
Friday, November 4, 2016

Friday 5!

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Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

This week's theme is "About Me". I suppose if you are a regular reader of this blog, you already know a lot about me. You know I kiss my cats straight on the lips, you know what my toenails look like, and you know I dye my hair with $3 color from Dollar General.

So now that I've covered the "About Me" part (see how I did that?), here are 5 random things I want to say this Friday...

1. I love this meme... because I freaking HATE when men tell me to smile!!!

2. My weekend is wiiiiiiide open and free, which I am excited about. Actually, I do have dinner plans tonight. I get to reconnect with a friend I haven't seen in awhile! When school starts, I become a bad friend, and I am mad at myself for that.

3. Guess what I did this week? I wrapped a crap ton of Christmas presents! I love wrapping presents, so I wrap them for some of my coworkers who don't have a lot of time.

4. I don't think I can watch CNN or The View anymore. I am getting extreme November 8th anxiety. Like, it is affecting my life.

5. And last... a picture of Christmas you CAN'T unsee!

Do you kiss your pets on the lips?
What do you do when men tell you to smile?
Do you like wrapping Christmas presents?


  1. When people tell me to smile, or ask me why I look mad, I just say (totally deadpan, of course), "That's just my face."
    They usually don't know what to do with that, lol.

  2. I get beagle kisses all the time....especially when it's dinnertime or time for a walk :)

  3. OMG on the blood capsules - perfect! Um, Christmas presents? Can I hate you for that??

    1. I guess... but I'm sure I have bigger faults you could hate me for rather than I wrap my co-worker's presents for her.

  4. RBF. It's a thing. Until you open your mouth and blood pours out....

    1. I want to so it so bad. Wendy I bet you could get us all blood capsules!

  5. Wow you have already wrapped christmas presents?! I have not even thought about what I am buying :)

    1. Well I have not wrapped my own. So far I have gotten my mom something but other than that I haven't bought any. I wrapped presents for my coworker who doesn't have time. It's relaxing to me so I don't see it as a chore.

  6. I'm not great at wrapping christmas presents so i usually go the route of bags, tissue paper and bows for everything! i also leave the bagging for christmas eve because cecil will destroy all the bags if i have them sitting out too early. he tries to climb into all of them, even the small ones, which split open when a 13.5lb cat sits inside! it's cute though :)

    1. LOL I bet that is cute!!! My cats, mainly Christmas, fuck with the ribbon, so any present I have out with ribbon must be placed somewhere high where he can't get it.

  7. I too love wrapping Christmas presents. And I give my cats kisses everywhere. On their lips, nose, belly, head, butt (well not the butt hole, but their backside). :)

    1. I am glad I am not the only crazy catty kisser!! I know what you mean by butt. Their butt (not butthole) is my favorite place to kiss other than forehead.

  8. I see Christmas likes to be on the counter... Allie loves to be on the dining table when I'm working in the kitchen. I call her my supervisor since she watches everything.

    1. Yes, he is pretty much allowed wherever he wants but I draw the line at the stove. Whatever germs he has we have at this point. I promise I clean tables and counters before company comes over. :) That is cute you call her your supervisor! She just wants to be up in your business.

  9. I can't believe you already have Christmas presents TO wrap! That's impressive :)

    1. I don't, I was wrapping my coworker's Christmas presents.

  10. I let Macy lick my cheek...does that count?!? I love wrapping presents, too! But unlike you, my dear friend. my focus is Thanksgiving until that holiday arrives and then we put up our tree and I am all about Christmas for like the final 2 weeks before the big day). I do have some of my gifts bought, however, and that feels awesome. No one tells me to smile because I think smiling is my natural face. Maybe that is why no one takes me seriously if I am upset. LOL.

    1. HAHAHA maybe that is why!? Does Rick take you seriously if you are mad?

    2. Ummmm, YES. I never said I had a sweet voice all the time--LOL. But truth be told, I don't really get mad at him because he knows how to keep me smiling most days :)

  11. I used to kiss my dog on the side of her mouth al the time! She has the cutest snout!

    That is so nice of you to wrap other's presents! did they provide their own wrapping paper?

    I can't take NPR Right now either! Election coverage burn out!! We are going to Rickett's Glen this weekend, just to get away from it all for a little bit.

    When men ask me to smile I say a flat out No. If they ask "oh come on, why?" I replay " NO means NO!"

    1. They do provide their own wrapping paper. I tell them to either give me wrapping paper or like $5 and I will use my own wrapping paper. Either way if fine with me. I have a TON of wrapping paper, bows, tags, a bags.

      Rickett's Glen! I love that place! You guys will have a great time. That's an awesome idea. Maybe Paul and I will get adventurous and do something like that.... IS there anywhere closer you would recommend?

    2. What do you want to do? I would highly recommend hiking Flat Rock Trail, if you haven't yet. It's a 2.5 miles hike up to see Cumberland Valley, and it is breathtaking. Also close to that it's Colonel Denning State Park, with a beautiful view of the lake overflow, and I think fishing might be allowed there.

    3. I have always wanted to go to Col. Denning. On my list. I have a goal this NOv. and early Dec. to DO THINGS I say I want to do.

  12. LOL! That cat picture is hilarious. We had a fluffy cat that I would do stuff like that to. He didn't care for it. I also love wrapping presents and get mad that I don't have enough time to really do it justice. I always go right up to the last minute getting gifts now and I just don't have the time to wrap to my fullest potential. Sigh.

    1. How frustrating! I don't know if you have kids, but I can imagine if someone has kids it's really hard because it's not like you can just wrap out in the open.

      Christmas loves to be pet and cuddled and touched so he did mind me messing with his tail. And when he is truly in a lovey trance, he legs splay out like that, which I think is so weird and funny! I never had cats growing up, so I don't know if all cats do that or if mine is special. ;)

  13. Not entiiiiiiirely on the lips, but close. Mostly just a lot of mouth to nose contact. I can't believe you're wrapping Christmas presents already. SHIT. I am so stressed out about Christmas. I hate all the gift stuff for kids, all the competition, ALL THE MONEY. GAHHHHHHH

  14. Are you not supposed to kiss your cats on the lips?! OOPS!

  15. OMG between the World Series and election day, my anxiety is freaking sky high. It's totally affecting my life, too. Much like your cat's butt picture.

    Why did that happen? Hahah...

    1. LOL sorry. When he is sedated and happy with being pet, his legs splay out like that. So I just sort of lifted his tail...

  16. That "smile" meme is one of my favorites. The first time I read it I laughed out loud, and then I reread it a bunch of times and imagined what would happen if women REALLY did that. OMG. It would be priceless.

  17. I don't understand people who have already started buying Christmas presents! I don't mind wrapping them, but I don't think I would volunteer to do it for others. Im not very good at it anyway.

    1. If I have ideas for people, I buy early. But I do it on amazon so it's sooooo freaking easy. This year, we bought two things for my mom and one thing for Paul's mom. That's it!

  18. That picture of Christmas is hilarious! Speaking of Christmas, I can't believe it is literally around the corner. I can't imagine wrapping any Christmas gifts right now. Even if it is for co-workers. I wait to at least after Thanksgiving to go shopping. I know I am such a procastinator...haha

    1. Nah, I think most people are like you. Believe me, I know I am the only weirdo who loooooooooves wrapping Christmas presents in October!! :) Okay, I have a cat named Christmas so that expresses my love for the Christmas season. What it is, is that I have so many happy childhood memories from Christmas. Christmas sights, sounds, and smells remind me of my childhood.

      My mom used to let me help her wrap Christmas presents. I loved it.
