
Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Last week, I ran six out of seven days. I haven't done that since... Hansons, haha! Five days a week is more my style, but as Forest Gump said...

There is no agenda for my running right now. I am doing what feels good. I don't worry about pace, I just check it at the end. I do anywhere between 5-6 miles and that's basically it.

The good thing is I feel good and I am looking forward to my runs. By the end of July I was so burnt out. It's nice to feel good about running again.

I also realized something as I was running before work the other day. I need running more during the school year than I do in the summer. I need that 45-60 minutes before work where I am all alone. I need the endorphins and all the other wonderful things that go along with running. It's basically like my happy pill. I can take on a busy, crazy day as long as I get my run in.

So maybe that is why I am enjoying my runs so much right now. But whatever the reason, I'll take it!

I'm not training for anything and don't have any plans to do so.

Right now, I'm just running for the love of running!
How often is your running about just doing whatever feels good?


  1. So happy to hear you are back to loving running and feeling good. Hanson's really did a number on you this summer but look how nicely you bounced back? Even though I now have a coach, all my workouts are still all about feeling good. Else, what's the point (IMO)?!? If working out becomes stressful, count me out....I have enough stress to deal with at work so anything outside of that needs to recharge me!

    1. Hansons did do a number on me! I never hated running! Okay, I guess I do remember training for my 50 miler and doing 20s on Saturdays and 12s on Sundays and I *did* say once or twice "I'm never running again!" I agree for the most part workouts should be stress free. If someone is training for a race, then obviously there will be some stress, but only a healthy amount.

  2. I admire you for running when you are not training for anything. That is so hard for me to do. I'm glad that it is feeling good and that you are enjoying it again!

  3. I'm glad running feels good again! I totally agree that running during the school year is so necessary, whereas summer running feels a little superfluous. It's nice to have some time to yourself where you're not "on" and can get your head in order!

    1. I hate being "on"! Hmmm maybe I should not have been a teacher haha. Are you enjoying your new job? I guess you have to be "on" but in a different way.

  4. Sounds perfect Meg! I can totally see how you'd need running more now. After marathon "season" I tend to let running go to the backburner and then I run 3x/week from 3-8 miles or so and I love that.

    1. It's nice to have some downtime lest we get burnt out!

  5. It's fun to just run, isn't it? I've been doing it for a while now tho, and I'm starting to get antsy for some goals..

    1. The circle of life for runners! We love running "whatever", then we need goals, then it starts all over again!

  6. Glad to hear your running is enjoyable again! I am on a self imposed hiatus from running for maybe 5 more days, but I do miss the mental aspect of it already. Especially since the temperatures were in the 60s this morning! But it will be best for my body. It's also such a nice time to organize the day ahead, which I'm sure is a huge benefit for you too!

    1. 5 days??? Spoken like a true runner. :) Yes I love to collect my thoughts in the morning!

    2. Half marathon training starts next week!! ;) Love me a half marathon.

  7. I'm glad you are loving running again. That's what really matters; life is too short to do a hobby you are not enjoying!

  8. Yay! I know how that feels. I've just been running to run, and if not, I don't. I've learned taking breaks is just as important as training.

  9. That is fantastic! I am glad that you have found your running joy again!

    I make my long runs about just whatever feels good. I find that if I give myself a pace and force myself to keep it, I end up hating the long runs... maybe that's why I've gotten so slow. But I'm not in the running for prices, that would take a lot more dedication than I have in me.

    1. I used to have motivation to do long runs but I just don't anymore! I have always just run them "whatever" too.

  10. Wait, late breaking news here - Wasn't Via the race you were supposed to run? I saw some runners got stopped by a train! Can you imagine? See, the signs were all there that it wasn't your race to run :) I'm sure they will make good on it though, but still, the STRESS!

    1. Yup, that was it. And you know what? I would have totally been stopped by the train at least for a few minutes. And I was so sick the whole week before the race. My body was breaking down from the training... man the universe told me not to run and I'm glad I didn't!

  11. So glad you are back to loving running! Its nice to have those runs before a crazy work day. I think sometimes we just need to take the pressure off of ourselves to get back to really enjoying it again.

    1. It was definitely my time to try loving it again. :)

  12. You and I both have such demanding jobs that require our attenation to others all day so I know you get the alone time thing!
