
Saturday, August 6, 2016

Well, that run sucked!

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger... After my crap-tastic 10 miler on Sunday, I took FOUR DAYS OFF RUNNING. I lifted three of those days and the other day I just sat on my ass.Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...

Yesterday, I almost took a nap instead of running, but since Paul wanted to go to the gym (I'm his ride) I figured I may as well run. Besides, I missed the endorphins. And we were going to a carnival later that night so I was going to eat a lot of junk. Endorphins + junk food are totally valid reasons to run!

I secretly hoped that after four days off I would feel GREAT.

No so!

After just one mile, I was exhausted! I stopped to use a port o john and that little break gave me a second wind. But it only lasted a few seconds. I forced myself to finish 6 miles (because endorphins + junk food) but every step was an effort.

6 miles @ 8:57 pace was a HUGE EFFORT.

So weird.

Who the hell trains 3 months for a marathon and gets SLOWER?


I might run tomorrow because who knows, maybe the run will feel good and it will erase this bad run!?

On the plus side, while I didn't gain any strength while I was focusing on my running, I didn't lose any strength either. I am still able to hit my normal weights for all my usual lifts. Woot!
When's the last time you took several days off running?
What's your favorite carnival food?


  1. Yuck, I hope you feel better soon. Maybe because you took so many days off? I know the day after a day off (my first run back), sometimes it takes me a little longer to get going? That's why I've tried to stop taking the day before a race off and I do a shakeout run instead now...

    1. That could be it. Besides being injured, I rarely take 4 days off in a row. That's kind of a lot! I normally take 3 days off before a race.

  2. It can be so hard to run after a few days off. Now I am used to that feeling, but when I am running regularly and take any more than 2 days off I feel really weird when I come back. Sometimes I feel ok by the end of the run, other times the whole run doesnt go well. Hopefully your next run is better!

    1. Thanks Lisa! Yeah it may just be that I am not used to that much time off. I think I will try again today.

  3. Ugh! I hate runs like that. I did some track work yesterday and it was also pretty craptastic, but I choked it up to recovering from the weekend. I'm about to go out and do 10 miles, and I'm hoping that's not too terrible. I hope your run today goes better.

    1. Your track was definitely affected by your awesome 5k and half performance! Count that as your track workout. :) I hope your 10 miles today feels great!

  4. I hadn't ran at all this week cus we've been on vacation and then I did a lousy 3 miles on Friday and it completely sucked. My left calf was tight again and it was much hotter than I thought it would be. Here's to a brand new week and better runs for us all!

    1. Yes! New week, and new fresh runs! Welcome back from vaycay! Hope it was great.

  5. I'm sure it's because you are just burned out. Take it easy!

  6. I often will go 3 days without running due to swimming and cycling. In fact, I ran Thursday and w/ Friday swim, Saturday cycle and Sunday rest it will be 3 days by Monday. The longest (non injury) break I took from running was 9 days when we traveled to Panama. It is never the break that I mind it's the coming back and how it can be uncomfortable. I hope if you run today it is wonderful.

    1. Wow 9 days is a lot, but obviously there are some trips that are just way more important than getting a run in. We are going to the beach soon and I might not run there. I am one of the weirdos that doesn't really like running at the beach. It is always so hot and crowded.

  7. I got slower after marathon training, but I wasn't following a plan that was supposed to make me faster. I guess it's normal to get slower before taper, right? And then suddenly the speed finds you again!

    I don't know, I love distance, but it's nice to run shorter distances and not feel like you're slogging through it.

    1. I have no clue what is normal anymore. Hansons messed with my head. :(
