
Monday, October 31, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up!

It's just another manic Monday!
Well, I hope not. Actually, today shouldn't be too bad!
Here's what I was up to this weekend...

Boy was I tired, but I got my butt out of bed and did a chest/shoulder workout at home.

Work wasn't too bad. I kind of had to be Mrs. Meany Teacher because the kids were all hyped up from their classroom fall parties. Believe me, I love a good party, but it is difficult to be expected to teach a class directly after they had a party with lots of sugar!

At the end of the day I had a huge surprise come visit me! One of my past piano students popped in to say hi! He looked so grown up! It was awesome.

After work I had two piano lessons- very strange for a Friday, but they were rescheduled due to being in NYC.

That evening, we met some friends to celebrate Steve's Birthday at the Game Table Cafe

The Game Table Cafe sells sandwiches, desserts, and coffee. But the cool part is they have a HUGE game library! So we hung out and played a variety of games. 

The people that work there even teach you how to play the games if you need help! 

A guy named Evan helped us out A LOT and he was really good at what he did! It was so fun and we will be back!

What a night! What a morning! The short story is...

1. I got little sleep due to an infected toe!

2. I had a horrible 13.1 mile run one the beautiful back roads around Messiah College.

Read the whole wonderful story here!

After my run, I made the most unhealthy salad EVER at the grocery store and devoured it at home. It was so good!

Then I blogged my little booty off. Paul was at a hockey game so I had time to CONCENTRATE and get some writing done!

I know, I know, I haven't told you about my NYC trip. Come this week. Like, tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday. I PROMISE!!!!

I got up relatively early and chilled with Jelly!

Then I went to Planet Fitness and lifted. It was empty!

Before going home, I ran a couple errands... including a quick Dollar Tree pop in to see if that had any good puzzles. Negatron. But they did have all their Christmas stuff out!

It was really hard not to buy a bunch of these tins!

 Then I came home and basically did puzzles the whole rest of the night!

There was a quick storm which Chrissy enjoyed watching...

And that's about it! It's 8:11 right now. I'm going to hit publish and then go hit up I think I'm about to crack the case!

Tell me something fun you did this weekend!
Have any good runs?

Who wants to go to the Game Table Cafe with us???


  1. O yes, that game table cafe sounds awesome! We had a very quick storm pass through here too. In fact I ran a mile in the pouring rain!

    1. Go you! I don't mind the rain as long as it's warm... but I have a feeling it wasn't warm!

  2. Do they serve drinks at the Game Table Cafe? Of the alcoholic nature? That would liven things up...

    1. Unfortunately they do not and it's not BYOB. They advertise it as family friendly, but luckily there were no kids there when we went.

  3. I went to Dollar Tree yesterday and all the Christmas stuff was out! It was crazy! The Game Table Cafe sounds like a really neat place to go for a birthday, I wish we had something like that here. We do have gaming shops but none serve food.

    1. I am one of the weirdos that enjoys Christmas decorations as early as possible!

  4. I had a lot of cat snuggles this weekend. Allie was quite adamant, starting Saturday morning. I had planned on going to Petsmart to get her food, but she had other plans.

  5. Game Table Café? My son would love that!! He loves board games, I can't play board games. We had strict rules about playing board games growing up.

    We went to see Rent, at the last very possible Moment. it was fun!

    1. I saw you were at RENT! I freaking love Rent! Yes the Cafe is right in the Karns plaza on the pike!

      Why weren't you allowed to play board games???

  6. OMG, I love that game cafe! What a genius concept. I would go with you in a New York minute (LOL...I use that phrase whenever I can and plus you just got back from there!). I wish you lived closer cuz I have gotten rid of SO many holiday tins. They were taking over my life and I can't cope with more than one bin of holiday decorations! we had a Halloween Party Saturday and carved pumpkins (I painted mine) on Sunday!

    1. DARNIT I MISSED OUT ON YOUR HOLIDAY TINS!!! You only have one bin of xmas decorations??? Most of our basement storage room is filled with tubs and tubs of decorations. I went a little crazy the first to Christmases we had our house and just bought a ton of stuff. I love it though, it brings me joy. I saw your pumpkin carving pics. Looks like fun!

    2. One bin that has our tree and one bin that contains all the decorations! I keep things very simple around here!!

  7. I have been banned from playing games by family and friends because I do what they call "rage quit" where I straight arm the board game and stomp off in a rage haze. I'm going to the dollar store today too! I loved the snap you sent me of you and Jelly yesterday!!! <3

    1. Omg why do you get so rageful playing games???

    2. OMG! My entire family is banned from playing board games because we don't know how to control our anger on losing!!! It's sad and funny at the same time. We used to have a wooden checkers game board, and somebody who lost (me), threw it across the room. It was later put out with the garbage.

    3. WOW!!! Okay, you should NOT play with Suzy!!! Hahaha!

  8. I know I cut them sooooooooooooo short! It's gross. I am so gross. It doesn't hurt though, I am used to it.

  9. It sounds like I have alot to catch up on! My weekend was full on trying to fix blog issues. I cant believe all that Christmas stuff is out already!

  10. Your kitties are so lucky to have that big window! Growing up I wanted a popcorn window like that so badly, I think because they had one in Full House. When my parents got divorced my dad bought a house with one and I thought it was glorious! I wish we had one in our new house (our neighbors do, not fair!!!)!

    I went to Target during my lunch break and had to refrain from buying a bunch of Christmas stuff too. I can't wait to decorate!!!!!

    1. You know around these parts we call them "bay windows". I get the popcorn description as the windows are popping out of the house, but I wonder where "bay" comes from? We have a huge bay window in the front of our house and in back and the kitties love them!

