
Thursday, August 11, 2016

Would You Rather... (Running Survey!)

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...Just a short little SURVEY for you today! Feel free to steal... because that's what I did!Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...

Run a big city race or a small, local race? Big city race! Why not!?

Have a post race beer or post race dessert? I don't drink beer, so I would definitely do the dessert!

Run with a blister the whole time or side stitch the whole time? BLISTER! When I get a side stitch, it is rip roaring. I feel like I am getting stabbed, Jodi Arias style, in the abdomen.

Train through winter for a spring race or summer for a fall race? Summer, simply because I have more time in the summer.

Get a new pair of running shoes for free or a new running outfit for free? Shoes, for sure. While I will admit I like to look stylish in my every day life, I am not into stylish/new running clothes.

This "sports bra" I wear...

Used to be a camisole!!!!

Run alone or run with friends for every run of an entire training cycle? ALONE.

Run a flat race in the heat or a hilly race in the cold? Eh, either. They both don't sound that great! How about a flat race in the COOL? Haha!

Run a 5k or a marathon? If it's for fun, a 5k. If it's for serious, a marathon.

Run naked or take a naked yoga class? RUN NAKED! In fact, I have had my eye on this race for years...
Would you ever run a naked race?


  1. I actually have alot of different answers than you! I think I would rather run with a side stitch because those usually pass. The blister would hurt the whole time and just get worse!

    1. Do they really pass unless you slow down or walk? After reading Ali's comment, I realized I never ran with a blister before so maybe I don't know what I'm taking about.

  2. I love would you rather! Your answers make me laugh.
    Here are mine: small race, post race beer, side stitch, train in summer for fall race, running shoes, run alone, flat heat (how hot is heat?!? I might change my mind--LOL), 5K for sure and naked YIN yoga (you mostly are on the ground and not doing sun salutations which would completely expose all your junk), if I ran naked I would be worried too much about my girls just so exposed and unconstrained (no, they are not big but like I said before, I always keep them close by because I really don't want them to sag to my navel later in life).

    1. Sounds like a lot of my readers are naked yoga peeps!!! :) Have you actually done it before?

  3. I love that you repurposed that cami into a bra! I'm with you on running for dessert and preferring a blister over a cramp. At least with a blister, it's a localized pain and you can kind of ignore it...although it takes longer to heal. Side stitches tend to hold on and spread when I get them, so they can really ruin a race!

    Although...I've never had to run a race with a blister, so maybe I don't really know what I'm talking about!

    1. You know what, neither have I! But I look at it exactly how you did.

  4. Nooooooo! Naked running would not be something I'd do. Ever. No one needs to see my 53 year old stuff flapping in the wind.....

  5. A flat race in the cool sounds good - sign me up for that one! If during that race I had to choose between a blister and a side stitch I think I would choose the side stitch. I'm a baby when it comes to blisters and I can't ignore them at all.

    I would choose naked yoga... in a class where I'm all by myself! Running without a bra when your boobs are this big just sounds painful. When one of my sports bras starts losing elasticity and my boobs bounce too much I get back pain!

    1. I suppose naked running my only appeal to someone like me, who buys her bras in the little girl's dept. in Target. Once I was looking for bras in the little girl's dept in JC Penny but I ran into one of my 4th graders so I was like ugh can't buy bras there anymore!

  6. Definitely win shoes! I'm very picky about the running clothes I wear and prefer to shop for those. I'd pick shoes since I go through those much faster than running clothes.

    1. Good choice, running clothes definitely last longer than running shoes.

  7. Run naked? Oh yeah, do that all the time. haha. Not. I'm surprised you haven't been checking out the Woodstock natural run. I could totally picture you in that scene. Well, not that I picture you naked, but you know what I mean. ;)

    1. Yeah let's organize a blogging meet up at the natural run!

  8. We have a bare buns race out here at Wreck beach that a lot of my running friends used to do. One guy even has his pic up on the internet and we show all the new people at every Christmas party etc.

    1. See that is the only thing that scares me- pictures!

  9. My answers are pretty much exactly like yours! Haha, I had no idea that race was in PA!!! I recently read an article in RW about a man running one of those Naked races and I think it was in California and I thought perhaps that was the one you were referring too!

    1. I don't know why it sounds fun to me, but it does! I swear I am not an exhibitionist!. :) So you would do the naked run?

  10. I'd totally take a naked yoga class, especially one of those hot classes. I do agree with you on training in the summer, I have more time and there are fewer races here so if I were training seriously for a marathon, I would want to do it in the summer. I was hoping to find a Fall marathon and train through this summer, but no such luck.

    I will always take a post-race dessert over a beer! Besides most post race beers are bad- I would rather have a GOOD mixed drink.

    1. Yeah! Like a frozen peach margarita or something!!?? I just had one at the beach and it was so refreshing, so those frozen drinks are kind of on my mind.

      Okay, I would never ever do a naked yoga class. I don't do yoga, but if I did... all that leg spreading???

  11. "I feel like I am getting stabbed, Jodi Arias style, in the abdomen." ja ja ja ja!! This had me laughing!! She reminds me of somebody I don't like.

    That Race looks like fun... why dont' you run it? I wonder if they give out bibs... This reminds me of when we went streaking in PSU once, streaking as in we ran half naked in campus, not as in we ran several days non stop. I am so glad that camera phones were not a thing back then!

    I would rather run a hilly cold race.

    1. BIBs hahahaha where do you pin it???

      Half naked- which half of you was naked? :)

      I am so sorry you know someone that reminds you of Jodi Arias.

    2. The top half... To show the bottom half, I require dinner and wine.... Or the laundry done!

  12. Oooooh I see you will watch but not participate. ;) I don't know, running naked sounds quite thrilling, and I know you like thrill rides!
