. I think his time goal is under 4 hours but he is really sick right now (he just told me) with a cold so I don't know if that will affect him. I will text you tomorrow, okay? I am not sure where we will be!

  3. Good luck, Tyler!! Can't wait to hear how you do!!

  4. I had a sticker on my fridge that said Women Can Stop Trump and I was on the verge of tears when I took it down. Really.

    Looks like a great week of workouts! Far better than my week at least! I don't blame you not to wear pants, I hate running in pants too... it has to be like freezing for me to do it. But I do own pants and you hardly even need to own them down here.

    Best wishes to Tyler in the Harrisburg Marathon tomorrow!

    1. We could have, but instead, we voted for him. It boggles my mind. I'm sorry it upset you to take it down. I feel comfort in knowing a lot of other people feel the same way I do. I said it before and I'll sat it again: I will never act like this is a "normal" person winning.

      I bet you never need pants! What temp would you put pants on for? I will still wear shorts on 35... But clearly since I live in PA there are times I need to put on two pairs of pants to run! I actually only have 1 pair of pants I run in and then another pair of pants to put on top. They are swoosh pants with a tapered leg from 8th grade cheerleading. They were big at the time so they fit.

    2. We didn't vote for him. After all, Hilary won the popular vote. I'll never say "we voted for him". I'll say "he was elected".

      My former coach (he doesn't really coach at all anymore but he did coach a training program I was in) moved here from NY years and years ago and didn't own running pants. I honestly think the man only owns one pair of jeans and he had to buy those for a trip to Philly (he works at a gym so wears khaki shorts all the time for work or running shorts for running). He went to NY to see family and he decided to run a race... it was so cold the water in the aid station cups had frozen. He was wearing shorts because he lives in Charleston and didn't own running pants. True story!

      I have pants that are capri type pants that I use for the gym for squats and leg days (don't wanna wear shorts for that).
