
Friday, October 21, 2016

Friday 5!

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Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0! Since the topic was "free" I figured it was perfect because I was just going to talk about random stuff from this week anyway! So here it goes... 

1. After a horrible night of no sleep, I decided I need to start tracking my sleep! Here's how it all went down:

Sun night- 9-11:59
Mon night- 9-5:45
Tue night- 10:30-5:45
Wed night- 1-5:45 (debate!)
Thurs night- TBD... hopefully 10-5:45!

This is what I looked like Thursday morning after less than 5 hours sleep...

When I walked into the faculty room for lunch, the kindergarten teachers said, "You look pissed off!" I said, "Nope, just tired!"

2. Finally, the debates are over! Ali mentioned anyone who watched all three should get a medal! I tend to agree. I get so nervous for the debates that it gives me a headache. So then I drink a lot of water and we have to keep pausing it so i can pee. Then I stay up really late watching post debate coverage. And now I decided I need a white pants suit so I can be as bad ass as Hillary!

3. It is HOT in PA. Last week I was running in long sleeves and gloves. This week, t-shirts or just my sports bra! Right when I was ready for fall, it got warm again.

4. Got the finishing touches for my Halloween costume. Tonight we're going to our friend Randy and Michael's annual Halloween party. Last year I started the tradition of dressing up as my least favorite Big Brother contestant from this past summer. Last year I went as Vanessa...

This year I am going as Nicole!

5. Knoebels with my family tomorrow! I am so freaking excited! I love my family, I love Knoebels, and I can't wait to see my nieces smiling as they ride the rides!

Tell me something fun you did this weekend!
Big Brother watchers, did you like Vanessa or Nicole?
What's your favorite nearby amusement park?


  1. I have always lie going to Knoebels. I haven't been in a while. We took the dogs one year and there were even allowed to ride the train. Cute costumes. I do not watch that show so I wouldn't know who they are, but after seeing a side to side comparison. You did a great job! Have fun at the party!

    1. No one ever knows who I am when I dress up as a BB contestant but my friends who throw the party know so it's basically just an inside joke for them. I figured most would need a side by side comparison! I even go ugly white sandals (not pictured) to wear because she wore those all the time on the show. Yes your doggies are allowed to ride the antique cars, the train, and the carousel! I wish my cats would go for that.

  2. This weather is throwing me for a loop. I ran in a tank top this morning and will probably have to put on a long sleeve shirt tomorrow. It's always hard to figure out to wear this time of year. Have fun at your party tonight!

    1. Thanks Heather! I was in a tank this morning too and the humidity was kind of back.

  3. Adam and I aren't really Disney people, but the other day I got the urge to watch Aladdin. I wanted to see if it was as good as I remembered it to be from childhood - plus I wanted to see how much animation has changed through the years. We watched it last night and it was great - Jasmine is a nasty woman as far as Disney Princesses from back in our day go! :D

    Your costume is perfect!

    I hope you got some great sleep last night!

    1. I haven't seen Aladdin forever but I love the music from that movie. Disney really had some great music for a couple years there while we were growing up. Freaking Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast... loved those. Well as you know I was up way too late last night. I fell asleep around 11. Freaking CNN!

  4. Maybe you should take Nov. 9th off from work. Either way, I don't think a lot of people are going to sleep after that.

    I wrote on my blog today, but Hillary's suit reminds me of the ending of the First Wives Club.

    1. Oh I don't think I will sleep a WINK the evening of Nov 8th- no matter which way the election goes!

  5. I love your Big Brother costume! Even though I stopped watching I know who they are and you make a GREAT Vanessa and Nicole :). Glad you are getting a bit more sleep now too.

    I'm gonna check out the new Friday Five linkup. I will miss reading the posts in the old one that went away.

  6. Have SO much fun at the park! I am glad your weather is nice. It was 36 degrees out for my run today. I don't mind that and it's quite invigorating. I hope you had an excellent sleep last night. Since I am off today (catching a plane later) I was able to sleep an extra 45 minutes and it felt wonderful!!

    1. Okay so now tomorrow it is supposed to have a real feel in the 30s due to winds!!! You are prob an Vegas by now! Have fun!!!! Safe travels!!!

  7. I'M WITH HER, too! And I'm SO grateful the debates are over. OMG... torture.

  8. You look tired, but not pissed off. People need to respect the Resting Bitch face, seriously !

    I just caught on what the suit order was! Red, Blue and White! I loved all her pant suits! But my favorite was the red one! I need a red dress jacket, stat!!

    Your costumes are so awesome!!

    1. Haha Respect RBF! I did not notice the suit order! I do love that pants suits are her trademark. You would look great in a red jacket, dark blue jeans and little ankle booties. Can I be your stylist???

  9. What is orange, hollow on the inside, and needs to be thrown out at the start of November?

    1. Okay this is horrible but I had to think for a couple seconds to get the punchline of this joke!

  10. Im glad you got some better sleep! I hate it when I don't get enough rest, it can wreck me for days. I definitely agree with you about the debates. I only made it through the first two, and I just couldn't take it anymore. These debates have just been depressing.

    As you know, my ultra is this weekend, so that's what I'll be doing. I'll definitely let you know how it goes!!

  11. btw, I want a white pants suit as well. Much better than the red garbage bag she wore for the first debate. Go Hillary!

  12. Okay you are HILARIOUS re Halloween costumes! HA HA HA! Love it so much. And you're also so strong to survive such little sleep. I'd die.

    1. I can't wait to catch up this weekend! Thanks, I am pretty proud of my costumes too even though not many people know who I am! :)

  13. Ooh thank you Karen! I just found out it is supposed to be windy and freezing tomorrow! Oh well, I will bundle up. So crazy. Is it going to be cold for you tomorrow?

  14. Your Halloween costumes are AWESOME. They are spot-on uncanny!!! Very clever and creative!!!

  15. OMG, OMG! I had to ask one of my physician partners to sign a form for me this morning--don't ask, but she's an asshole anyways--and I found out she's a Trump supporter. Seriously?

    1. What??? I feel like a physician would be educated enough to to see that trump is so dangerous!

  16. I seriously need my sleep and couldn't function on less than 5 hours! I'm an 8-9 hours a night minimum girl! Hope you get some good sleep tonight! And your costumes are hilarious. Since I don't watch Big Brother, I definitely appreciated seeing the originals :)

    1. I would love to getv8-9 hours a night and sometimes I do... but then what happens is I get tooff well rested and then I have a night of no sleep. It sucks. I am thinking if I try to get 7 a night it b may be the perfect amount where I am rested but not too rested.

  17. Aww Knoebels is a tradition in my family too! I remember going there as a kid and last summer I went with my sisters and all their kids!

    1. Awesome!!!! It's the best place ever. I have lots of childhood memories grok there too.

  18. The debates wrecked my sleep too during this election! After #1 and again after #2 I promised myself I wouldn't watch the next one but of course I had to. Glad they are over!

    1. Right before the third debate it crossed my mind for a second that I didn't HAVE to watch. But I ended up watching because I just had to know what was going on too.

  19. Please tell me you watched the SNL sketches of all 3 debates...because they were amazing. The last one cracked me up. If you haven't watched it I won't ruin it but basically HILLARY IS MADE OF STEEL.

    1. Of course I watched SNL's take on the debates! :)
